

吴永平, 陈波, 赵利军, 编著







Unit 1 Generality of Construction Machinery 工程机械概述

1.1 Basic Concept 基本概念

Fig.1.1 Application fields of the construction machinery工程机械应用领域

1.2 Application应用

Fig.1.2 Application of construction machinery工程机械的应用

1.3 Classification 分类

Fig.1.3 Earthmoving machinery 铲土运输机械

Fig.1.4 Rock machinery 石方机械

Fig.1.5 Compactors 压实机械

Fig.1.6 Pavement machinery 路面机械

Fig.1.7 Hoisting machinery 起重机械

Fig.1.8 Pile driving machinery 桩工机械

Fig.1.9 Bridge and tunnel machinery 桥梁和隧道机械

Fig.1.10 Pavement maintenance machinery 路面养护机械

Fig.1.11 Concrete machinery 混凝土机械

1.4 Components of Construction Machinery 工程机械组成

Fig.1.12 Basic components of self-propelled construction machinery自行工程机械基本组成

Fig.1.13 Basic components of wheeled chassis 轮式底盘基本组成

Fig.1.14 Basic components of tracked chassis 履带底盘基本组成

Unit 2 Engine 发动机

9 2.1 General 概述

Fig.2.1 Gasoline engine 汽油机

Fig.2.2 Diesel engine 柴油机

2.2 Crank Connecting Rod Mechanism 曲柄连杆机构

Fig.2.3 Cylinder liner(Cylinder sleeve)汽缸套

Fig.2.4 Oil pan 油底壳

Fig.2.5 Piston(1)活塞(1)

Fig.2.6 Piston(2)活塞(2)

Fig.2.7 Piston ring technical terms 活塞环专门术语

Fig.2.8 Piston ring活塞环形式

Fig.2.9 Connecting rod 连杆

Fig.2.10 Crankshaft and flywheel 曲轴和飞轮

Fig.2.11 Crankshaft 曲轴

Fig.2.12 Built-up crankshaft 组合式曲轴

2.3 Valve Mechanism 配气机构

Fig.2.13 Single overhead camshaft 单顶置凸轮轴

Fig.2.14 Underneath camshaft overhead valve 下置凸轮轴顶置式气门

Fig.2.15 Valve 气门

Fig.2.16 Rocker-arm mounting structure 摇臂支架结构

2.4 Fuel System供油系统

Fig.2.17 Fuel system principle燃油供给系统原理

Fig.2.18 Hole type nozzle孔式喷嘴

Fig.2.19 Pintle type nozzle轴针式喷嘴

Fig.2.20 Jerk fuel injection pump柱塞式喷油泵

Fig.2.21 Delivery valve出油阀

Fig.2.22 Distributor-type injection pump分配式喷油泵

Fig.2.23 Fuel control mechanism油量调节机构

Fig.2.24 RQ and RSV types governor RQ和RSV型调速器

Fig.2.25 RAD minimum-maximum-speed governor RAD型两极式调速器

Fig.2.26 Mechanical add-on equipments of governor(1)调速器机械式附加装置(1)

Fig.2.27 Mechanical add-on equipments of governor(2)调速器机械式附加装置(2)

Fig.2.28 Diesel electronic control system柴油机电子控制系统

Fig.2.29 Electronically controlled unit-injector injection system 电子控制泵-喷嘴喷射系统

Fig.2.30 Electronically controlled unit injector common-rail injection system电子控制式泵-喷嘴共轨喷射系统

Fig.2.31 Common-rail(fuel)injection system(accumulator concept)共轨燃油喷射系统(蓄压气原理)

Fig.2.32 Injector for common rail injection system 共轨燃油喷射系统喷油器

Fig.2.33 Gasoline engine fuel system汽油机供油系统

Fig.2.34 Schematic for a carburetor fuel system化油器式供给系统简图

Fig.2.35 Air cleaner纸质空气滤清器(空气滤清器)

