

周彦霁, 编著







Unit 1 Love Story爱的故事

Passage 1 The Scar of Love爱的伤疤

Passage 2 The Warm of a Glass of Milk一杯牛奶的温暖

Passage 3 A True Girl of Love爱的真谛

Passage 4 Don't Let the Candle Be Extinguished别让蜡烛熄灭

Passage 5 The"1℃"Love 1℃的爱

Passage 6 The Scar伤疤

Passage 7 The Most Beautiful Heart最美的心

Unit 2 Success and Failure成功与失败

Passage 1 How do You Define Success?如何定义成功?

Passage 2 How to Face Failure?如何面对失败?

Passage 3 Four Things That You Need to Succeed成功必备的四样东西

Passage 4 Your Habits Will Determine Your Success你的习惯决定你的成功

Passage 5 Choosing a Career Is Important for Success职业选择对成功至关重要

Passage 6 The Parable of the Pencil铅笔寓言

Passage 7 On Achieving Success关于成功

Unit 3 The Value of Time时问的价值

Passage 1 The Thief of Time偷时间的贼

Passage 2 Start Living in Prime Time生活始于黄金时间

Passage 3 Time Never Goes Back时间一去不返

Passage 4 The Time Account时间账户

Passage 5 I Want to Buy One Hour我想买一小时的时间

Passage 6 Some Ways to Save More Time节省更多时间的办法

Unit 4 Meaning ofFriendship友谊的含义

Passage 1 On Friendship关于友谊

Passage 2 What Is True Friendship?什么是真正的友谊?

Passage 3 The Power of Words语言的力量

Passage 4 A Friend'S Prayer朋友的祈祷

Passage 5 How to Be a Better Friend?如何成为知己?

Passage 6 A Journey of Friendship友谊之旅

Unit 5 Happy Hours幸福时刻

Passage l Happiness幸福

Passage 2 Happiness Is a Journey幸福是一段旅程

Passage 3 A Cup of Salty Coffee一杯咸咖啡

Passage 4 An Envelope Story一个信封的故事

Passage 5 My Money Tree我的摇钱树

Passage 6 The Positive View ofEvery Day积极面对每一天

Unit 6 Philosophy of Life人生哲理

Passage l What We Learn from Life我们从生活中学到的

Passage 2 A Lesson from Geese大雁的启示

Passage 3 Butterfly Effect in Life生活中的蝴蝶效应

Passage 4 Facing the Difficulties面对困难

Passage 5 The Important Things of Life生命中最重要的事

Passage 6 The Hope Is Above希望就在上面

Passage 7 The Elephant and the Rope大象和绳子

Passage 8 Some Advice about Life生活的忠告

Unit 7 Review Classics重温经典

Passage 1 Youth青春

Passage 2 If I Were a Boy Again假如再回到童年

Passage 3 If I Rest,I Rust如果我休息,我就会生锈

Passage 4 The Boy and the Tree男孩和苹果树

Passage 5 Relish the Moment拥抱今天

Passage 6 A Box Full of Kisses一盒子的吻

Unit 8 Wonderful Speech精彩演讲

Passage 1 An Unforgettable Speech难忘的演说

Passage 2 A Deferred Speech延迟的演讲

Passage 3 I Have a Dream我有一个梦想

Passage 4 The Speech at Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony北京奥运会开幕式演讲

Passage 5 An Important Speech一个重要的演说

Unit 9 Literate Essay优美散文

Passage 1 Follow Your Dream追随梦想

Passage 2 Children Learn What They Live孩子从生活中学到什么

Passage 3 I Will Live This Day as if It Is My Last假如今天是我生命中的最后一天

Passage 4 Life Is Like a Cup of Coffee人生就像一杯咖啡

Passage 5 Value Everything珍惜一切

Passage 6 The Direction of the Future未来的方向

Passage 7 Sometimes the Day Comes有那么一天

Passage 8 Making the Right Choice做正确的选择

Unit 10 Moral Character道德品质

Passage 1 Honesty诚实

Passage 2 How to Build Serf-confidence如何建立自信

Passage 3 A Twenty Dollar Bill一张20美元钞票

Passage 4 A Wrong Number Performed a Miracle一个错误的号码创造奇迹

Passage 5 The Special Girl特别的礼物

Passage 6 The Power of Listening倾听的力量

Passage 7 The Importance of Being Honest诚实的重要性

Passage 8 Selfless Help无私的帮助

Unit 11 Attitudes to Life生活态度

Passage 1 Your Life Is Yours生活是自己的

Passage 2 Attitude Is Everything态度决定一切

Passage 3 Learning from Your Daily Experience向每一天的生活学习

Passage 4 An Apple Tree一棵苹果树

Passage 5 Chances Exist in the Daily Details机遇存在于生活的细节中

Passage 6 Don't Be Afraid of the Loneliness不要害怕孤独

Passage 7 The Donkey and the Farmer驴子和农夫

Passage 8 Never Give Up永不放弃

Unit 12 Force of Life生活的力量

Passage l An Old Astronaut一位老宇航员

Passage 2 Don't Quit,Keep Playing不要停,继续弹

Passage 3 The M0st Beautiful Teacher Moved China最美教师感动中国

Passage 4 Young Prodigy Finds Magic in Guitar Strings年轻的天才发现神奇的吉他弦

Passage 5 Mother's Hands母亲的手

Passage 6 An Armless Carpenter无臂木匠

Unit 13 Meaning of Life生命的意义

Passage 1 Born in Win生而为赢

Passage 2 Just for Today只为今天

PasSage 3 Win or Lose赢还是输

Passage 4 Happy Life ≠ Meaningful Life幸福的人生≠有意义的人生

Passage 5 The Goodness of Life生命的美好

Passage 6 Seven Words Life七字人生

Unit 14 Growing Story成长故事

Passage 1 The Real Ding Dang真实的丁当

Passage 2 The Mountain Climber攀登者

Passage 3 A Volunteer Teacher-Sun Liqian志愿者教师孙丽倩

Passage 4 5-Pound Debt五英镑的债务

Passage 5 The Chain of Love爱的涟漪

Passage 6 A President and a Thief总统与小偷

PasSage 7 Power of Encouragement鼓励的力量

Passage 8 The Man Who Never Quit永不言败的人

Unit 15 The Story ofLife生活故事

Passage 1 The Wall of Resentment怨恨之墙

Passage 2 A Doctor一个博士

Passage 3 I Will always Be There for You我一直在你身边

Passage 4 The Cave of Treasures财富之洞

Passage 5 Two Misunderstanding Neighbours两个误会的邻居

Passage 6 The Missed Blessings错过的祝福

Passage 7 The Four Wives in Life生命中的四位妻子

Passage 8 Let Go Love放飞爱


《新英语系列丛书:假如再回到童年(新英语·极地阅读 高中版)》是以高中生为读者对象的主题式英语课外读物。涉及时间的价值、重温经典、友谊的含义等15个主题105个话题。主要内容以文章导读、主体文章、字斟句酌、金句必背、读有所获、愿你多知等6大板块呈现。主题时代气息浓厚,体裁多样,题材广泛,材料鲜活,语言地道。


丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 252 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。