《SATⅡ数学Level 2》除了针对SATⅡ数学的每种题型给出有针对性的备考策略外,还全面讲解了数学的考点与重点,书中9套与真题难度与形式相当的模拟测试题囊括550多道题目,几乎每道题目均附有答案与详细的解析,点拨答题思路与技巧,提高应试技能。另有SATⅡ数学经验丰富的教师为考生提供最专业的备考指导。
PART I: ABOUT THE SAT MATH LEVEL 2 TESTChapter 1: Test BasicsAbout the Math Level 2 TestWhen to Take the TestThe Level 1 vs. Level 2 TestScoringHow to Use This BookChapter 2: Calculator TipsOn the Day of the TestChapter 3: Diagnostic TestDiagnostic Test QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPART II: MATH REVIEW
PART I: ABOUT THE SAT MATH LEVEL 2 TESTChapter 1: Test BasicsAbout the Math Level 2 TestWhen to Take the TestThe Level 1 vs. Level 2 TestScoringHow to Use This BookChapter 2: Calculator TipsOn the Day of the TestChapter 3: Diagnostic TestDiagnostic Test QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPART II: MATH REVIEWChapter 4: AlgebraEvaluating ExpressionsFractionsPercentagesExponentsReal NumbersAbsolute ValueRadical ExpressionsPolynomialsQuadratic EquationsInequalitiesRational ExpressionsSystemsBinomial TheoremChapter 5: Solid GeometryVocabulary for PolyhedraReview of Area FormulasPrismsCylindersPyramidsConesSpheresVolume Ratio of Similar FiguresCoordinates in Three DimensionsChapter 6: Coordinate GeometryPlotting PointsMidpointDistanceSlopeSlope of Parallel and Perpendicular LinesEquations of LinesCirclesParabolasEllipsesHyperbolasGraphing InequalitiesGraphing Absolute ValueSymmetryTransformationsPolar CoordinatesChapter 7: TrigonometryRight Triangle TrigonometryRelationships Among Trigonometric RatiosSpecial Right TrianglesTrigonometric IdentitiesRadian MeasureLaw of CosinesLaw of SinesTrigonometric EquationsDouble Angle FormulasChapter 8: FunctionsFunction NotationFunctions vs. RelationsComposition of FunctionsDetermining the Maximum or MinimumThe Roots of a Quadratic FunctionInverse FunctionsRational FunctionsHigher-Degree Polynomial FunctionsExponential FunctionsLogarithmic FunctionsTrigonometric FunctionsInverse Trigonometric FunctionsPeriodic FunctionsPiecewise FunctionsRecursive FunctionsParametric FunctionsChapter 9: Data Analysis, Statistics, and ProbabilityMean, Median, ModeRangeInterquartile RangeStandard DeviationData InterpretationRegressionProbabilityChapter 10: Numbers and OperationsInvented Operations“In Terms of” ProblemsRatio and ProportionComplex NumbersCounting ProblemsNumber TheoryLogicMatricesSequencesSeriesVectorsLimitsPART III: EIGHT PRACTICE TESTSPractice Test 1Practice Test 1 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 2Practice Test 2 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 3Practice Test 3 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 4Practice Test 4 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 5Practice Test 5 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 6Practice Test 6 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 7Practice Test 7 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and WeaknessesPractice Test 8Practice Test 8 QuestionsAnswer KeyAnswers and SolutionsDiagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses
本书由新东方从美国麦格劳-希尔出版公司独家引进,是备考SAT Ⅱ数学Level 2的权威辅导教材。本书不仅全面涵盖了SATⅡ数学Level2的考点,而且提供11套(书中9套,光盘中2套)全真模拟试题供考生自测。此外,书中对所有题目的详细解析,便于考生认识自身的优势与不足,科学备考。
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书名 | SAT Ⅱ数学站内查询相似图书 | ||
9787560545196 《SAT Ⅱ数学》pdf扫描版电子书已有网友提供下载资源链接 | |||
出版地 | 西安 | 出版单位 | 西安交通大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 60.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
SAT Ⅱ数学是西安交通大学出版社于2012.8出版的中图分类号为 G634.603 的主题关于 数学课-高等学校-入学考试-美国-教学参考资料 的书籍。
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