Fig.2.36 Fuel system-gasoline injection 汽油喷射式燃油系统

Fig.2.37 Injector喷油器

Fig.2.38 Fuel pressure regulator燃油压力调节器

2.5 Spark-Ignition System火花塞点火系统

Fig.2.39 Classical(conventional)ignition system传统线圈点火系统

Fig.2.40 Ignition coil点火线圈

Fig.2.41 Spark(ing)plug火花塞

Fig.2.42 Battery(accumulator)蓄电池

2.6 Cooling System冷却系统

Fig.2.43 Liquid cooling system水冷系统

Fig.2.44 Radiator散热器

Fig.2.45 Cooling fan风扇

Fig.2.46 Coolant pump 水泵

Fig.2.47 Viscous fan coupling(clutch)黏液风扇离合器

2.7 Lubrication System润滑系统

Fig.2.48 Fundamental principle基本原理

Fig.2.49 Oil pump机油泵

Fig.2.50 Full-flow(oil)filter全流式(机油)滤清器

2.8 Starting System启动系统

Fig.2.51 Gasoline starting engine汽油启动机

Fig.2.52 Starting switch启动开关

Fig.2.53 Starter启动机

Fig.2.54 Alternator交流发电机

Fig.2.55 Heater plug电热塞

Fig.2.56 Roller-type overruning clutch滚柱式单向离合器

Fig.2.57 Multi-disc overruning clutch摩擦片式单向离合器

2.9 New Technology of Diesels柴油机新技术

Fig.2.58 Diesels emissions reduction柴油机排放的降低

Fig.2.59 Building block technologies组件技术

Fig.2.60 Next generation fuel system下一代供油系统

Fig.2.61 Air management and Cat NOx reduction system进气控制与卡特氮氧化物减排系统

Fig.2.62 Aftertreatment technologies后处理技术

Fig.2.63 The CGI(Clean Gas Induction)process through the DPF通过DPF的CGI(净气吸入)过程

Fig.2.64 ACERT technology systems ACERT技术系统

Fig.2.65 Performance curves of C13 ACERTTM industrial engineC13 ACERTTM型工业发动机特性曲线

Fig.2.66 Overall structure of Cat C27 engine卡特C27型发动机总体结构

Fig.2.67 ADEMTM A4 engine controller ADEMTM A4型发动机控制器

Fig.2.68 ATAAC and Airflow空对空二次冷却与进气流

Fig.2.69 Next Generation Modular Radiator(NGMR)新一代模块化散热器

Unit 3 Power Train System传动系统

.1 General 概述

3.2 Mechanical Transmission System机械传动系统

Fig.3.1 Mechanical transmission system 机械传动系统

Fig.3.2 Main clutch 主离合器

Fig.3.3 Clutch driven plate 离合器从动盘

Fig.3.4 Clutch operation 离合器操纵机构

Fig.3.5 Clutch rod-operated mechanism离合器杠杆操纵机构

Fig.3.6 Transmission case变速箱

Fig.3.7 Self-locking and interlocking device自锁和互锁装置

Fig.3.8 Gearshift mechanism 换挡机构

Fig.3.9 Drive shaft structure and types传动轴结构和类型

Fig.3.10 Drive axle assembly驱动桥总成

Fig.3.11 Main drive主传动

Fig.3.12 Track drive and steering clutch履带驱动与转向离合器

3.3 Hydromechanical Transmission System液力机械传动系统

Fig.3.13 Hydromechanical transmission system液力机械传动系统

Fig.3.14 Torque converter变矩器

Fig.3.15 Power shifting transmission case动力换挡变速箱

Fig.3.16 Automatic transmission自动换挡变速箱

3.4 Hydraulic Transmission System(Track Paver) 液压传动系统(履带摊铺机)

Fig.3.17 Hydraulic transmission system(track paver)液压传动系统(履带摊铺机)

Unit 4 Steering System转向系统

4.1 General 概述

4.2 Wheeled Steering System轮式转向系统

Fig.4.1 Steering types转向类型

Fig.4.2 Steering linkage (mechanism)转向传动机构

Fig.4.3 Steering axle转向桥

Fig.4.4 Steering gear转向器

Fig.4.5 Articulated steering system铰接式转向系统

Fig.4.6 Hydraulic steering system液压转向系统

4.3 Crawler Steering Mechanism履带车辆转向机构

Fig.4.7 Crawler steering axle履带车辆转向桥

Fig.4.8 Double action steering clutch双作用转向离合器

Unit 5 Running Gear 行驶系136 5.1 Overview 概述

5.2 Wheeled Running Gear 轮式行驶系

Fig.5.1 Wheeled running mechanism 轮式行走机构

Fig.5.2 Tire(tyre)type 轮胎类型

Fig.5.3 Tire tread 胎面

Fig.5.4 Rim 轮辋

Fig.5.5 Tire valve 气门嘴

5.3 Crawler Unit 履带行走装置

Fig.5.6 Crawler 履带式车辆

Fig.5.7 TY220 crawler dozer frame TY220 推土机机架

Fig.5.8 SD7 crawler dozer frame SD7推土机机架

Fig.5.9 Track assembly 履带总成

Fig.5.10 Track roller 履带支重轮

Fig.5.11 Carrier roller 托链轮

Fig.5.12 Track idler 引导轮

Fig.5.13 Tension device 张紧装置

Fig.5.14 Track frame 台车架

5.4 Suspension 悬架

Fig.5.15 Suspension spring element 悬架弹性元件

Fig.5.16 Leaf spring suspension 板簧式悬架

Fig.5.17 Hydraulic compensating axle suspension 液压平衡悬架

Fig.5.18 Tractor suspension 拖拉机悬架

Fig.5.19 Semi-rigid suspension半刚性悬架

Fig.5.20 Rigid suspension(swing axle) 刚性悬架(摆动桥)

