

(美) 维尼特 (Venit,S.) , (美) 德雷克 (Drake,E.) , 著







第0章 绪论

第1章 程序设计概述

第2章 程序开发

第3章 选择结构:做决策

第4章 重复结构:循环

第5章 数组:列表与表格

第6章 顺序数据文件

Brief Contents


Contents xiii

0 Introduction 1

1 An Introduction to Programming 27

2 Developing a Program 69

3 Selection Structures: Making Decisions 123

4 Repetition Structures: Looping 177

5 Arrays: Lists and Tables 239

6 Sequential Data Files 301

Study Skills 341

Glossary 351

Index 365



0 Introduction 1

0.1 Computers EveryWhere 1

0.Z A Brief History of Computers 2

What is a Computers 2

Early Computers 2

Personal Computers 5

TOdays Computers 6

The Internet 7

O.3 Computer Basics 9

The Central Processing Unit 10

Internal Memory 11

Mass Storage Devices 12

Input Devices 14

Output Devices 14

0.4 Software and Programming Languages 16

Types of Software 16

Types of Programming Languages 18

Chapter Review and EXercises 21

1 An introduction to Programming 27

In the Everyday World: You Are Already a Programmer! 28

1 .1 What is Programming? 28

A General Problem-Solving Strategy 29

Creating Computer Programs: The Program Development Cycle 31

1 .2 Basic Programming Concepts 3Z

A Simple Program 32

The Price Conversion Program 33

Data input 35

The input and Write Statements 36



Xlv Contents

Use Input Prompts 37

Other Forms of input 37

Program Variables and Constants 37

Variables Names 39

Variable Names Should Be Meaningful! 39

Whats Really Going On with Variables in the Computer? 40

y Going On with Variables in the Computer? 40

1 .3 Data Processing and Output 41

Processing Data 41

The Set Statement 42

Assigning and Reassigning Values to Variables 42

rum f; airy+ry d 7

Operations on Data 43

Hierarchy of ODerations 44

y of Operations 44

Data Output 46

The Write Statement Revisited 47

Annotate Your Output 48

1 .4 TyDes of Data 50

ypes of Data 50

Numeric Data 51

Integers 51


Dividing Integers 52

o Integers 52

Real Numbers 52

The Declare Statement 53

The Last Word on Price Conversion 54

Scientific and Exponential Notation 55

Character String Data 57

The Character Data Type 58

ape 58

Operating on Strings 58

Chanter Review and EXercises 6J

pier Review and EXercises 6J

2 Developing a Program 69

In the Everyday World: Planning to Program7 You Need a Plan 7O

2.1 The Program Development Cycle 71

The Process of Developing a Program 71

Analyze the Problem 71

yze the Problem 71

Design the Program 72

an the Program 72

Code the Program 73

Test the Program 74

Additional Steps in the Cycle 76

2.2 Program Design 80

Modular Programming 80

Using Modules and Submodules 81

Benefits of Modular Programming 81

Provide a Welcome Message at the Beginning of Your Program 86

Contents xv

2.3 Coding, Documenting, and Testing a Program 90

Coding and Documenting a Program 90

How Can a Computer Know What to ignore? 91

External Documentation 93

Types of Errors 94

2.4 Commercial Programs: Testing and Documenting 95

The Testing Phase Revisited 96

External Documentation 97

The Users Guide 97

The Program Maintenance Manual 98

Design Documentation 98

Trade Study Documentation 99

2.5 Structured Programming 100

Flowcharts 100

Control Structures 101

The Sequential Structure 101

Loop or Repetition Structures 103

Decision or Selection Structures 103

Z.6 An introduction to OOP and CUls 106

GUls and Event-Driven Programming 106

Object-Oriented Programming 110

Object-Oriented Programming Design 112

Everyone Needs Structured Programming 114

Chapter Review and EXercises ]15

3 Selection StructUres: Making Decisions 123

In the Everyday World: Decisions, decisions, decisions... IZ4

3.1 An Introduction to Selection Structures 125

Types of Selection Structures 125

Single- and Dual-Alternative Structures 127

Single-Alternative Structure: The if -Then Structure 127

Dual-Alternative Structure: The if -Then - Else Structure 129

3.2 Relational and Logical Operators 133

Relational Operators 133

