

张南, 主编








Unit 1 Overview of Military

Text 1 A Brief Introduction to Military

Text 2 The Information Warfare

Text 3 A Balanced Army for the 21st Century

Text 4 Land Force Qualities

Text 5 Military Quotes, Jokes and Stories

Unit 2 Military Theory

Text 6 The Art of War

Text 7 Art or Science of War

Text 8 Sun Tzu's Theory of War for Understanding the Outcomes of Terrorist Campaigns

Text 9 Strategies of War

Textl0 The Principles of War

Unit 3 Military Technology

Text 11 Muscle-Powered Weapons

Text 12 The Invention of Firearms in China

Text 13 The Development of Tank Technology

Text 14 The Evolution of Warship

Text 15 Tactical Nuclear Weapons and Guided Missiles

Text 16 What Sort of Anti-Satellite?

Text 17 Nonlethal Technology

Text 18 Potential Military Applications of Nanotechnology

Unit 4 Weapon Equipment

Text 19 Technology Meets Modern Warfare

Text 20 Strategic Weapons of Today

Text 21 High-Tech Weapons of Tomorrow

Text 22 Nonlethal Weapons of Tomorrow

Text 23 Killing Tanks Is No Longer Enough

Text 24 Lockheed F-35 Lightning n

Unit 5 Military Logistics

Text 25 Logistics Carries the Load in Every Army Operation

Text 26 The Tenets of Focused Logistics

Text 27 Critical Logistics Information and the Commander's Decisions

Text 28 New Challenges for the DTS in the War on Terrorism

Text 29 Joint Health Services Support (JHSS)

Unit 6 Military Academics

Text 30 The Russian Military's Strategy for "Sixth Generation" Warfare

Text 31 Building Transformational Capabilities

Text 32 Recent Events Suggest Cyber Warfare Can Become New Threat

Text 33 Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)

Text 34 The US Army Chemical Corps: Serving a Nation at War, Today and Tomorrow

Unit 7 Military Academies

Text 35 History of Military Academy

Text 36 History of United States Military Academy

Text 37 Whampoa Military Academy

Text 38 The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Text 39 Military Academies in the Soviet Union/Russia

Unit 8 Military Training

Text 40 Training Becomes Fashionable

Text 41 Army Basic Training

Text 42 Air Force and Navy Basic Training

Text 43 The Joint Fires and Effects Training System

Text 44 How the Army Trains

Unit 9 Military History

Text 45 Whatls Military History

Text 46 The Gunpowder Revolution

Text 47 Why the Axis Lost

Text 48 Warfarein the Nuclear Age

Text 49 Impact of the War on Terrorism

Unitl0 Prominent Military Figures

Text 50 Alexander the Great - Macedonian Conqueror

Text 51 Genghis Khan - Mongol Conqueror

Text 52 ' George Washington - American Genera

Text 53 Napoleonl - French Emperor

Text 54 Douglas Mac Arthur - American General

Unit 11 Examples of Typical Battles

Text 55 Spanish Conquest of Peru

Text 56 The Battle of Waterloo

Text 57 Atomic Bombing of Japan

Text 58 Huai-Hai Compaign

Text 59 The Persian Gulf War

Appendix A Chinese Version for Reference

Appendix B Professional and Academic Information




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军事英语是中国科学技术大学出版社于2012.2出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 军事-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。