Fig.5.21 Telescopic shock absorber 筒式减振器

Unit 6 Braking System 制动系统

6.1 General 概述

6.2 Types of Brake制动器类型

Fig.6.1 Types of brake 制动器类型

Fig.6.2 Cam brake 凸轮张开式制动器

Fig.6.3 Oil pressure brake 油压张开式制动器

Fig.6.4 Drum brake structural components 鼓式制动器结构零件

Fig.6.5 Caliper disk brake 钳盘式制动器

Fig.6.6 Automatic clearance compensator 自动间隙补偿装置

Fig.6.7 Structural components 结构零件

Fig.6.8 Dry-type complete disc brake 干式全盘式制动器

Fig.6.9 Band brake(1) 带式制动器(1)

Fig.6.10 Band brake(2)带式制动器(2)

Fig.6.11 Parking brake 驻车制动器

6.3 Basic Components of Braking System制动系统基本组成

Fig.6.12 Basic components of braking system制动系统基本组成

6.4 Braking Control System 制动操纵系统

Fig.6.13 Manpower brake system 人力制动系统

Fig.6.14 Typical air brake system 典型气制动系统

Fig.6.15 Double pipeline air boost brake system 双管路空气增压制动系统

Fig.6.16 Electronic brake system(EBS) 电子制动系统

6.5 Antilock Brake System (ABS)防抱死制动系统

Fig.6.17 Antilock brake system (ABS) 防抱死制动系统

Unit 7 Hydraulic Excavators液压挖掘机

7.1 Overview概述

Fig.7.1 Applications of excavator挖掘机的应用

Fig.7.2 Types of excavator挖掘机的类型

7.2 Components and Features组成与特点

Fig.7.3 Overall structure总体结构

Fig.7.4 Diesel engine and hydraulic system柴油机及液压系统

Fig.7.5 Undercarriage行走支承机构

Fig.7.6 Work equipment assembly工作装置总成

Fig.7.7 General purpose bucket通用铲斗

Fig.7.8 Steering and operating system转向操纵系统

Fig.7.9 General arrangement of large type excavator大型挖掘机总体布置

Fig.7.10 Typical hydraulic system典型液压系统

Fig.7.11 APC system自动功率控制系统

Fig.7.12 Dimensions尺寸规格

Fig.7.13 Working ranges工作范围

Fig.7.14 Small excavator features小型挖掘机特点

7.3 Working Attachments工作附件

Fig.7.15 Working attachments工作附件

7.4 New Technology of Hydraulic Excavator液压挖掘机新技术

Fig.7.16 Common rail type fuel injection system共轨型燃油喷射系统

Fig.7.17 Cooled EGR system冷却废气再循环系统

Fig.7.18 Enhanced boom recirculation system 加速型动臂再循环系统

Fig.7.19 Boom mode selector动臂工作模式选择

Fig.7.20 ON comfortable mode 舒适工作模式

Fig.7.21 OFF powerful mode 重型工作模式

Fig.7.22 Combined operation of boom and arm动臂与杆臂的组合作业

Fig.7.23 Strengthened general-purpose bucket增强型通用铲斗

Fig.7.24 Strengthened H-bucket for heavy-duty H形重型强化铲斗

Fig.7.25 Ample foot space 宽敞的足下空间

Fig.7.26 Comfort-designed operator seat设计舒适的驾驶员座椅

Fig.7.27 Monitor监视器

Fig.7.28 Rear view camera 后视摄像头

Fig.7.29 Arrangement of engine发动机的布置

Fig.7.30 Dual main fuel filters provided standard 标准化双主燃油滤清器

Fig.7.31 Easy draining 排油方便

Fig.7.32 New Pilot Control shut-off lever新型驾驶操纵锁定杆

Fig.7.33 Hybrid system混合动力系统

Unit 8 Loaders 装载机

8.1 Overview 概述

Fig.8.1 Applications of loader 装载机的应用

Fig.8.2 Types of loader 装载机的类型

8.2 Components and Features 组成与特点

Fig.8.3 Basic components 基本部件

Fig.8.4 Hydromechanical transmission system 液力机械传动系统

Fig.8.5 Transmission system arrangement 传动系统布置

Fig.8.6 Torque converter 液力变矩器

Fig.8.7 Performance characteristic 工作特性

Fig.8.8 Hydro-mechanical series drive 液压机械组合传动

Fig.8.9 Hystat power train system 静液传动系统

Fig.8.10 Operator station of track loader 履带式装载机驾驶员操作台

Fig.8.11 Wheel loader 轮式装载机

Fig.8.12 Track-type loader 履带式装载机

8.3 Working Attachments 工作附件

Fig.8.13 Bucket types 铲斗类型

Fig.8.14 Working attachments of skid-steer loader 滑移装载机工作附件

8.4 New Technology of Wheel Loader 轮式装载机新技术

Fig.8.15 Digging operations 铲装作业

Fig.8.16 Lifting operations 提升作业

Fig.8.17 Komatsu components 小松部件

Fig.8.18 Flat face-to-face O-ring seals 扁平面对面O形圈密封

