Text Credits
Chapter 1 Assessment Concepts and Issues
Assessment and Testing
Measurement and Evaluation
Assessment and Learning
Informal and Formal Assessment
Formative and Summative Assessment
Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Tests
Types and Purposes of Assessment
Achievement Tests
Diagnostic Tests
Placement Tests
Proficiency Tests
Aptitude Tests
Issues in Language Assessment: Then and Now
Behavioral Influences on Language Testing
Integrative Approaches
Communicative Language Testing
Performance-Based Assessment
Current "Hot Topics" in Classroom-Based Assessment
Multiple Intelligences
Traditional and Alternative Assessment
Computer-Based Testing
Other Current Issues
For Your Further Reading
Chapter 2 Principles of Language Assessment
Student-Related Reliability
Rater Reliability
Test Administration Reliability
Test Reliability
Content-Related Evidence
Criterion Related Evidence
Construct-Related Evidence
ConsequentiaI Validity (Impact)
Face Validity
Applying Principles to the Evaluation of Classroom Tests
1. Are the test procedures practical?
2. Is the test itself reliable?
3. Can you ensure rater reliability?
4. Does the procedure demonstrate content validity?
5. Has the impact of the test been carefully accounted for?
6. Is the procedure "biased for best"?
7. Are the test tasks as authentic as possible?
8. Does the test offer beneficial washback to the learner?
For Your Further Reading
Chapter 3 Designing Classroom Language Tests
Four Assessment Scenarios
Scenario 1: Reading Quiz
Scenario 2: Grammar Unit Test
Scenario 3: Midterm Essay
Scenario 4: Listening/Speaking Final Exam
Determining the Purpose of a Test
Designing Clear, Unambiguous Objectives
Drawing Up Test Specifications
Devising Test Items
Designing Multiple-Choice Items
1. Design each item to measure a single objective.
2. State both stem and options as simply and directly as possible.
3. Make certain that the intended answer is clearly the only correct one.
4. (Optional) Use item indices to accept, discard, or revise items.
Administering the Test
Scoring, Grading, and Giving Feedback
Chapter 4 Standards-Based Assessment
Chapter 5 Standardized Testing
Chapter 6 Beyond Tests: Alternatives in Assessment
Chapter 7 Assessing Listening
Chapter 8 Assessing Speaking
Chapter 9 Assessing Reading
Chapter 10 Assessing Writing
Chapter 11 Assessing Grammar and Vocabulary
Chapter 12 Grading and Student Evaluation
Appendix: Commercial Tests
Name Index
Subject Index
《英语教师职业发展前沿论丛·语言测评:原理与课堂实践(第2版)》是一部语言测评领域的综合理论著作,具有很强的实用价值,在全球范围具有广泛和深远的影响力。 《英语教师职业发展前沿论丛·语言测评:原理与课堂实践(第2版)》清晰、全面、系统地阐明了语言测评的基本原理和设计程序,同时提供了一系列科学有效的语言能力评估工具。本次第二版修订新增了近年语言测评领域的最新课题和成果,如标准化测试和重形式的测试等,并在附录中新增了词汇术语列表和列举了当今主要的国际化商业考试等内容。每章的开始均设有本章学爿重点和目标提示,章末设有课后练习,并提供更多相关的阅读参考建议和推荐。 读者对象:广大英语教师、英语语言及相关专业的研究生,以及相关科研和从业人员。
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 语言测评 : 原理与课堂实践 : 第2版站内查询相似图书 | ||
丛书名 | 英语教师职业发展前沿论丛 | ||
9787302306306 如需购买下载《语言测评 : 原理与课堂实践 : 第2版》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 清华大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 67.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 | 3000 |
语言测评 : 原理与课堂实践 : 第2版是清华大学出版社于2012.出版的中图分类号为 H09 的主题关于 语言教学-教学评估-研究-英文 的书籍。
(英) 理查德 (Richards,J.C.) , (英) 罗杰斯 (Rodgers,T.S.) , 著
(美) 布朗 (Brown,H.D.) , 著
(英) 库克 (Cook,V.) , 著
(英) 唐斯 (Downes,W.) , 著
(美) 巴克曼 (Bachman,L.) , (美) 帕尔默 (Palmer,A.) , 著
(美) 霍尔 (Hall,J.K.) , 著
(澳) 纽南 (Nunan,D.) , (美) 贝利 (Bailey,K.M.) , 著
(英) 吉布森·弗格森 (Gibson Ferguson) , 著
(英) 韩礼德, 著