

刘胜兵, 石海英, 主编





本书供完成了大学英语基础阶段的学习进入高级阶段的本科医学生使用。教材选材真实多样,以单元主题的形式,以“医生——病人——健康”为主线,让学生从不同的角度、不同的层面认识和了解当代医学发展的现状与未来。本教材由10个单元组成,每个单元包括同一主题的两篇文章。选材内容覆盖现代医学广泛的话题,具有很强的针对性,即医学基础知识和语言两者的合理兼顾,从而使教材洋溢着主题教材的时代气息,同时也提供了语言学习的丰富内容。本教材在体例上有以下特点:1.每个单元Part I为课前练习,要求学生在正式学习前查阅相关背景资料,主要涉及该单元的一些专用术语、相关医学组织机构介绍、疾病和治疗相关知识介绍等等,促使学生积极主动学习,接触更多相关医学英语文献。课前准备的任务将在课堂上由教师有序地,有机地融入到互动的课堂教学中,旨在增强学生课堂学习的能动性。2.根据医学英语词汇特点,专门安排了构词基础知识,让学生对医学词汇结构体系有个初步的整体认识,为学生过渡到高年级的双语教学和专业医学英语学习打基础。


Unit 1 Insomnia Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive ReadingTask Insomnia Part III Extensive Reading Task Ambieen Part IV MedicaITerminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills Preparation for a LectureUnit 2 Vision and Eye Health Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task Cataracts Part III Extensive ReadingTask Choosing an Eye Doctor Part IV MedicaITerminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills Summary WritingUnit 3 Human Growth and Development Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive ReadingTask Confusion and Disorientation in the Elderly Part III Extensive ReadingTask Death and Dying Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI UpdatingTask Part VII Practical Skills How to Write In-patient Case HistoryUnit 4 Gene Therapy Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task GeneTherapy The Future is Here Part III Extensive Reading Task Seeing is Believing Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills Classification and Format of English Abstract of Medical PapersUnit 5 Depression Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task Barriers to Recognition and Optimal Treatment of Depression Part III Extensive Reading Task Diagnosis and Comorbidity of Depression Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills The Title Page WritingUnit 6 Ethics Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task Euthanasia Part III Extensive Reading Task Surrogate Motherhood Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills The introduction Page WritingUnit 7 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive ReadingTask Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Part III Extensive ReadingTask Promise and Peril for Primary Care Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills Research Proposal WritingUnit 8 HIV/AIDS Interventions Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task Voluntary Counselling and Testing Part III Extensive Reading Task Mother-to-child Transmission (MTCT) Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicaICorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills Translation of Medical Terms or NeologismUnit 9 Nutrition Health and Schoolchildren Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task Nutritional Requirements of Children Part III Extensive ReadingTask Social and Cultural Influences on Food Choice Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicaICorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills Translation of Lengthy SentencesUnit 10 Obesity Part I Pre-readingTask Part II Intensive Reading Task Our Big Problem: obesity Part III Extensive Reading Task CanYou be Both Obese and Healthy? Part IV Medical Terminology Part V MedicalCorpus Building Part VI Updating Task Part VII Practical Skills A Short Guide to Effective Public SpeechAppendix Keys for Reference Word Parts andTheir Meanings Abbreviations and Their Meanings




尺寸29 × 21装帧平装
页数 228 印数


医学英语阅读是上海交通大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 医学-英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。