

庄恩平, 主编







Part One Intercultural Awareness / 1

Unit 1 Language and Culture / 3

Learning Objectives / 4

Warm-up Discussion / 4

Core Reading 1

The Role of Language in Intercultural Business Communication / 4

Intercultural Notes / 8

Vocabulary in Context / 9

Intercultural Questions / 10

Expanding Vocabulary / 11

Speaking Interculturally /12

Core Reading 2

Language Mirrors Values / 13

Intercultural Notes / 15

Vocabulary in Context / 16

Questions for Discussion / 17

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 17

Developing Intercultural Skills / 18

Unit 2 Barriers to Intercultural Communication / 20

Learning Objectives / 21

Warm-up Discussion / 21

Core Reading 1

Barriers to Intercultural Communication / 21

Intercultural Notes / 25

Vocabulary in Context / 26

Intercultural Questions / 28

Expanding Vocabulary / 28

Increasing Intercultural Awareness/ 30

Core Reading 2

The Role of Intercultural Communication Barriers, Affective Responses , Conseusual Stereotypes, and Perceived Threat / 31

Intercultural Notes / 34

Vocabulary in Context / 34

Questions for Discussion / 35

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 36

Developing Intercultural Skills / 37

Unit 3 Nonverbal Communication / 39

Learning Objectives / 39

Warm-up Discussion / 40

Core Reading 1

Significance of Nonverbal Communication / 40

Intercultural Notes / 43

Vocabulary in Context / 44

Intercultural Questions / 45

Expanding Vocabulary / 45

Understanding the Most Popular Gestures / 46

Core Reading 2

Characteristics of Nonverbal Codes / 51

Intercultural Notes / 54

Vocabulary in Context / 55

Questions for Discussion / 55

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 55

Developing Intercultural Skills / 56

Part Two Communication Skills / 59

Unit 4 Different Communication Styles / 61

Learning Objectives / 62

Warm-up Discussion / 62

Core Reading 1

Verbal Communication: The Way People Speak / 62

Intercultural Notes / 67

Vocabulary in Context / 68

Intercultural Questions / 69

Expanding Vocabulary / 69

Developing Presentation Skills / 70

Core Reading 2

Communication Styles / 73

Intercultural Notes / 76

Vocabulary in Context / 77

Questions for Discussion / 77

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 78

Developing Intercultural Skills / 79

Unit 5 Presentation Skills in the Workplace / 80

Learning Objectives / 81

Warm-up Discussion / 81

Core Reading 1

Intercultural Competence in Business Presentations / 81

Intercultural Notes / 85

Vocabulary in Context / 87

Intercultural Questions / 88

Expanding Vocabulary / 89

Developing Job Interview Skills / 90

Core Reading 2

Intercultural Factors : When Making International

Presentations / 91

Intercultural Notes / 94

Vocabulary in Context / 95

Questions for Discussion / 95

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 96

Developing Intercultural Skills / 97

Unit 6 Time and Culture / 99

Learning Objectives / 100

Warm-up Discussion / 100

Core Reading 1

Time and Culture / 100

Intercultural Notes / 103

Vocabulary in Context / 104

Intercultural Questions / 104

Expanding Vocabulary / 105

Understanding the Concept of Time / 107

Core Reading 2

Time Orientation / 108

Intercultural Notes / 110

Vocabulary in Context / 110

Questions for Discussion / 110

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 111

Developing Intercultural Skills / 112

Part Three Cultural Differences / 113

Unit 7 Understanding Japanese Culture / 115

Learning Objectives / 116

Warm-up Discussion / 116

Core Reading 1

The Cultural Mold :Differences that Make a Difference / 116

Intercultural Notes / 119

Vocabulary in Context / 121

Intercultural Questions / 122

Expanding Vocabulary / 124

Understanding Japanese Communication Styles / 125

Core Reading 2

How Japanese and Americans View Each Others

Communication Habits / 126

Intercultural Notes / 129

Vocabulary in Context / 130

Questions for Discussion / 131

Checking Intercultural Knowledge / 132

Developing Intercultural Skills / 132

Unit 8 How American and German See Each Other / 134

Learning Objectives / 135


Part Four Intercultural and Business

Part Five Intercultural Competence

Suggested Answers


经济全球化增进了不同文化背景人们的交流和合作,也促进了企业向国际市场和新兴领域的拓展。然而,不同文化背景的企业经营者之间的文化冲突现象日益显著,合作双方在经营与管理时所产生的矛盾也日益增加,甚至导致了合作失败。研究表明,导致跨文化管理失败的主要原因在于文化差异。著名跨国文化差异研究专家戴维·A.利克斯对此作了如下结论:大凡跨国公司大的失败,几乎都是忽略文化差异所导致的结果。于是,管理学者试图从管理角度分析跨文化管理失败的原因;跨文化沟通学者也试图以跨文化视角探索产生文化冲突的根源。两种研究方法看似都有其道理,但实际上都难以解决企业所面临的实际问题。于是美国教授Iris Varner于2000年提出了Intercultural BusinessCommunication(跨文化商务沟通)的理论框架,她将商务、文化与沟通三者融为一体,旨在分析与解决在跨文化工作环境中的跨文化问题。
《跨文化商务沟通》一书就是根据以上需求,以Iris Varner教授跨文化商务沟通学科的理论框架,结合教学特点,以及作者多年来对跨文化商务沟通学科的研究、跨国公司咨询与培训的经验,精心设计编写而成的。因此,《跨文化商务沟通》具有以下特点:


尺寸26 × 18装帧平装


跨文化商务沟通是首都经济贸易大学出版社于2010.12出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 商务-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。