

中华人民共和国农业部, 编








Executive Summary

Agricultural Development in2009

General Situation

Crop Farming

Livestock Raising

Veterinary Sector


Township Enterprises

Land Reclamation Economy

Price and Market of FarmProducts

Imports and Exports of FarmProducts

Income and Distribution in RuralAreas

Farmers Income and Consumption

Special State Funds forAgriculture

Comprehensive AgriculturalDevelopment

Poverty Relief throughDevelopment

Agricultural Mechanization

Feed Industry

Grassland Protection andConstruction

Protection of Aquatic Life Resources and Rehabilitation of AquaticEcosystem

Industrialized Operation ofAgriculture

Farm Product Processing

Development of Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and ControlSystem

Development of Rural MarketSystem

Development of Rural InformationSystem

Farm Product Quality SafetyControl

Agricultural Science and Technology, Agrieducation and AgriTechPropagation

Development of Talented People forAgriculture

Development of Rural AdministrativeCapacity

Agricultural Disasters

Sustainable Development ofAgriculture

International Cooperation and Exchanges onAgriculture

Agriculture and Rural Policy in2009

Overall Evaluation

Support for Development of AgriculturalProduction

Increases in Subsidies forAgriculture

Rural Land Contract Management

Management of Rural Collective Assets andFinances

Lightening Farmers Burdens

Promoting Overall Rural Reform

Promoting Development of Farmers ProfessionalCooperatives

Deepening Rural Banking Reform

Reform of Grain CirculationSystem

Reform and Buildup of Grassroots Agricultural Technique PropagationSystem

Reform of Veterinary ManagementSystem

Transfer of Rural Labor Force to OtherSectors

Agricultural Legislation

Agricultural Development and National Economy in2009

General Situation

Contribution of Agriculture to NationalEconomy

Agriculture and Distribution of NationalIncome

Proportional Relations between Industrial and AgriculturalDevelopment

Development of Rural Nonagriculture Sectors and National EconomicGrowth

Disparity between Urban and Rural ResidentsIncomes

Consumption Differences between Urban and RuralResidents

Regional Differences in EconomicDevelopment

Trend of Agricultural Development in2010

Development Objectives andTasks

Conditions for AgriculturalDevelopment

Trend of Agricultural DevelopmentForecast


Figure 1 Total Output of Grain in19932009

Figure 2 Areas Sown to various Crops in 1990 and2009

Figure 3 Total Output of Oilbearing Crops in19932009

Figure 4 Total Output of Cotton in19932009

Figure 5 Total Output of Sugarbearing Crops in19932009

Figure 6 Total Output of Fruits in19932009

Figure 7 Total Output of Meat in19932009

Figure 8 Total Output of Aquatic Products in19932009

Figure 9 Added Value of Township Enterprises in 2008 and2009

Figure 10 Changes in Yearend Number of Employees of TownshipEnterprises in 2008 and 2009

Figure 11 Monthly Wholesale Prices of Pork, Sibzer Carp andVegetables in 2009

Figure 12 Indices of Agricultural Producer Prices and Meansof Agricultural Production Prices in1993—2009

Figure 13 Volume of Chemical Fertilizer Application and PriceIndices in 1993—2009

Figure 14 Monthly Retail Prices of Urea in2009

Figure 15 Volume of Farm Pesticide Application and RetailPrice Index in 1993—2009

Figure 16 Output and Imports of Chemical Fertilizers in19932009 27

Figure 17 Consumer Price Indices of Urban and Rural Residentsin 1993—2009

Figure 18 Farm Produce Exports in Proportion to NationalTotal in 1993—2009

Figure 19 Farm Produce Imports in Proportion to NationalTotal in 1993—2009

Figure 20 Imports and Exports of Grain (not includingsoybeans) in 1993—2009

Figure 21 Per Capita Costs of Living of Rural Residents in1993—2009

Figure 22 Acreage Hit by Natural Disasters in19932009

Figure 23 Disasterstricken Acreage in19932009

Figure 24 Changes in Proportion of Added Value of Agricultureto GDP in 1993—2009

Figure 25 Changes in Proportion of Retail Sales of ConsumerGoods in Rural Areas to National Total in19932009

Figure 26 Changes in Incomes of Urban and Rural Residents in19932009

Figure 27 Changes in Engels Coefficient for Urban and RuralResidents in 1993—2009

Figure 28 Changes in Average Per Capita Grain Consumption byUrban and Rural Residents in1993—2009

Figure 29 Changes in Average Per Capita Consumption of Pork,Beef and Muttonby Urban and Rural Residents in1993—2009

Figure 30 Shares of Added Value of Township Enterprises inEastern, Central, Westernand Northeastern Regions in 2008 and2009

Figure 31 Rural Residents Average Per Capita Net IncomeLevels in Chinas Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalitiesin 2009


Column 1 Steady Development of New VeterinarySystem

Column 2 Remarkable Achievements in Suspension of MarineFishing in Hottest Season

Column 3 Positive Results in Agricultural Insurance onStateowned Farms in Land ReclamationAreas

Column 4 Conservation Tillage Program(20092015)

Column 5 Operations on Farm Product Quality Safety and LawEnforcement Year Program

Column 6 Major Research Program to Develop New Varieties ofGenetically Modified Organisms

Column 7 Development of Modern Agricultural TechnologySystems

Column 8 Special Notforprofit Research Projects forAgriculture

Column 9 Preliminary Results in Development of MonitoringPosts for Burdens of Workers on Stateowned Farms in LandReclamation Areas

Column 10 Local AgriculturalLegislation


Table 1 Status of Rural Economy in NationalEconomy

Table 2 Total Output Value and Composition of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry andFisheries

Table 3 Material Conditions for AgriculturalProduction

Table 4 AgriculturalInvestment

Table 5 Cultivated LandAcreage

Table 6 Acreage Sown toCrops

Table 7 Natural Disasters for Agriculture and Flood andSalinization Control

Table 8 Original Value of Productive Fixed Assets PerHousehold in Rural Areas

Table 9 Basic Conditions of RuralHouseholds

Table 10 Output of Major FarmProduce

Table 11 Livestock, Poultry Farming andAquaculture

Table 12 Major Financial and Economic Efficiency Indices ofTownship Enterprises

Table 13 Rice Supply and Demand andPrices

Table 14 Wheat Supply and Demand andPrices

Table 15 Corn Supply and Demand andPrices

Table 16 Soybeans Supply and Demand andPrices

Table 17 Output,Import and Export of Grain and Edible PlantOil

Table 18 Output,Import and Export of Cotton andSugar

Table 19 Pork Production, Consumption, Import andExport

Table 20 Output, Import and Prices of Chemical Fertilizersand Pesticides

Table 21 Per Capita Income of Urban and RuralResidents

Table 22 Per Capita Spending of Urban and RuralResidents

Table 23 Per Capita Food Consumption of Urban and RuralResidents

Table 24 Price Indices

Table 25 Producer Price Indices of FarmProducts

Table 26 Classified Retail Price Indices in Urban and RuralAreas

Table 27 Wholesale Prices of "Vegetable Basket"Products

Table 28 State Revenue andExpenditure

Table 29 Distribution of Rural EconomicReturns

Table 30 Rural Household Population and Labor Force in2009

Table 31 Enterprises, Employment and Cultivated Land inAdministrative Villages in 2009





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2010中国农业发展报告是中国农业出版社于2011.2出版的中图分类号为 F323 的主题关于 农业经济-经济发展-研究报告-中国-2010-英文 的书籍。