Chapter 1 What is a green strategy?
1.1 A green strategy fosters a common culture of awareness and action
1.2 A green strategy facilitates decisions and transformation initiatives that improve the environment
1.3 Green strategies have attractive value propositions that are cost effective
1.4 Developing an enterprise-level green strategy
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 Greening of the firm
2.1 "Greening of the firm" as conceptualized and understood by firms
2.2 "Greening of the firm" as a managerial agenda
2.3 "Greening of the firm" and its impact on firms' business models
2.4 "Greening of the firm" and its manifestation within firms' organization
2.5 Identification of key antecedents of successful green firms
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Sustainability: the missing ingredient in strategy
3.1 What is sustainability in a business context?
3.2 Vision
3.3 Strategic decision-making process
3.4 Strategy content: corporate, business and functional levels
3.5 Organizational culture
3.6 Sustainability initiatives: economic, social and environmental
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Integrating corporate sustainability and strategy for business performance
4.1 The firm as the unit of inquiry into sustainable development
4.2 Sustainable development and changing perspectives on the role of business
4.3 Sustainable development and business's new realities
4.4 The pressure to learn anew "what works"
4.5 Incorporating sustainability into business strategy
4.6 The significance of corporate sustainability as a strategic capability for the developing world
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 The pivotal roles of corporate environmental responsibility
5.1 Background
5.2 Factors of CER
5.3 Barriers to CER
5.4 Benefits of CER
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Designing green strategies for sustainable effectiveness
6.1 Sustainable effectiveness
6.2 Companies with Green Strategies leading the way
6.3 The organizational design challenge
6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 Implementing a green strategy through a sustainability model
7.1 Theory
7.2 The sustainable activity model
7.3 How to use the model
7.4 Sustaining activities
7.5 Product-focused activities
7.6 Summary
Chapter 8 Sustainability leadership: from strategy to results
8.1 The need for a comprehensive sustainability framework
8.2 Workforce engagement : the core construct in the context of corporate sustainability
8.3 Macro-components of green leadership
8.4 Micro-components of green leadership
8.5 The outcomes of workforce engagement
8.6 Enhancing workforce engagement : the role of trust
8.7 Summary
Chapter 9 Strategic innovation for sustainability
9.1 Step-by-step innovation in products, services and processes
9.2 Radical innovation in processes and value chains
9.3 Game-changing systemic innovation
9.4 How to reap the benefits
9.5 Summary
面临全球环境的不断恶化、资源的日渐短缺,对于作为人类生产活动主体的企业,在追求自身利益最大化的同时也要应对环境保护和满足外部的绿色需求,在此背景下,绿色战略成为企业管理发展的一种新趋势,已经引起政府、学界和企业的广泛关注。企业必须对外部环境的变化做出反应,履行自身的社会责任。然而,如果绿色战略仅仅作为企业被动地应对政府或行业环境管制的权益之计,那么企业为减少污染、保护环境所做出的种种措施和努力只能徒增生产经营成本,对企业的可持续发展和提升竞争优势并无益处。因此,企业必须采取可持续发展的绿色战略,在制定企业战略时主动考虑环境要素,根据绿色战略选择机制制定相应的战略,并将绿色战略视为企业获取竞争优势,维持可持续发展的重要途径。《绿色MBA教育丛书·绿色战略:企业持续发展之路》既是培养绿色MBA 的教学参考用书,也是为那些希望了解绿色战略管理理论和实践的读者而撰写的前沿书目。
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出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 中国林业出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 35.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 128 | 印数 | 2000 |
绿色战略 : 企业持续发展之路是中国林业出版社于2014.11出版的中图分类号为 F279.2 的主题关于 企业经济-经济持续发展-研究-中国-英文 的书籍。