

优尼创新外语研发中心, 主编







Chapter 1 Daily Business 日常业务1. To Establish Business Relations建立业务关系 22. Asking for Materials索要材料 73. Starting to Inquiry Formally正式询盘 124. Responding to Clients' Inquiry给客户报价 175. Not Satisfied with the Price对价格不满意 226. Accepting the Price and Placing an Order接受价格,下订单 277. Talking About Delivery Types讨论交货方式 328. Talking About Payment Method讨论付款方式 369. Opening a Letter of Credit开立信用证 4010. About the Package Details关于包装的问题 4411. Starting Packing to Deliver Goods开始装船运输 4912. About the Insurance谈论保险 5213. Doing Commodity Inspection商品检验 5714. Claiming for Indemnity要求索赔 6115. Trade Complaint on Quality质量方面的贸易投诉 6616. Trade Complaint on Time时间方面的贸易投诉 7017. Arbitrating仲裁事宜 74Chapter 2 Receiving Clients 接待客户18. Contacting Clients by Calling电话联系客户 8019. Welcoming Clients at the Airport在机场迎接客户 8420. Arriving at the Hotel入住宾馆 8821. Having an Arrangement做日程安排 9222. Leading Clients Visit the Company带领客户参观公司 9623. Leading Clients to the Factory带领客户参观工厂 10024. Showing Clients Around陪客户游玩观光 10425. Seeing Clients Off送别客户 108Chapter 3 Business Activities 商务活动26. Inviting Clients to Dinner邀请客户赴宴 11427. Entertaining Clients on the Dinner在宴会上招待客户 11828. Receiving Clients in the Company在公司内接待客户 12329. Affirming the Appointment确定预约 12730. Delaying the Appointment延迟预约 13131. Cancelling the Appointment取消预约 13432. Business Visit商务拜访 13833. Attending the Opening Ceremony出席开业典礼 142Chapter 4 Business Conference 商务会议34. Preparing for the Meeting开会前的准备 14635. Making an Agenda制定议程 15036. Making the Meeting Following the Agenda按照议程开会 15537. Summarizing After the Meeting会议总结 160Chapter 5 Marketing and Investigation 市场调研38. New Products Release新产品发布 16639. Doing Market Research市场调研 17140. Making Sales Strategy制订营销策略 17541. Promoting the New Products推销新产品 18042. Public Relations Crisis公关危机 185Chapter 6 Trade Fair 产品展销会43. Inviting Clients to the Trade Show邀请客户参加展会 19044. Applying for the Booth申请展位 19445. Arranging the Booth Carefully精心布置展位 19846. Exhibition Registration展会注册 20347. Applying for Services申请服务 20748. Receiving Clients on the Show在展会上接待客户 21149. Showing Clients the Samples为客户展示样品 21550. Ending the Show展会结束 21951. Connecting After the Show展会后联系 223Chapter 7 Negotiations 商务谈判52. About the Sales Agency有关代理的事项 22853. About Processing and Assembling加工装配 23354. About Compensation Trade补偿贸易 23755. About Joint Venture合资问题 24156. About Technical Patent技术专利的问题 24557. About Calling for Bids and Bidding招标和投标 24958. About Mergers and Acquisitions合并收购的问题 25359. About Contract Term合同条款 25760. Contract Review审核合同 26161. Signing the Contract签订合同 26562. Terminating the Contract解除合同 26963. Expiration of the Contract合同到期 273附录相关贸易术语 277


随着我国对外贸易进程不断加快,商务英语的重要性也日益凸显出来。要想学好商务英语口语,选择一本合适的指导书是很有必要的。为此,我们精心编写了《商务英语900句:玩转英语就这么简单》。  《商务英语900句:玩转英语就这么简单》从商务活动的一般业务、客户参观和接待、宴请客户和预约、商务会议、市场调研、展销会和商务谈判等七大方面入手,将每个方面细分为不同的小主题,精选最常见、最实用的商务英语单句、情景对话、重要短语和单词,并配备精彩的插图和贴心的注意事项,帮助读者轻松掌握商务英语的方方面面。此外,《商务英语900句:玩转英语就这么简单》还附赠MP3学习光盘,让读者可以随时随地跟读模仿,练就一口流利、地道的商务英语。


尺寸21 × 15装帧平装
页数 148 印数 5000


商务英语900句是人民邮电出版社于2014.9出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 商务-英语-口语 的书籍。