A Little More Explanation about Relational Operators 134

Logical Operators 137

Truth Tables for the OR, AND, and NOT Operators 138

Compounding the Compound Condition issue 140

Hierarchy of Operations 143

3.3 Selecting from Several Alternatives 146

Using if Structures 147

The Action of a Case Statement 150


Xvi Contents

3.4 Applications of Selection Structures 154

Defensive Programming 154

Menu-Driven Programs 158

35 FOcus on Problem Solving:

A New Car Price Calculator 161

Problem Statement 161

Problem AnalVsis 162

y3ls 162

Program Design 162

blain Design 162

Program Code 166

brain Code 166

Program Test 166

brain rest 166

Chanter Review and EXercises ]67

pier Review and EXercises ]67

4 Repetition Structures: Looping 177

In the Everyday WOrld: Loops 178

4.1 An Introduction to Repetition Structures: Computers

Never Cet Bored! 179

A Simple Example of a Loop 179

Beware of the Infinite Loop! 181

Relational and Logical Operators 183

Pre-Test and Post-Test Loops 184

4.2 CounteFControlled Loops 189

Constructing a Counter-Controlled Loop 190

Summing How a Computer Adds 190

Counting UP, Down, and Every Way 193

Built-In Counter-Controlled Loops 193

The Careful Beau Counter 197

4.3 Applications of Repetition Structures 202

Using Sentinel-Controlled Loops to input Data 202

Data Validation 204

4.4 Nested Loops 215

Nested For Loops 215

Nesting Other Kinds of Loops 218

Nesting Loops and Selection Structures 220

45 FOcus on Problem Solving:

A Cost, Revenue, and Profit Problem 223

Problem Statement 223

Problem Analysis 224

j>Is 224

Program Design 226

Program Code 229

brain Code 229

Program Test 230

brain test 230

Chapter Review and Exercises 232

pier Review and Exercises 232

Contents xvii

5 Arrays: Lists and Tables 239

In the Everyday World: Arrays 24O

yday World: Arrays 24O

51 One-Dimensional Arrays 241

ys 241

Array Basics 241

y Basics 241

Declaring ArraVs 242

b Arrays 242

Parallel Arrays 248

ys 248

Some Advantages of Using ArraVs 252

bes of Using Arrays 252

5.Z Searching and Sorting Array 256

g and Sorting ArrayS 256

The Serial Search Technique 256

i he Serial Search Technique 256

The Bubble Sort Technique 261

Other Sorts of Sorting 271

53 Other Uses of Arrays 272

ys 272

Strings As ArraVs of Characters 277

e> As Arrays of Characters 272

Declaring an ArraV As a Data TVDe 272

b an Array As a Data Type 272

String Length versus Array Size j74

o Length versus Array Size 274

54 Two-Dimensional Array 277

,s 277

An Introduction to Two-Dimensional Arrays 277

ys 277

Declaring Two-Dimensional ArraVs 278

b two-Dimensional Arrays 278

Using Two-Dimensional ArraVs 279

a two-Dimensional Arrays 279

5.5 Focus on Problem Solving.


An invoice Preparation Program 284

Problem Statement 284

Problem Analysis 285

ysls 285

Program Design 285

Program Code 290

Program Test 291

Chanter Review and Exercises 292

pier Review and Exercises 292

6 Sequential Data Files 301

In the EvervdaV WOrld: Data Files 302

yday WOrld: Data Files 302

6.1 An Introduction to Data Files 3O3

File Basics 303

Creating and Reading Seauential Files 306

b and Reading Sequential Files 306

6.Z Modifying a Seauential File 312

ying a Sequential File 312

Deleting Records 314

b Records 314

ModifVing Records 316

ying Records 316

Inserting Records 317

b Records 317

Using ArraVs in File Maintenance 320

o Arrays in File Maintenance 320

6.3 Mereing Seauential Files 322

ging Sequential Files 322


xvill Contents

6.4 Focus on Problem Solving:

Control Break Processing 326

Problem Statement 326

Problem Analysis 327


Program Design 328

Program Code 331

Program Test 332

blain rest 332

Chanter Review and EXercises 333

pier Review and EXercises 333

study skills 341

y Skills 341

Clossary 351

y 351

Index 365





2 结构化编程的原则,如自顶向下的模块化设计、规范的程序文档和风格。


页数 398 印数


程序设计基础是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 TP311.1 的主题关于 程序设计-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。