

李冰, 著





本书以访谈形式,介绍了中国当代文坛最具影响力及在国外知名度较高的20位作家及其代表作品,如莫言、 铁凝、王蒙、柏杨、虹影、韩寒等。通过这些访谈及背景介绍使国外读者了解认识中国当代文坛的发展、代表人物、代表思想及经典著作。


About Li Bing Ms Li Bing, born in 1970, has a mastersdegreein classical Chinese literature and is a member.of theChinese Writers Association. After 15years as a journalist andeditor, Li Bing nowworks for the China Art Research Institute.Hermain works are: Look, These CulturalAnimals (NewWorld Press, 2005),Writers WhoImpressed China (China Federation of Literaryand ArtCircles Press, 2005), Analysis of BiShumins Essays (ShanghaiXuelin PublishingHouse, 2006), The Road to Success(SdxjointPublishing Company), Listening and Speaking--Dialogueswith Leading Contemporary ChineseWriters (Culture and ArtPublishing House,2009), and A Love Letter to Hsuan Tsang(Cultureand Art Publishing House 2010).


Foreword: A Book of Literary Value

Bo Yang: I Have No Regrets about My Life

Bi Shumin: I Seem to Have Lived 3,000 Years

Chen Jiangong: Writing a Novel Is like Pulling

Together Everyone You Know

Chen Ran: I Will Never Make Money by

Writing about My Privacy

Chen Zhongshi: Ill Never Try to Surpass

White Deer Plain"

Hai Yah: Love, I Dont Go Chasing It

Han Dong: Poets Are Immortals, Novelists Are Coolies

Hong Ying: My Passion for Writing Is Like a

Womans Love for a Man

Liang Xiaosheng: I Would Prefer to Be a Singer If

I Could Choose My Job Again

Liu Heng: I Act the Little Guy" Roles

Mo Yan: I Wont Win the Nobel Prize

Shi Tiesheng: Im a Part-time Writer,

a Full-time Patient

Tie Ning: I Feel Ashamed Facing the Classics

Wang Meng: The Nobel Prize Is Fine but

Doesnt Compare with Literature Itself

Yan Lianke: Juries Like Sweet Chocolate,

but My Books Taste Bitter

Yu Kwang-chung: Another Yu Kwang-chung Is

Hardly Likely

Zhang Haidi: I Will Never Write an Autobiography

ZhangJie: Im Not a Clever Writer

Zhang Xianliang: My Recipe for Success

Is in Das Kapital

Zou Jingzhi: Scriptwriters Are a BadlyAbused Bunch



According to Buddha "the whole world is in a flower."How muchmore true is this for a complicated humanwith noself-understanding, especially when behind thewriting might lie apersonal world of spectacle or darkness,a sunny or a depressedheart.
This kind of curiosity led me to the cultural jungle.Everyinterviewee was a unique, colorful vista. I had thehonor toapproach, question, listen to, and understandthem; to see close upthe wrinkles on their faces, the colorof their hair, theireyes
Every one of them was a museum packed with preciousthings.Entering their space, reading and studying themprovided nourishmentbeyond words.


尺寸23 × 15装帧平装


听与说是外文出版社于2011.出版的中图分类号为 K825.6 ,I206.7 的主题关于 作家-人物评论-中国-现代-英文 ,当代文学-文学评论-中国-英文 的书籍。