Fig.8.19 Cylinder buffer rings 液压缸缓冲密封圈

Fig.8.20 Wet multi-disc brakes and fully hydraulic brakingsystem 湿式多片制动器与全液压制动系统

Fig.8.21 High-rigidity frames 大刚度车架

Fig.8.22 Hybrid wheel loader混合动力轮式装载机

Unit 9 Motor Graders 自行式平地机

9.1 Overview 概述

Fig.9.1 Applications of grader 平地机的应用

Fig.9.2 Types of grader 平地机的类型

9.2 Components and Features 组成与特点

Fig.9.3 Overall structure 总体结构

Fig.9.4 Power train 传动装置

Fig.9.5 Operation mechanism 工作机构

Fig.9.6 Typical drive line system 典型传动系统

Fig.9.7 Typical hydraulic control system 典型液压控制系统

Fig.9.8 Dimensions 尺寸规格

Fig.9.9 Blade operating space 铲刀工作范围

Fig.9.10 Activity types 作业类型

Fig.9.11 Laser grade control system 激光找平系统

Fig.9.12 Transmission 变速箱

Fig.9.13 Powertrain 传动系

Fig.9.14 Hydraulic system 液压系统

Fig.9.15 Duramide bearings 嵌入耐磨支承垫

Fig.9.16 Circle 回转圈

Fig.9.17 Front frame 前机架

Fig.9.18 Drive circle 驱动回转圈

Fig.9.19 Moveable blade control system 可移动铲刀控制系统

Fig.9.20 Articulation 铰接连接

Fig.9.21 Front axle mobility 前桥机动性

Fig.9.22 Brakes 制动装置

Fig.9.23 Controls 操作控制装置

Fig.9.24 Smart shifter 灵巧变速器

9.3 Working Attachments工作附件

Fig.9.25 Working attachments工作附件

9.4 New Technology of Motor Grader平地机新技术

Fig.9.26 Power train 传动系

Fig.9.27 Front axle 前桥

Fig.9.28 Hydraulic brakes 液压制动器

Fig.9.29 Top-adjust drawbar wear strips 顶部调节牵引架耐磨垫

Fig.9.30 Shimless moldboard retention system 无垫片铲刀板外伸系统

Fig.9.31 Cat comfort series seat 卡特舒适型系列驾驶座椅

Fig.9.32 Left joystick functions 左操纵杆功能

Fig.9.33 Right joystick functions 右操纵杆功能

Fig.9.34 Visibility 驾驶视野

Unit 10 Bulldozer 推土机

10.1 Overview 概述

Fig.10.1 Applications of bulldozer 推土机的应用

Fig.10.2 Types of bulldozer 推土机类型

10.2 Components and Features 组成与特点

Fig.10.3 Overall structure 总体结构

Fig.10.4 Hydrodynamic drive 液力传动装置

Fig.10.5 Typical hydrodynamic drive system 典型液力传动系统

Fig.10.6 Typical hydraulic control system 典型液压控制系统

Fig.10.7 Hydrostatic drive dozer 静液传动推土机

Fig.10.8 Wheel dozer power train 轮式推土机传动装置

Fig.10.9 Electronic control system 电控系统

Fig.10.10 Operator station 驾驶员操作台

Fig.10.11 Monitoring system 监控系统

Fig.10.12 Dimensions 尺寸规格

Fig.10.13 Fundamental operation 基本作业

10.3 Principal Assembly and Attachments 主要总成与附件

Fig.10.14 Principal assembly and attachments 主要总成与附件

10.4 New Technology of Crawler Dozer 履带推土机新技术

Fig.10.15 Controllers automatical adjustment 控制器自动调节

Fig.10.16 Dozing and turning 推土与转弯作业

Fig.10.17 Dozing downhill 下坡推土作业

Fig.10.18 Preset travel speed selection function行驶速度预置选择功能

Fig.10.19 Automatic torque converter lockup system 液力变矩器自动闭锁系统

Fig.10.20 K-bogie undercarriage system K形台车架行走系统

Fig.10.21 Track shoe slip control system履带板滑移控制系统

Fig.10.22 Rippers 松土器

Fig.10.23 Hexagonal pressurized cab 六边形压力密封驾驶室

Fig.10.24 New cab damper mounting 新型减振安装形式

Fig.10.25 Monitor with self-diagnostic function具有自诊断功能的监视器

Fig.10.26 Track link with wedge ring 楔形环履带链

Fig.10.27 VHMS (Vehicle Health Monitoring System)车辆正常工作状况监视系统

Fig.10.28 Electric drive system电传动系统

Unit 11 Asphalt Paver沥青摊铺机

11.1 Overview概述

Fig.11.1 Application of asphalt pavers沥青摊铺机的应用

Fig.11.2 Types of asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机的类型

11.2 Components and Features组成与特点

Fig.11.3 Basic components基本部件

Fig.11.4 Mechanical transmission system 机械式传动系统

Fig.11.5 Hydraulic-mechanical transmission system液压机械式传动系统

Fig.11.6 Hydraulic transmission system(wheel paver)液压传动系统(轮式摊铺机)

