矩阵群 : 李群理论基础

矩阵群 : 李群理论基础

(美) 贝克 (Baker,A.) , 著







Part Ⅰ. Basic Ideas and Examples

1. Real and Complex Matrix Groups

1.1 Groups of Matrices

1.2 Groups of Matrices as Metric Spaces

1.3 Compactness

1.4 Matrix Groups

1.5 Some Important Examples

1.6 Complex Matrices as Real Matrices

1.7 Continuous Homomorphisms of Matrix Groups

1.8 Matrix Groups for Normed Vector Spaces

1.0 Continuous Group Actions

2. Exponentials, Differential Equations and One-parameter Subgroups

2.1 The Matrix Exponential and Logarithm

2.2 Calculating Exponentials and Jordan Form

2.3 Differential Equations in Matrices

2.4 One-parameter Subgroups in Matrix Groups

2.5 One-parameter Subgroups and Differential Equations

3. Tangent Spaces and Lie Algebras

3.1 LieAlgebras.

3.2 Curves, Tangent Spaces and Lie Algebras

3.4 Some Observations on the Exponential Function of a Matrix Group

3.5 SO(3) and SU(2)

3.6 The Complexification of a Real Lie Algebra

4. Algebras, Quaternions and Quaternionic Symplectic Groups

4.1 Algebras

4.2 Real and Complex Normed Algebras

4.3 Linear Algebra over a Division Algebra

4.4 The Quaternions

4.5 Quaternionic Matrix Groups

4.6 Automorphism Groups of Algebras

5. Clifford Algebras and Spinor Groups

5.1 Real Clifford Algebras

5.2 Clifford Groups

5.3 Pinor and Spinor Groups

5.4 The Centres of Spinor Groups

5.5 Finite Subgroups of Spinor Groups

6. Lorentz Groups

6.1 Lorentz Groups

6.2 A Principal Axis Theorem for Lorentz Groups

6.3 SL2(C) and the Lorentz Group Lor(3, 1)

Part Ⅱ. Matrix Groups as Lie Groups

7. Lie Groups

7.1 Smooth Manifolds

7.2 Tangent Spaces and Derivatives

7.3 Lie Groups

7.4 Some Examples of Lie Groups

7.5 Some Useful Formulae in Matrix Groups

7.6 Matrix Groups are Lie Groups

7.7 Not All Lie Groups are Matrix Groups

8. Homogeneous Spaces

8.1 Homogeneous Spaces as Manifolds

8.2 Homogeneous Spaces as Orbits

8.3 Projective Spaces

8.4 Grassmannians

8.5 The Gram-Schmidt Process

8.6 Reduced Echelon Form

8.7 Real Inner Products

8.8 Symplectic Forms

9. Connectivity of Matrix Groups

9.1 Connectivity of Manifolds

9.2 Examples of Path Connected Matrix Groups

9.3 The Path Components of a Lie Group

9.4 Another Connectivity Result

Part Ⅲ. Compact Connected Lie Groups and their Classification

10. Maximal Tori in Compact Connected Lie Groups

10.1 Tori

10.2 Maximal Tori in Compact Lie Groups

10.3 The Normaliser and Weyl Group of a Maximal Torus

10.4 The Centre of a Compact Connected Lie Group

11. Semi-simple Factorisation

11.1 An Invariant Inner Product

11.2 The Centre and its Lie Algebra

11.3 Lie Ideals and the Adjoint Action

11.4 Semi-simple Decompositions

11.5 Structure of the Adjoint Representation

12. Roots Systems, Weyl Groups and Dynkin Diagrams

12.1 Inner Products and Duality

12.2 Roots systems and their Weyl groups

12.3 Some Examples of Root Systems

12.4 The Dynkin Diagram of a Root System

12.5 Irreducible Dynkin Diagrams

12.6 From Root Systems to Lie Algebras

Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises








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尺寸25 × 18装帧平装
页数印数 4000


矩阵群 : 李群理论基础是清华大学出版社于2009.11出版的中图分类号为 O152.5 的主题关于 李群-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。