

林群, 黄中军, 主编







Unit 1 An Introduction to Interpretation

Unit 2 Ceremonial Address

Section 1 Background Knowledge

Section 2 Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3 Sight Interpreting

Section 4 Listening and Interpreting

Section 5 Note-taking Practice

Section 6 Interpreting Skills--Retelling

Section 7 Interpreting Practice

Section 8 Culture Notes

Unit3 Company Profile

Section 1 Background Knowledge

Section 2 Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3 Sight Interpreting

Section 4 Listening and Interpreting

Unit 1 An Introduction to Interpretation

Unit 2 Ceremonial Address

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Retelling

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit3  Company Profile

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Shadowing and Sight Interpreting

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 4 News Conference

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Note-taking

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 5 Public Relations

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Numbers(I)

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 6 Business Visit

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Numbers(II)

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 7 Business Interview

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Linear and Reverse Interpretation

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 8 Business Conference

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Diction

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 9 Business Negotiation

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Conversion of Parts of Speech

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 10 Advertising and Publicity

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Reconstruction of Sentences

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 11 Business Management

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-takino Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Tackling Long Sentences

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 12 Marketing

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Idioms

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 13 Business Investment

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Vague Expressions

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 14 Business Strategy

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--on Cultural Differences

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit 15 Comoany Pefformance

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Identification of Linguistic Styles

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes

Unit16 Transportation and Logistics

Section 1  Background Knowledge

Section 2  Interpreting Warm-up

Section 3  Sight Interpreting

Section 4  Listening and Interpreting

Section 5  Note-taking Practice

Section 6  Interpreting Skills--Dealing with Unexpected Situations

Section 7  Interpreting Practice

Section 8  Culture Notes





尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 4000


商务英语口译是清华大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H315.9 的主题关于 商务-英语-口译-高等学校-教材 的书籍。