Fig.11.7 Hydraulic transmission system(track paver)液压传动系统(履带摊铺机)

Fig.11.8 Control panel操纵控制台

Fig.11.9 Tracked pavers履带式摊铺机

Fig.11.10 Wheeled pavers轮胎式摊铺机

11.3 Working Equipment and Attachments工作装置与附件

Fig.11.11 Tamper configuration of screed unit熨平板振捣配置

Fig.11.12 Components of mechanical extension screed机械加宽式熨平板组成

Fig.11.13 Extensions加宽段

Fig.11.14 Components of hydraulic extension screed液压伸缩式熨平板组成

Fig.11.15 The different extensions with the bolts不同尺寸的加宽段熨平板

Fig.11.16 Components of auto leveling device自动找平装置的组成

Fig.11.17 Types of auto leveling device自动找平装置的类型

11.4 New Technology of Key Components关键部件新技术

Fig.11.18 High ambient temperature cooling system高温环境下的冷却系统

Fig.11.19 Dual operator stations双操作台

Fig.11.20 Mobil-trac undercarriage移动式履带行走机构

Fig.11.21 Steel track undercarriage钢履带行走机构

Fig.11.22 Hydrostatic drive system液压驱动系统

Fig.11.23 Exclusive material delivery system独特的材料传输系统

Fig.11.24 Gateless feeders无门送料器

Fig.11.25 Feeder送料器

Fig.11.26 Auger assembly螺旋器组件

11.5 Transfer-paving Technology转运-摊铺技术

Fig.11.27 Conventional paving technique常规摊铺工艺

Fig.11.28 Transfer-paving technique转运-摊铺工艺

Fig.11.29 Material transfer vehicle allows offset paving转运车的错位摊铺

Fig.11.30 Material transfer vehicle转运车

11.6 Dual layer Asphalt Paving (“hot on hot” Paving)Technology双层摊铺技术

Fig.11.31 Different asphalt pavement structure 不同的沥青路面结构

Fig.11.32 Interlocking of the courses料层间的咬合作用

Fig.11.33 Paving with one specially constructed paver专用单机摊铺

Fig.11.34 Inline paving with two pavers双机顺序摊铺

Fig.11.35 Mobile feeder移动供料车

Fig.11.36 “Hot on hot” paver双层摊铺机

Fig.11.37 Paver for binder course黏结层摊铺机

Unit 12 Rollers压路机

12.1 Overview概述

Fig.12.1 Application of rollers压路机的应用

Fig.12.2 Types of roller压路机的类型

12.2 Components and Features 组成与特点

Fig.12.3 Basic components of single drum vibratory roller单钢轮振动压路机基本部件

Fig.12.4 Basic components of tandem vibratory roller双钢轮振动压路机基本部件

Fig.12.5 Mechanical transmission system 机械式传动系统

Fig.12.6 Hydraulic transmission system(one-wheel drive)液压式传动系统(单轮驱动)

Fig.12.7 Hydraulic transmission system(all-wheel drive)液压式传动系统(全轮驱动)

