

杨胜来, 编著







IntroductionSection Ⅰ Physico-chemical Properties of Reservoir FluidsChapter 1 Chemical Composition and Properties of Reservoir Fluids1.1 Chemical Properties of Crude Oil1.2 Physical Properties and Classification of Crude Oil1.3 Chemical Composition of Natural Gas1.4 Classification of Oil & Gas Reservoirs1.5 The Chemical Composition and Classification of Formation waterChapter 2 Natural Gas Physical Properties under High Pressure2.1 Apparent Molecular Weight and Density of Natural Gas2.2 Equation of State for Natural Gas and principle of Corresponding State2.3 Physical Properties of Natural Gas under High Pressure2.4 Water Vapor Content of Natural Gas and the Gas HydrateChapter 3 Phase State of Reservoir Hydrocarbons and Gas-Liquid Equilibrium3.1 Phase Behavior of Reservoir Hydrocarbon Fluids3.2 Gas-Liquid Equilibrium3.3 Solution and Separation of the Gas in an Oil-Gas System3.4 Calculation of Oil-Gas Separation Problems Using Phase-State EquationsChapter 4 Physical Properties of Reservoir Fluids under Reservoir Conditions4.1 High-Pressure Physical Properties of Reservoir-oil4.2 Physical Properties of Formation Water under High-pressure4.3 Measurement and Calculation of High-pressure Physical Parameters of Reservoir-oil & Gas4.4 Application of the Fluid High-pressure Property Parameters: Material Balance Equation of Hydrocarbons in ReservoirsSection Ⅱ Physical Properties of Reservoir RocksChapter 5 Porosity of Reservoir Porous Medium5.1 Constitution of Sandstone5.2 Pores in Reservoir Rocks5.3 Porosity of Reservoir Rocks5.4 Compressibility of Reservoir Rocks5.5 Fluid Saturation in Reservoir RocksChapter 6 Permeability of Reservoir Rocks6.1 Darcy' s Law and Absolute Permeability of Rock6.2 Gas Permeability and Slippage Effect6.3 Factors Affecting the Magnititude of Rock Permeability6.4 Measurement and Calculation of Permeability6.5 Permeability of Naturally Fractured and Vuggy Rocks6.6 Ideal Models of Rock Structure6.7 Sensibility of Sandstone Reservoir RocksChapter 7 Other Physical Properties of Reservoir Rocks7.1 Electrical Conductivity of Fluids-Bearing Rocks7.2 Thermal Properties of Reservoir Rocks7.3 Acoustic Characteristics of Reservoir RocksSection Ⅲ Mechanics of Multi-Phase Flow in Reservoir RocksChapter 8 Interfacial Phenomena and Wettability of Reservoir Rocks8.1 Interfacial Tension between Reservoir Fluids8.2 Interfacial Adsorption8.3 Wettability of Reservoir RocksChapter 9 Capillary Pressure and Capillary Pressure Curve9.1 Concept of Capillary Pressure9.2 Measurement and Calculation of Capillary Pressure Curves of Rock9.3 Essential Features of Capillary Pressure Curve9.4 Use of Capillary Pressure CurveChapter 10 Multiphase Flow through Porous Medium and Relative Permeability Curve10.1 Characteristics of Multi Phase Flow through Porous Medium10.2 Two-Phase Relative Permeability10.3 Three-Phase Relative Permeability10.4 Measurements and Calculations of Relative Permeability Curves10.5 Use of Relative Permeability CurvesAppendix 1 Unit Conversation TablesAppendix 2 Vocabulary of Technical TermAppendix 3 Charts of Equilbrium RatioReference


  《英文版普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材:油层物理学》是杨胜来、魏俊之主编的《油层物理学》的英文版。内容涵盖油气藏开发所涉及的基本物理现象、物理过程及物理量之间的关系。全书包括储层流体的物化性质,储层岩石的物理特性和储层中多相流体的渗流机理三大部分。  《英文版普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材:油层物理学》可作为石油工程及相关专业本科生的双语教材,也可供研究生及从事石油地质、采油工程、油藏工程的工程技术人员参考。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


油层物理学是石油工业出版社于2010.12出版的中图分类号为 TE311 的主题关于 油气层物理化学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。