

王德昌, 编著







Unit 1 Hobbies爱好

Passage 1 Hobbies for Life Improvement兴趣爱好改善生活

Passage 2 How to Get a Kid to Pick Up a Book如何培养孩子读书的兴趣

Passage 3 How to Pursue Multiple Interests and Still Get Something D0ne


Passage 4 Discovering Your True Passion发现自己真正的爱好

Passage 5 Small Pleasures生活中的小快乐

Unit 2 Happy Life快乐

Passage 1 How to Live a Happy Life怎样活得更开心

Passage 2 why Am I Not Happy?我为何不开心?

Passage 3 30 Days to Happiness 30天令你开开心心

Passage 4 Things will Make You Happy使你开心的事情

Passage 5 Don't Worry,Be Happy and Live Longer


Unit 3 Success成功

Passage l The Master Key to Success成功的关键

Passage 2 What does Success Look Like?成功看上去像什么?

Passage 3 Nine Steps to Success取得成功的9个步骤

Passage 4 What Successful People Do with the First Hour?


Passage 5 Perseverance毅力

Unit 4 Failure失败

Passage 1 There Is No Such Thing as Failure失败是不存在的

Passage 2 Learn to Fail向失败学习

Passage 3 Failure and Rescue失败与挽救

Passage 4 Lessons Learned from a Failed Job Interview面试失败的教训

Passage 5 Failure Is Good失败是有益的

Unit 5 Inspiring Stories励志

Passage l Just Your Average Teenager Wh0 Happens to Be Bald


Passage 2 Four Inspiring Stories四个励志人生故事

Passage 3 Are You Wasting Your Time Reading about Personal Development?


Passage 4 I Can Make It Happen我能实现梦想

Passage 5 CEO Reveals Secret总裁的秘密

Unit 6 Power力醯

Passage 1 Flower Power如花般诗歌的力量

Passage 2 But You Didn't但是你没有

Passage 3 Be a Friend朋友

Passage 4 Get Saved by a Poem诗歌啊,是你拯救了我

Passage 5 How to Read Poetry如何读诗

Unit 7 Internet网络

Passage 1 Is the Internet Hurting Children?网络正在伤害孩子吗?

Passage 2 Internet Safety互联网安全

Passage 3 The Trouble with Online Education网络教育的困境

Passage 4 Tomato Story西红柿的故事

Passage 5 Are Books and the Internet about to Merge?


Unit 8 Technology科技

Passage 1 Technology has Improved Our Lives?科技使我们生活得更幸福?

Passage 2 Technology Not Causing Collapse of Family Life


Passage 3 Steve Jobs and His Three Stories乔布斯和他的三个故事

Passage 4 The Future of Bicycle Riding自行车的未来

Passage 5 Inventions that Changed the World改变世界的重大发明

Unite 9 The Environment环保

Passage 1 The Environmental Activist环保积极分子

Passage 2 Climate Change Hurting Agriculture气候变化损害农业发展

Passage 3 Jennifer Burney环境科学家珍妮弗·伯尼

Passage 4 HOW to Make Your Home 0ffice Green


Passage 5 whv Are Electric Cars More Polluting为什么电动汽车更有害

Unit i0 Health健康一

Passage 1 How to Make Heahhy Choices in Life如何选择健康生活

Passage 2 Reasons I Quit Smoking我戒烟的理由

Passage 3 A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵

Passage 4 Three Keys to Weight Loss减肥三要素

Passage 5 Like Mother.Like Daughter有其母必有其女

Unit 11 Safetv安全

Passage 1 China'S Struggle with Road Safety交通安全中国在行动

Passage 2 A Cycling Renaissance Is Taking Place in America


Passage 3 Can Low-cost Airlines Beat BuUet Trains?


Passage 4 Do More Cars Mean More Accidents?汽车多就意味着事故多吗?

Passage 5 Use Public Transportation to Improve Your Quality of Life


Unit 12 Universe字宙

Passage 1 Are We Alone in the Universe?我们在宇宙中孤独吗?

Passage 2 Could Going into Space Actually Make People Live Longer?


Passage 3 Big Space Thing Looks like a Moth像飞蛾的太空巨物

Passage 4 The Moon Is Dry as a Bone月球上没有水

Passage 5 The Earth Is Round and It'S This Big地球是圆的,也有这么大

Unit 13 Nature f|然

Passage 1 How to Save Our Dying Coral Reefs如何拯救消逝的珊瑚礁

Passage 2 Can Dogs Really Show Empathy towards Humans?


Passage 3 The Incredible Secret Language of Plants植物的私语

Passage 4 What to Do if YOH Are Attacked by a Pack of Wolves


Passage 5 The Worldwide Thirst for Clean Drinking Water


Unit 14 Custom风俗

Passage 1 April Fool'S Day-April 1st 4月1日——愚人节

Passage 2 Happy Groundhog Day!土拨鼠节快乐!

Passage 3 German and British Manners英德习俗差异

Passage 4 The Customs of the Count~国家的习俗

Passage 5 Qingming Tradition Continues in US美国,清明传统在延续

Unit 15 Geography地理

Passage 1 P1anning Your Antarctic Dream Vacation


Passage 2 Himalayan Glaciers Shrinking喜马拉雅山冰川正在消融

Passage 3 Russia Reveals Vast Diamond Source


Passage 4 The Tallest,Srongest and Most Iconic Trees in the World


Passage 5 Population Concerns人口问题

Unit 16 Diet饮食

Passage 1 BManced Diet均衡的饮食

Passage 2 Organic Vegetables Not More Nutritious有机蔬菜并非更有营养

Passage 3 New Reasons to Drink More Tea多喝茶的新理由

Passage 4 The Girl Who Must Eat Every 15 Minutes to Stay Alive


Passage 5 Eating for Hahh为健康而吃

Unit 17 Travel旅游

Passage l HOW You Can Broaden Your Horizons with Travel


Passage 2 How to Get the Cheapest Price on Airfare如何买到最低价机票

Passage 3 Retirement Travel一位英国退休背包客的故事

Passage 4 Welcome to Cengiz Tours!欢迎来到森之旅!

Passage 5 Travel around the World for Free免费环游世界

Unit 18 Education教育

Passage l Scottish Education VS Chinese Education


Passage 2 How to Finish Graduate School如何完成研究生教育

Passage 3 Some Books Are More Equal than Others一些书实际上更胜一筹

Passage 4 Encouraging Your Kids Business Ideas开发孩子的商业头脑

Passage 5 Another Way to Study Better另外一种更加有效的学习方法

Unit 19 Study学习

Passage 1 Helping Students Turn Degrees into Jobs


Passage 2 Fitter Kids May Make Better Grades


Passage 3 How to Be Witty做个风趣的人

Passage 4 This Inversion of Power Is Teaching Our Children that Aggression Can Pay


Passage 5 Ways to Keep Kids Motivated at the End of the School Year


Unit 20 Friend朋友

Passage 1 The First May be Your Friend第一个人或许就是朋友

Passage 2 Love or Friendship?爱情还是友情?

Passage 3 Friendship友谊

Passage 4 Closest Friend from Primary School儿时挚友

Passage 5 Mouse and Cat猫和老鼠


《新英语系列丛书:书籍和互联网会合并吗(新英语·极地阅读 高中版)》是以高中生为读者对象的主题式英语课外读物。涉及爱好、成功等十几个主题数百个话题。主要内容以文章导读、主体文章、字斟句酌、金句必背、读有所获、愿你多知等6大板块呈现。主题时代气息浓厚,体裁多样,题材广泛,材料鲜活,语言地道。


丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 252 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。