Fig.12.8 Hydraulic traveling system 行走液压系统

Fig.12.9 Hydraulic vibration system 振动液压系统

Fig.12.10 Hydraulic steering system 转向液压系统

Fig.12.11 Rigid frame刚性(整体式)车架

Fig.12.12 Articulated frame铰接式车架

Fig.12.13 Integral-pin articulated frame整体铰销式铰接车架

Fig.12.14 Two-pins articulated frame 双铰销式铰接架

Fig.12.15 Gross-pins articulated frame 十字轴式链接车架

Fig.12.16 Smooth drum光轮

Fig.12.17 Padfoot drum凸块钢轮

Fig.12.18 None drive mode非驱动型

Fig.12.19 Drive mode驱动型

Fig.12.20 Dual amplitude mechanism of reversible eccentric weight逆转偏心块式双幅机构

Fig.12.21 Dual amplitude mechanism of reversible steel shot 逆转流球式双幅机构

Fig.12.22 Five amplitude vibratory system 5振幅振动系统

Fig.12.23 Edge pressing assembly压边装置

Fig.12.24 Edge cutting assembly 切边装置

Fig.12.25 Padfoot segments凸块轮壳

Fig.12.26 Control panel 操纵控制台

Fig.12.27 Water spray system 喷水系统

Fig.12.28 Single drum vibratory rollers 单钢轮振动压路机

Fig.12.29 Tandem vibratory rollers 双钢轮振动压路机

12.3 Automatic Amplitude Vibration System自动调幅振动系统

Fig.12.30 Tandem vibratory rollers串联式振动压路机

Fig.12.31 Automatic amplitude vibration drum自动调幅振动钢轮

12.4 Oscillation Compaction Technology 振荡压实技术

Fig.12.32 The principle of oscillation compaction振荡压实原理

Fig.12.33 The compaction level 压实效果

Fig.12.34 Components of oscillation roller 振荡轮结构

12.5 Rubber Wheels Compaction Technology轮胎压实技术

Fig.12.35 Rubber wheeled rollers (Pneumatic tyred roller) 轮胎压路机

Fig.12.36 Impact of the tyre pressure on the compaction effect轮胎气压对压实效果的影响

Fig.12.37 Tracks overlap轮迹重叠

12.6 High Frequency Vibratory Compaction Technology高频振动压实技术

Fig.12.38 Soil compaction and asphalt compaction土壤压实和沥青压实

Fig.12.39 Relation between frequency and amplitude频率与振幅的关系

Fig.12.40 Frequency with impact spacing 频率与冲击间隔

12.7 Polygonal Drum Compaction Technology多边形压实技术

Fig.12.41 Polygonal drum compaction 多边形压实

Fig.12.42 Direction of forces with round and polygonal drums圆形钢轮和多边形钢轮的作用力方向

Fig.12.43 Compaction effect of the polygonal drum多边形钢轮的压实效果

Unit 13 Asphalt Mixing Plant沥青混合料搅拌设备

13.1 Overview概述

Fig.13.1 Types of asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料搅拌设备的类型

