

李玉璞, 主编







Lesson One Music

PART A Getting Started:Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening:Music

Passage I American Music

Passage II Music in Different Cultures

Passage III Jazz

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening:The Path to Power

PART E Listening for Pleasure:Pop Songs-You'rc the Onc

Lesson Two Holidays

PART A Getting Started:Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening:Holidays

Passage I Holidays in Britain and the US

Passage II Welcoming the New Year

Passage III The Spring Festival

PART C Speaking。

PART D Extensive Listening:Hillary-A“Woman Wronged”?

PART E Listening for Pleasure:Pop Songs


Lesson Three Economy

PART A Getting Started:Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening:Economy-

Passage I Wbrid Trade Organization(WTO)

Passage II President Jiang Zemin Highlights“New Economy”in APEC Address

Passage III The American Economic System

PART C Speaking。

PART D Extensive Listening:Bush'S Victory Speech

PART E Listening for Pleasure:Pop Songs

Save Me

Lesson Four Education

PART A Getting Started:Short Conversations

PART B IntensiveListening: Education

Passage I Higher Education in the United States

Passage II Educationin Canada

Passage III Adult Education

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: A Commencement Address of'Harvard University

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

My Heart Will Go On

Lesson Five Ltfe on Campus

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening: Life on Campus

Passage I Housing Options in the United States

Passage II Living on Campus

Passage III Academic Levels and Credits

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Tips on Giving a Public Speech

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

Baby One More Time

Lesson Sis Animals

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B Intensive Listening: Animals

Passage I The Sound of Birds

Passage II Fun Facts about Giant Pandas

Passage III Hummingbirds

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Resignation ofRichard Nixon

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs

Oops! I Did It Again

Lesson Seven Health

PART A Getting Started: Short Conversations

PART B IntensiveListening: Healt

Passage I Art in Hospitals

Passage II Medicine in Britain and America

Passage III Smoking

PART C Speaking

PART D Extensive Listening: Two American States

PART E Listening for Pleasure: Pop Songs


Lesson Eight Youth

Lesson Nine Foods

Lesson Ten Introducing Foreign Universities

Lesson Eleven Customs

Lesson Twelve Sports

Lesson Thirteen Environmental Protection

Lesson Fourteen Entertainment

Lesson Fifteen Transportation




尺寸26 × 0装帧平装
页数 111 印数


听说(上册)教师用书是上海外语教育出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-听说教学-研究生-教学参考资料 的书籍。