

(印) 卡恩, 著







PrefaceVisual Summary1. Fundamentals of Energy--Science and Technology 1.1 Energy Consumption and Standard of Living 1.2 Oil Crisis of 1973 1.3 Clasification of Energy Resources 1.4 Consumption Trend of Primary Energy Resources 1.5 Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 1.6 Energy Chain 1.7 Comon Forms of Energy 1.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Sources 1.9 Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 1.10 Environmental Aspects of Energy 1.11 Environment-Economy-Energy and Sustainable Development 1.12 Energy Densities (Heating values) of Various Fuels

PrefaceVisual Summary1. Fundamentals of Energy--Science and Technology 1.1 Energy Consumption and Standard of Living 1.2 Oil Crisis of 1973 1.3 Clasification of Energy Resources 1.4 Consumption Trend of Primary Energy Resources 1.5 Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 1.6 Energy Chain 1.7 Comon Forms of Energy 1.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Sources 1.9 Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 1.10 Environmental Aspects of Energy 1.11 Environment-Economy-Energy and Sustainable Development 1.12 Energy Densities (Heating values) of Various Fuels 1.13 World Energy Status 1.14 Energy Scenario in India 1.15 Applied Thermodynamics--a Review Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions2. Energy Conservation 2.1 Salient Features of "Energy Conservation Act, 2001" 2.2 Various Aspects of Energy Conservation 2.3 Principles of Energy Conservation 2.4 General Electrical ECO's (Energy Conservation Opportunities) 2.5 Cogeneration 2.6 Combined Cycle (Binary Cycle) Plants Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions3. Energy Storage 3.1 Necesity of Energy Storage 3.2 Energy Storage Methods Review Questions Objective-type Questions4. Solar Energy -- Basics 4.1 The Sun as a Source of Energy 4.2 The Earth 4.3 Sun, Earth Radiation Spectrums 4.4 Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Radiations 4.5 Spectral Energy Distribution of Solar Radiation 4.6 Depletion of Solar Radiation 4.7 Measurements of Solar Radiation 4.8 Solar Radiation Data 4.9 Solar Time (Local Apparent Time) 4.10 Solar Radiation Geometry 4.11 Solar Day Length 4.12 Empirical Equations for Estimating Solar Radiation Availability on Horizontal Surface for Cloudy Skies: 4.13 Hourly Global, Diffuse and Beam Radiations on Horizontal Surface Under Cloudless Skies 4.14 Solar Radiation on Inclined Plane Surface Review Questions Problems Objective-type Questions5. Solar Thermal Systems 5.1 Solar Collectors 5.2 Solar Water Heater 5.3 Solar Pasive Space - Heating and Cooling Systems 5.4 Solarind Ustrial Heating Systems 5.5 Solar Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems 5.6 Solar Cookers 5.7 Solar Furnaces 5.8 Solar Green House 5.9 Solar Dryer 5.10 Solar Distilation (or Desalination of Water ) 5.11 Solar Thermo-Mechanical Systems Review Questions Objective-type Questions6. Solar Photovoltaic Systems 6.1 Solar Cell Fundamentals 6.2 Solar Cell Characteristics 6.3 Solar Cell Classification 6.4 Solar Cell, Module, Panel and Array Construction 6.5 Maximizing the Solar PV Output and Load Matching 6.6 Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) 6.7 Balance of System Components 6.8 Solar PV Systems 6.9 Solar PV Aplications Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions7. Wind Energy 7.1 Origin of Winds 7.2 Nature of Winds 7.3 Wind Turbine Siting 7.4 Major Aplications of Wind Power 7.5 Basics of Fluid Mechanics 7.6 Wind Turbine Aerodynamics 7.7 Wind Turbine Types and Their Construction 7.8 Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) 7.9 Wind-Diesel Hybrid System 7.10 Effects of Wind Speed and Grid Condition(System Integration) 7.11 Wind-Energy Storage 7.12 Environmental Aspects 7.13 Wind-Energy Programme in India Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions8. Biomass Energy 8.1 Photosynthesis Process 8.2 Usable Forms of Biomass, their Composition and Fuel Properties 8.3 Biomass Resources 8.4 Biomass Conversion Technologies 8.5 Urban Waste to Energy Conversion 8.6 Biomass Gasification 8.7 Biomass Liquefaction 8.8 Biomass to Ethanol Production 8.9 Biogas Production from Waste Biomass 8.10 Energy Farming 8.11 Biomass Energy Programme in India(as on December 2007) Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions9. Geothermal Energy 9.1 Applications 9.2 Origin and Distribution of Geothermal Energy 9.3 Types of Geothermal Resources 9.4 Analysis of Geothermal Resources 9.5 Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources 9.6 Environmental Consideration 9.7 Geothermal Energy in India Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions10. Ocean Energy 10.1 Tidal Energy 10.2 Wave Energy 10.3 Ocean Thermal Energy Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions11. Small Hydro Resources 11.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Small Hydro Schemes 11.2 Layout of a Micro-Hydro Scheme 11.3 Water Turbines 11.4 Turbine Clasification, Characteristics and Selection 11.5 Generators 11.6 Present Status Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions12. Emerging Technologies 12.1 Fuel Cell 360 12.2 Hydrogen Energy Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions13. Miscellaneous Non-conventional Technologies 13.1 Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHD) Power Conversion 13.2 Thermoelectric Power Conversion 13.3 Thermionic Power Conversion Review Questions Problem Objective-type Questions14. Financial and Economic Evaluation 14.1 Basic Terms and Definitions 14.2 Calculations for the Case of Single Payment (or Receipt) 14.3 Calculations for Uniform Series of Payments (or Receipt ) 14.4 Calculations for Uniform Gradient Series of Payments(or Receipt) 14.5 Calculations for Geometric Gradient Series of Payments (or Receipt) 14.6 Effect of Inflation on Cash Flows 14.7 Comparative Economic Evaluation of Alternatives 14.8 Effect of Depredation and Tax on Cash Flows Review Questions Problem Objective-type QuestionsAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FIndex