Fig.13.2 Productive processes of batch forced mixing plant 间歇强制式搅拌设备的生产工艺

Fig.13.3 Productive processes of continuous drum mixing plant 连续滚筒式搅拌设备的生产工艺

13.2 Components and Features 组成与特点

Fig.13.4 Basic components of batch forced mixing plant间歇强制式搅拌设备基本部件

Fig.13.5 Basic components of continuous drum mixing plant连续滚筒式搅拌设备基本部件

Fig.13.6 Reciprocating feeder 往复式给料器

Fig.13.7 Electromagnetic vibrating feeder 电磁振动式给料器

Fig.13.8 Belt feeder 带式给料器

Fig.13.9 Slat feeder 板式给料器

Fig.13.10 Forced batch mixing plant 强制间歇式搅拌设备

Fig.13.11 Continuous drum mixing plant 连续滚筒式搅拌设备

Fig.13.12 Screening drum technology 筛网烘干筒技术

Fig.13.13 Driving type of drum 干燥滚筒驱动形式

Fig.13.14 Burner 燃烧器

Fig.13.15 Hot aggregate elevator 热骨料提升机

Fig.13.16 Circular vibrating screen圆振动筛

Fig.13.17 Linear vibrating screen直线振动筛

Fig.13.18 Hot aggregate bins 热骨料储仓

Fig.13.19 Filler storage and conveying device 粉料储存和输送装置

Fig.13.20 Weigh system of batch forced mixing plant间歇强制式搅拌设备称量系统

Fig.13.21 Positive displacement asphalt weigh system容积式沥青称量装置

Fig.13.22 Gravity asphalt weigh system重力式沥青称量装置

Fig.13.23 Low speed side synchronous mixer低速端同步式搅拌器

Fig.13.24 High speed side synchronous mixer高速端同步式搅拌器

Fig.13.25 Underneath mixed material storage silo底置式成品料储仓

Fig.13.26 Offset mixed material storage silo旁置式成品料储仓

Fig.13.27 Mixed material storage silo成品料储仓

Fig.13.28 Cyclone dust filter 旋风式除尘器

Fig.13.29 Venturi scrubbing dust filter 文丘里除尘器

Fig.13.30 Bag dust filter 袋式除尘器

13.3 Standard Equipment Specifications标准装置规格类型与性能参数

13.4 Double Barrel Dryer/drum Mixer Technology 双滚筒拌和技术

Fig.13.31 Three different types of flights 三种不同类型的叶片

Fig.13.32 Basic structure 基本结构

Unit 14 Highway Maintenance Machinery公路养护机械

14.1 Asphalt Distributor沥青洒布车

Fig.14.1 Application of highway maintenance machinery公路养护机械的应用

Fig.14.2 Components of highway maintenance machinery公路养护机械的组成

Fig.14.3 Asphalt storage tank 沥青箱

Fig.14.4 Heating system 加热系统

Fig.14.5 Fuel tank 燃料箱

Fig.14.6 Circulating and distributing system 循环、洒布系统

Fig.14.7 Operating mechanism 操纵机构

Fig.14.8 Asphalt pump 沥青泵

14.2 Slurry Seal Machine稀浆封层车

Fig.14.9 Slurry seal machine 稀浆封层车

Fig.14.10 Components of slurry seal machine 稀浆封层车的组成

Fig.14.11 Mixing system 拌和系统

Fig.14.12 Spreader box 摊铺箱

14.3 Pavement Recyclers道路再生机

Fig.14.13 Hot-in-place recycling train 就地热再生机组

Fig.14.14 Concentrated combustion preheater 集中燃烧式预加热机

Fig.14.15 Decentralized combustion preheater 分散燃烧式预加热机

Fig.14.16 Preheater/Miller 预加热机/铣刨机

Fig.14.17 Postheater/Dryer/Mixer 后加热机/烘干机/搅拌机

Fig.14.18 Heating system 加热系统

Fig.14.19 Hot-in-place remixer 就地热再生重铺机

Fig.14.20 Operating principle of hot-in-place remixer就地热再生重铺机的工作原理

Fig.14.21 Components of hot-in-place remixer就地热再生重铺机的组成

Fig.14.22 Cold-in-place recycler 就地冷再生机

Fig.14.23 Components of cold-in-place recycler就地冷再生机的组成

Fig.14.24 Components of the milling drum 铣刨转子的组成

Fig.14.25 Components of the twin-shaft mixer双轴搅拌器的组成

Fig.14.26 Operating principle 工作原理

Fig.14.27 Basic operation process 基本作业过程

Fig.14.28 Stabilizer/Recycler 稳拌/再生机

Fig.14.29 Components of stabilizer/recycler 稳拌/再生机的组成

Fig.14.30 Application of stabilizing soils 稳定土壤功用

Fig.14.31 Application of cold recycling 冷再生功用

Fig.14.32 Micro-processor control for the injection systems喷洒系统微机控制

Fig.14.33 Basic operation process 基本作业过程

14.4 Pothole Patcher坑槽修补车

Fig.14.34 Combined maintenance truck 综合养护车

Fig.14.35 Components of combined maintenance truck综合养护车的组成

Fig.14.36 Spray patching road maintenance vehicle喷射式道路修补车

Fig.14.37 Trailer-mounted pothole patcher 拖挂喷射式坑槽修补机

Fig.14.38 Working procedure 作业工序

Unit 15 Concrete Slipform Pavers水泥滑模摊铺机

15.1 Overview概述

Fig.15.1 Application of concrete slipform pavers水泥滑模摊铺机的应用

Fig.15.2 Types of slipform pavers滑模摊铺机的类型

15.2 Components and Features组成与特点

Fig.15.3 Overall structure总体结构

Fig.15.4 Features of the machine整机特点

Fig.15.5 Designed with extra strength超高强度设计

Fig.15.6 Vibrators and auger振动器和螺旋布料器

Fig.15.7 Transport运输

Fig.15.8 G21 Operating system G21操作系统

Fig.15.9 “Smart” cylinders“敏捷”油缸

Fig.15.10 Steer mode转向方式

Fig.15.11 360 Degree Counter-Rotation 360°反向回转

Fig.15.12 Features of Two-Track GP-2400 GP-2400型双履带滑模摊铺机特点

Fig.15.13 Features of Four-Track GP-2400四履带GP-2400滑模摊铺机特点

15.3 Main Components and Technology 主要部件与技术

Fig.15.14 Power transition adjuster (PTA)动力移动调节器

Fig.15.15 Stringline accessories标线附件

Fig.15.16 Sensor equipment传感装置

Fig.15.17 Features of paving system摊铺系统特点

Fig.15.18 Features of GOMACO Auto-Float高马克自动浮动整平机特点

15.4 Barrier Slipform Paver路沿石滑模摊铺机

Fig.15.19 Components and features of 4400 barrier paver 4400型路沿石滑模摊铺机组成与特点

Fig.15.20 Components of SP150 slipform paver SP150型路沿石滑模摊铺机组成

Fig.15.21 Components of mold模板组成

Unit 16 Mobile Crusher移动式碎石机

16.1 Overview概述

Fig.16.1 Application of mobile crusher移动式碎石机的应用

Fig.16.2 Types of mobile crushers移动碎石机的类型

16.2 Components and Features组成与特点

Fig.16.3 Overall structure of BR380JG-1 mobile crusher BR380JG-1型移动碎石机总体结构

Fig.16.4 New Komatsu jaw crusher小松新型颚式碎石机

Fig.16.5 High-speed, large-capacity conveyor belt高速大容量输送带

Fig.16.6 Fully automatic discharge setting adjustment system全自动出料设定调节系统

Fig.16.7 The first hydraulic crusher protection mechanism in theworld全球首个液压碎石机保护机构

Fig.16.8 High mobility高机动性

Fig.16.9 Opening in the crusher side(both sides of undercarriage)在碎石机一端开口(底盘两侧)

