

魏汝尧, 主编







Unit 1 Energy Comes in Many Forms 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Defining 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 2 Classification of Computers 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Classifying 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice

Unit 1 Energy Comes in Many Forms 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Defining 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 2 Classification of Computers 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Classifying 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 3 Ancient Chinese Architecture 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Exemplifying 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 4 Global Warming 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Cause and Effect 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 5 The Papermaking Process 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Comparing 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 6 Internal Body Clock 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Give Evidence 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 7 Some Notions about MotionUnit 8 Penny ChemistryUnit 9 EarthUnit 10 Alcohol And Health参考答案


本教材紧扣《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》提出的教学目的,内容涵盖能源、计算机、建筑、气候、生物、物理、化学、地理等领域。全书系统明晰地讲述了如何用英文表达科学研究的方法与步骤。每个单元又以所选文本为依托,深入贯彻任务型教学理念,力求以循序渐进、重点突出的练习题使学生获得语言技能与特定领域职业技能的双丰收。活泼的编排体例与丰富的图片等创造出了实用性与趣味性相结合的效果。参考文献部分为学生指出了进一步自主学习的方向。 本教材适合高职高专理工类学生使用,也可供电大、各类成人院校及相关专业的人员学习与参考,或作为中等职业学校的公共英语课教材。




科技技能英语是北京大学出版社于2008.09出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 科学技术-英语-高等学校:技术学校-教材 的书籍。