

李慧敏, 著







序言Preface第一章 童年——初到京都 Chapter 1 Childhood——First Arrived in Kyoto 1.妈妈背上的旅行 Travel on Mother's Back 2.战后的京都 The Kyoto after the War 3.不断搬迁,不断“游历” Constantly Moving Constantly Traveled 4.大家庭里的“孤独者” Loners in the Big Family 5.积木游戏中“小荷露尖” Emerge in the Blocks Game第二章 启蒙——书香世家 Chapter 2 Enlightenment——Scholarly Family 1.父亲——从云游四方到藏书万卷 Father——from Traveling to Collection Books 2.母亲——从前卫少女到温柔妈妈 Mother——from Avant-garde Girl to Gentle Mother 3.外公棒下识汉字 Followed by Severe Grandfather to Learn Chinese Characters 4.母亲的“心灵鸡汤” Mother's Minds and Hearts 5.父亲和“我不说”事件 Father and the Event of “I don't Say” 6.书屋里的美好时光 Goodtimes in the Bookstore第三章 入学——五彩世界 Chapter 3 Admission——Colorful World 1. “绿色宫殿”和大城门 The Green Palace and The City Gates 2.美纪子的粉红色耳垂 The Pink Earlobe of Miki 3.“玉米缨”老师的趣事儿 The Interesting of “Corn Tassel”Teacher 4.胸前系红绳的小班长 The Little Monitor Who Tied the Red String on Chest 5.认真的书法课旁读生 Serious Auditors on the Calligraphy Class 6.让人大开眼界的市井庙会 Bustling Temple Fair第四章 求学时代——懵懂少年 Chapter 4 School Era——Lgnorant Youth 1.群山之中的破败校舍 Dilapidated School Buildings Surround by Mountains 2.相伴七年的恩师 The Mentor who together for Seven Years 3.兔子和悲悯者 Rabbit and Compassion 4.游泳健将 A Good Swimmer 5.痴迷于几何学 Obsession with Geometry 6.投向文学社的童话 The Tale of Invest in the Literary Society 7.受益于老庄哲学 The Study of Chinese Philosophy 8.对进化论的疑惑 Fascinated with the Darwinism第五章 崭露头角——狂热的青春 Chapter 5 Emerge——Fanatical Youth 1.命运开了个“小差” A Turning Point of the Fate 2.要命的第一次推销 The First sell Selling Experience 3.狂热的暑期棒球赛 The Fanatical Summer Baseball 4.枯燥的地质学和父亲的期望 Boring Geology and His Father's Expectations 5.发誓不当数学家 Swear not to be a Mathematician 6.糟糕的制图课 Poor Aapping Class 7.物理课上崭露头角 Emerge on the Physics Class 8.错过爱因斯坦的演讲 Miss Einstein's Speech 9.感受新量子论的神秘气息 Feel the Mysterious Atmosphere of the New Quantum Theory第六章 跋涉——情定物理 Chapter 6 Trek——Love Physics 1.同在理学部的父子 The Father and Son in the Faculty of Science 2.定居塔之段的大家庭 Settled Family 3.从波动力学开始与新量子力学的亲密接触 Intimate contact with the New Quantum Mechanics 4.因“第三个障碍”与分光学失之交臂 Miss the Spectroscopy for “The Third Barrier” 5.玉城实验室的自由时光 The Freetime in the Tamaki Laboratory第七章 初婚——宁静安谧 Chapter 7 Wedding——Tranquil and Leisurely 1.留校生与孤独散步者 Staying Student and Lonely Walker 2.新量子论的两条路——向左走,向右走 Two Way of the New Quantum Theory——Left or Right 3.意外的第一次相亲 The First Blind Date which is Unexpected 4.入赘汤川院长家 Married into Dean Yukawa's Family 5.第一次登台授课 First Teaching 6.迁居大阪后的新婚生活 Married Life after moved to Osaka第八章 研究——拨云见日 Chapter 8 Research——Sudden Impact 1.兼职大阪大学 Part-time in Osaka University 2.参与原子核研究小组 Involved in Nuclear Research Group 3.失眠者与飞舞的神秘粒子 Insomnia and Mysterious Particle 4.将介子理论公布于众 The Meson is made Public第九章 中晚年——和平大使 Chapter 9 After the Middle-age——Ambassadors for Peace 1.受聘于哥伦比亚大学 Employed at Columbia University 2.诺奖得主和战后日本 Nobel Prize Winner and Post-war Japan 3.维护世界和平 Participate in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy to Battle 4.与病魔的抗争 Struggle with Illness附录 Appendix 汤川秀树生平 Yukawa Hideki's Life 获奖时代背景 Award-winning Background 汤川秀树年表 Chronology of Yukawa Hideki 获奖当年世界大事记 World Events in the Year of Award-winning


尺寸23 × 16装帧平装
页数印数 6000


汤川秀树传是时代文艺出版社于2012.8出版的中图分类号为 K833.136.11 的主题关于 汤川秀树(1907~1981)-传记 的书籍。