Fig.16.10 Sprinkler nozzle洒水喷嘴

Fig.16.11 Anti-slip plates防滑板

Fig.16.12 Main control panel主控制板

Fig.16.13 Multi-function monitor多功能监控器

Fig.16.14 Radio remote controller无线遥控器

16.3 Standard Equipment Specifications标准装置规格与性能参数

Fig.16.15 Dimensions尺寸规格

16.4 New Products and Features新产品及其特点

Fig.16.16 Terex Finlay J-1480 crusher特雷克斯J-1480型勇士碎石机

Fig.16.17 Terex Finlay I-130RS crusher特雷克斯I-130RS型勇士碎石机

Fig.16.18 Terex Finlay C-1550 crusher特雷克斯C-1550型勇士碎石机

Fig.16.19 Recycling crusher再生碎石机

Unit 17 Cranes起重机械

17.1 Overview概述

Fig.17.1 Application of cranes起重机的应用

Fig.17.2 Types of crane起重机类型

17.2 Truck-mounted Crane汽车起重机

Fig.17.3 Overall structure(NK-300VR)NK-300VR型起重机总体结构

Fig.17.4 Working cabin作业驾驶舱

Fig.17.5 Operating condition color display彩色工况显示器

Fig.17.6 Outrigger width支腿外伸宽度

Fig.17.7 Working range作业范围

Fig.17.8 Dimensions of KATO NK-300VR(mm)加藤NK-300VR型起重机尺寸规格(mm)

17.3 All Terrain Crane全路面起重机

Fig.17.9 Whole machine appearance整机外观

Fig.17.10 Comfortableness in control操作舒适性

Fig.17.11 Powerful动力强劲

Fig.17.12 Safety安全性

17.4 Crawler Crane履带式起重机

Fig.17.13 Overall structure总体结构

Fig.17.14 Multifunction attachment多功能附件

Fig.17.15 Power transmission mechanism and hydraulic system动力传动机构与液压系统

Fig.17.16 Tele crawler crane伸缩臂型履带式起重机

Unit 18 Off-Highway Trucks非公路用载重车

18.1 Overview概述

Fig.18.1 Application of off-highway trucks非公路用载重车的应用

Fig.18.2 Types of off-highway trucks非公路用载重车的类型

18.2 Components and Features组成与特点

Fig.18.3 Overall structure总体结构

Fig.18.4 Cat 3512C HD engine卡特3512HD型发动机

Fig.18.5 Power Train-Transmission动力传动与变速

Fig.18.6 Engine-Power Train integration发动机-传动装置集成系统

Fig.18.7 Automatic Retarder Control (ARC)自动减速控制器

Fig.18.8 Traction Control System (TCS)牵引力控制系统

Fig.18.9 Cat brake卡特制动器

Fig.18.10 Frame车架

Fig.18.11 Truck body systems卡车车身系统

Fig.18.12 Operators station驾驶员操作台

Fig.18.13 Information and monitoring system信息和监控系统

18.3 Specifications and Dimensions技术性能和尺寸规格

Fig.18.14 Travel performance行驶性能

Fig.18.15 Dimensions尺寸规格

18.4 New Technology of Off-Highway Truck非公路用载重车新技术

Fig.18.16 Auto Retard Speed Control (ARSC) 自动减速控制

Fig.18.17 Hydraulically controlled wet multiple-disc brakes液控湿式多片制动器

Fig.18.18 K-ATOMCS with "skip-shift" function具有“越级换挡”功能的小松先进变速箱最优调节控制系统

Fig.18.19 Hydropneumatic suspension for all terrains全路面液压气动悬架

Fig.18.20 PLM Ⅱ (Memory Card Type Payload Meter)PLM Ⅱ记忆卡型载重量记录仪

18.5 Articulated Dump Truck铰接式自卸车

Fig.18.21 Overall structure of articulated dump truck铰接式自卸车总体结构

Fig.18.22 Diesel engine柴油发动机

Fig.18.23 Volvo Transmission沃尔沃变速箱

Fig.18.24 Steering system转向系统

Fig.18.25 Brakes制动器

Fig.18.26 Hydraulic system液压系统

Fig.18.27 Hydraulic transmission retarder液压传动减速器

Fig.18.28 Exhaust retarder排气减速器

Fig.18.29 Front suspension前悬架

Fig.18.30 Bogie beam suspension转轴梁悬架

Fig.18.31 Volvo dropbox沃尔沃低位输出分动箱

Fig.18.32 Hitch牵引悬挂机构

Fig.18.33 Volvo axles沃尔沃车桥

Fig.18.34 Frame车架

Fig.18.35 Body车身

Fig.18.36 Tilt cylinders翻斗油缸

Fig.18.37 Operator communication system驾驶员通信系统

Fig.18.38 Drive combinations驱动组合

Vocabulary Index词汇索引(英中对照)







尺寸21 × 14装帧平装


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