

何其莘, (美) 童明, 编著







何其莘(1986年获美国肯特州立大学英美文学博士),现任北京外国语大学副校长、教授、博士生导师;全国高校外语专业教学指导委员会副主任、兼英语组组长,全国英国文学学会会长。著有《英国文艺复兴时期文学史》(与王佐良合著)、《英国戏剧史》,编著《英国文学选集》、《英国戏剧选读》、《新概念英语》(新版,与亚历山大合作)和大学英语专业教材《英语初级听力》、《英语中级听力》、《英语高级听力》等。 童明[美国](笔名,原名刘军)(1992年获美国麻省大学英美文学博士)现任美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校英语系教授。1975年毕业于西安外国语学院,1975-1977年在英国杜伦大学做访问学者,1981-1984年在纽约联合国总部任译员。撰写的有关英美文学、欧洲文学、文学文化理论的论文散见于美国学术出版社出版的专著和学术刊物。近作有《美国文学史》(英文)。


Unit 1 Being Ethnic in the U.S.

Close Reading None of This Is Fair

Further Reading I. Growing Up Asian in America

II. Cultural Baggage

Listening How It Feels to Be Colored Me

Writing Why Blacks Need Affirmative Action

Unit 2 Language and Society

Close Reading If Black English Isnt a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?

Further Reading I. Softening the Stories for Children

II. To the Victor Belongs the Language

Listening English Is a Crazy Language

Writing Fairy. Tales and Modern Stories

Unit 3 Gun Control in Debate

Close Reading Just Take Away Their Guns

Further Reading I. Why Handguns Must Be Outlawed

II. The Case for Firearms

Listening More Guns, Less Crime?

Writing Guns in the Courtroom

Unit 4 Television and Violence

Close Reading TV Violence. Does It Cause Real-life Mayhem?

Further Reading I. When Television Is a School for Criminals

II. The Effects of Television on Family Life

Listening Dating

Writing Crack and the Box

Unit 5 Gender and Sexuality

Close Reading Between the Sexes, a Great Divide

Further Reading I. Why Are Women This Miserable?

II. Id Rather Be Black than Female

Listening Thank Heaven for Little Boys

Writing Sex in the Movies

Unit 6 imaging Beauty

Close Reading Clothing as a Sign System (Part I)

Further Reading I. Clothing as a Sign System (Part II)

II. The Ugly Truth About Beauty

Listening Body Imperfect

Writing Venus Envy

Unit 7 Cyber-space. The New Frontier

Close Reading The Tales They Tell in Cyber-space

Further Reading

I. Men, Women, and Computers

II. Dont Look Back

Listening California Report Cautious on "E-voting"

Writing Rising Internet Use

Unit 8 Sex Education

Close Reading Condoms:The New Diploma

Further Reading

I. The War on embarrassment

II. A Pyrrhic victory

Listening The Secret Struggle Toward Womanhood

Writing Third Base:Identity

Unit 9 The Entertainment Business

Close Reading Hollywood Poison Factory

Further Reading

I. Tough Talk on Entertainment

II. Todays Pop Stars Hurt by Too Much Publicity?

Listening Rock and Roll Music and Political and Social Changes

Writing Mickey Mouse

Unit 10 The Divorce Debate

Close Reading The Perfect Family

Further Reading I. Splitting Up

II. Why Marriages Fail

Listening The Good Marriage

Writing The Divorce Debate in the New York Times

Unit 11 Leisure and Pastime

Close Reading Dostoyevsky and a Decaf

Further Reading I. A Diarist on Diarists

II. Living with My VCR

Listening What to Listen for in Music

Writing Night Life on the Reef: Looking at Nighttime Fish Habits

Unit 12 How Free Should Media Be

Close Reading Lets Put Pornography Back in the Closet

Further Reading I. Hate Radio

II. TV, Freedom, and the Loss of Community

Listening The End of Admiration: The Media and the Loss of Heroes

Writing Soaps, Cynicism, and Mind Control

Unit 13 Racial Discrimination and Its Manifestations

Close Reading The Recoloring of Campus Life

Further Reading I. Blacks Cannot Escape Segregation

II. Watching the Miss America Pageant

Listening The Lesson

Writing Colorblind

Unit 14 Man in Nature

Close Reading Learning to See

Further Reading I. Listening to the Air

II. The Last of the Wild Salmon

Listening The Survival of the City in Our Time

Writing The Death of a Moth

Unit 15 Family Values

Close Reading Myths of Family Past

Further Reading I. The Coming White Underclass

II. Family Album

Listening The Family Legacy

Writing Sex in a Marriage

Unit 16 Trashing the Planet

Close Reading The Greenhouse Blues

Further Reading I. Trashing the Planet?

II. DDT,Science ,and Public Policy

Listening Out,Damn Naturalists

Writing A Review of Trashing the Planet(I)




页数 352 印数


文化透视英语教程是外语教学与研究出版社于2006.01出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-教材 的书籍。