

王志强, 编著







王志强(David Wang),英国剑桥大学硕士,美国新泽西州立大学Rutgers商学院工商管理硕士,南京大学英语语言文学学士。曾在政府、外企和私营企业工作,有多年外事、商业、翻译和英语培训经验,现为常春藤100教育SAT英文讲师,已出版两本SAT教材。日常兼任温哥华公校老师,拥有卑诗省教育部颁发的教师执照,专业辅导英文、社会学、经济、会计、市场营销、AP经济等高中和大学预科学分课程,其严谨的治学态度、深厚的文学造诣、独到的思维训练及理论与实践相结合的教学模式深受广大学生和家长的好评。


Acronyms, Abbreviations and Labels1

Word List 13

Practices for Word List 14

Word List 27

Practices for Word List 28

String of Words Game A Passage 111

Word List 312

Practices for Word List 313

Word List 416

Practices for Word List 417

Word List 520

Practices for Word List 521

Word List 624

Practices for Word List 625

Word List 728

Practices for Word List 729

String of Words Game A Passage 233

Word List 834

Practices for Word List 835

Word List 938

Practices for Word List 939

Word List 1042

Practices for Word List 1043

Word List 1146

Practices for Word List 1147

Word List 1250

Practices for Word List 1251

String of Words Game A Passage 355

Word List 1356

Practices for Word List 1357

Word List 1460

Practices for Word List 1461

Word List 1564

Practices for Word List 1565

Word List 1668

Practices for Word List 1669

Word List 1772

Practices for Word List 1773

String of Words Game A Passage 476

Word List 1877

Practices for Word List 1878

Word List 1981

Practices for Word List 1982

Word List 2085

Practices for Word List 2086

Word List 2190

Practices for Word List 2191

Word List 2294

Practices for Word List 2295

Word List 2399

Practices for Word List 23100

Word List 24104

Practices for Word List 24105

Word List 25108

Practices for Word List 25109

String of Words Game A Passage 5112

Word List 26113

Practices for Word List 26114

Word List 27117

Practices for Word List 27118

Word List 28121

Practices for Word List 28122

Word List 29125

Practices for Word List 29126

Word List 30129

Practices for Word List 30130

Word List 31133

Practices for Word List 31134

Word List 32137

Practices for Word List 32138

Word List 33141

Practices for Word List 33142

String of Words Game A Passage 6145

Word List 34146

Practices for Word List 34147

Word List 35151

Practices for Word List 35152

Word List 36155

Practices for Word List 36156

Word List 37160

Practices for Word List 37161

Word List 38164

Practices for Word List 38165

Word List 39169

Practices for Word List 39170

Word List 40173

Practices for Word List 40174

Word List 41178

Practices for Word List 41179

String of Words Game A Passage 7183

Word List 42184

词汇及练习New SAT Complete Vocabulary WorkbookPractices for Word List 42185

Word List 43188

Practices for Word List 43189

Word List 44192

Practices for Word List 44193

Word List 45196

Practices for Word List 45197

Word List 46201

Practices for Word List 46202

Word List 47206

Practices for Word List 47207

Word List 48210

Practices for Word List 48211

Word List 49214

Practices for Word List 49215

String of Words Game A Passage 8218

Word List 50219

Practices for Word List 50220

Word List 51223

Practices for Word List 51224

Word List 52227

Practices for Word List 52228

Word List 53231

Practices for Word List 53232

Word List 54235

Practices for Word List 54236

Word List 55239

Practices for Word List 55240

Word List 56243

Practices for Word List 56244

Word List 57247

Practices for Word List 57248

String of Words Game A Passage 9251

Word List 58252

Practices for Word List 58253

Word List 59257

Practices for Word List 59258

Word List 60261

Practices for Word List 60262

Word List 61265

Practices for Word List 61266

Word List 62270

Practices for Word List 62271

Word List 63275

Practices for Word List 63276

Word List 64279

Practices for Word List 64280

Word List 65283

Practices for Word List 65284

String of Words Game A passage 10288

Word List 66289

Practices for Word List 66290

Word List 67294

Practices for Word List 67295

Word List 68298

Practices for Word List 68299

Word List 69302

Practices for Word List 69303

Word List 70307

Practices for Word List 70308

Word List 71311

Practices for Word List 71312

Word List 72315

Practices for Word List 72316

Word List 73319

Practices for Word List 73320

Word List 74323

Practices for Word List 74324

Additional Sentence Completion Practices327

SAT 3500完整词汇表332




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 3000


新SAT词汇及练习是清华大学出版社于2016.出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-高等学校-入学考试-美国-自学参考资料 的书籍。