《非传统能源》(Non-Conventional Energy Resources)一书的内容非常丰富,也比较有特色。从内容上讲,该书不仅包含了太阳能、风能、生物质能、地热能、海洋能、水能等可再生能源,而且对各种新型的能源利用技术,包括燃料电池、氢能、磁流体发电、热电堆发电等进行了介绍,同时还对财务和经济评价方法进行了较详细的说明。这与国内一些院校为本科生开设的课程“可再生能源及其利用技术”或类似的课程时,也将财务和经济评价的内容包括在内的情况不谋而合。这说明对于这些非传统能源,经济评价已经是相当重要的一个方面。而对于每种主要的能源形式,该书都从基本理论、主要利用技术、环境特性、发展应用现状等方面进行了详细的介绍。如果作为教材或教学参考书,建议教师能够再在技术经济性方面做些补充,教学内容会更加全面。 本书对太阳能的介绍最为详尽,共用了三个章节,分别介绍了太阳能的基础知识,太阳热系统,以及太阳能光伏系统。其他能源形式基本是每种一章。同时,本书对储能也给予了关注,除了有单独的一章介绍储能外,对风能等具体能源形式的储存问题也进行了介绍。 本书的主要特色还有以下几个方面:首先是有大量的例题,这在目前很多相关内容的书籍中是比较少见的;大量的例题非常有利于对内容的理解。其次是有很多特色习题,本书的习题分为三部分,一是用来复习课本内容的问题(Review Questions);二是一些分析或计算题(Problems),可以对课本中的知识进行应用;三是客观题(Objective Questions),主要是对一些基本的知识点进行考查。 本书所介绍的例子、应用情况均是以印度的情况为主,阅读和使用时,建议尽量参考我国的实际情况进行修改和补充。


该书共分14章,第1章介绍了与能源科技相关的基本概念,世界重点区域的能源状况;第2章和第3章介绍了能源流中转换利用和储存过程的基础知识;第4章到第11章分别介绍了包括太阳能、风能、生物质能、地热能、海洋能、小水电等非传统能源的相关技术;第12章和第13章介绍了其他新兴能源技术如燃料电池、氢能、磁流体电能、热电能和热离子电能等;第14章介绍了能源项目财务与经济评价的相关概念和基本方法。 本书结构清晰,内容简洁明确,并且通过大量的案例和图片为读者提供了直观的认识。此外,每章结束后提供复习、练习和要点提示,有利于读者对知识的回顾和总结。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 3000


非传统能源:第2版是清华大学出版社于2010.7出版的中图分类号为 TK01 的主题关于 能源-研究-英文 的书籍。