CHAPTER 5 Vectors and the Geometry of Space
5.1 Vectors
5.1.1 Concepts of Vectors
5. 1.2 Linear Operations Involving Vectors
5.1.3 Coordinate Systems in Three-Dimensional Space
5.1.4 Representing Vectors Using Coordinates
5.1.5 Lengths, Direction Angles and Projections of Vectors
5.2 Dot Product, Cross Product and Scalar Triple Product
5.2. 1 The Dot Product
5.2.2 The Cross Product
5.2.3 Scalar Triple Product
5.3 Equations of Planes and Lines
5.3. 1 Planes
5.3.2 Lines
5.4 Surfaces In Space
5.4. 1 Surfaces and Equations
5.4.2 Cylinder
5.4.3 Surface of Revolution
5.4.4 Quadric Surfaces
5.5 Curves in Space
5.5.1 General Equations of Curves in the Space
5.5.2 Parametric Equations of Curves in the Space
5.5.3 Parametric Equations of Surfaces in the Space
5.5.4 Projections of Curves in the Space
5.6 Exercises
5.6. 1 Vectors
5.6.2 Planes and Lines in Space
5.6.3 Surfaces and Curves in Space
5.6.4 Questions to Guide Your Revision
CHAPTER 6 Functions of Several Variables
6.1 Functions of Several Variables
6.1.1 Definition
6. l. 2 Limits
6.1.3 Continuity
6.2 Partial Derivatives
6.2. 1 Definition
6.2.2 Partial Derivative of Higher Order
6.3 Total Differential
6.3. 1 Definition
6.3.2 The Total Differential Approximation
6.4 The Chain Rule
6.5 Implicit Differentiation
6.5. 1 Functions Defined by a Single Equation,.
6.5.2 Functions Defined Implicitly by System of Equations
6.6 Applications of the Differential Calculus
6.6.1 Tangent Lines and Normal Planes
6.6.2 Tangent Planes and Normal Lines for Surfaces
6.7 Directional Derivatives and Gradient Vectors
6.8 Maximum and Minimum
6.8.1 Extrema of Functions of Several Variables
6.8.2 Lagrange Multipliers
6.9 Additional Materials
6.9. 1 Taylors Theorem for Functions of Two Variables
6.9.2 Clairaut
6.9.3 Cobb-Douglas Production Function
6.10 Exercises
6.10.1 Functions of Several Variables t.
6.10.2 Applications of Partial Derivatives
6.10.3 Questions to Guide Your Revision
CHAPTER 7 Multiple Integrals
7.1 Definition and Properties
7.2 Iterated Integrals
7.2. 1 Iterated Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates
7.2.2 Change of Variables Formula for Double Integrals
7.3 Triple Integrals
7.3.1 Triple Integrals in Reetangular Coordinates
7.3.2 Change of Variables in Triple Integrals
7.4 The Area of a Surface
CHAPTER 8 Line and Surface Integrals
CHAPTER 9 Infinite Sequences,Series and Approximations
CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equation
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出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 高等教育出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 17.8 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 23 × 17 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 | 2000 |
微积分是高等教育出版社于2010.6出版的中图分类号为 O172 的主题关于 微积分-双语教学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。
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( ) 布里格斯, 著
(美) 布里格斯, 著
王立冬, 周文书, 袁学刚, 主编
王立冬, 周文书, 主编
( ) 斯图尔特, 著
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