

杨朝光, 著







Part 1 Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics  1.1 Nature and Properties of Human Language  1.2 Functions of Human Language  1.3 Linguistics  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 2 Semantics  2.1 Theories Concerning Meaning  2.2 Categorization of Meaning  2.3 Sense and Reference  2.4 Problems in the Study of the Meaning of Words  2.5 Problems in the Study of the Meaning of Sentences  2.6 Analysis of the Meaning of Words and Sentences

Part 1 Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics  1.1 Nature and Properties of Human Language  1.2 Functions of Human Language  1.3 Linguistics  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 2 Semantics  2.1 Theories Concerning Meaning  2.2 Categorization of Meaning  2.3 Sense and Reference  2.4 Problems in the Study of the Meaning of Words  2.5 Problems in the Study of the Meaning of Sentences  2.6 Analysis of the Meaning of Words and Sentences  2.7 Ambiguity in English  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 3 Morphology and Lexicology  3.1 Morphemes and Morphology  3.2 Morphological Rules  3.3 Definition and Structure of Words   3.4 Word-Formation in English  3.5 Changes in the Meaning of Words  3.6 Origins of English Vocabulary  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 4 Syntax  4.1 Traditional Approach  4.2 Structural Approach  4.3 Transformational-Generative Approach  4.4 Functional Approach  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 5 Phonetics and Phonology  5.1 Production of Speech Sounds  5.2 Phonemes, Phones and Allophones   5.3 Phonological Rules  5.4 Phonetic Transcription  5.5 Suprasegmental Phonemes  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  ExercisesPart 2 Chapter 6 Language, Thought and Reality  6.1 Theories Concerning the Relationship Between  Language, Thought and Reality  6.2 Sapir-Whorf Hypotheses   6.3 The Insight the Hypotheses Have Brought to Us  6.4 Comparison of the Thinking Patterns of  Chinese and English-speaking People  6.5 Criticism on Linguistic Determinism  6.6 Other Views Concerning the Relationship Between  Language, Thought and Reality  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 7 Language, Culture, Society and Individuals  7.1 Relationship Between Language and Culture  7.2 Relationship of Language with Society and  Individuals  7.3 Communicative Competence in Cross-Cultural  Communication  7.4 How to Acquire the Ability to Communicate  Effectively  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 8 Language in Business and Language in Politics  8.1 Language in Business  8.2 Language of Political Oratory  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  Exercises Chapter 9 A Functional Approach to Language  Teaching and Learning  9.1 Broad Issues of Policy and Practice in Language  Teaching from a Functional Point of View  9.2 Linguistics in Language Teaching and Learning  9.3 Framework of Organization of Teaching  Questions for Review  Books for Reference  ExercisesAppendices Appendix 1 The Constituent Structure of English  Semology Appendix 2 The Constituent Structure of English  Grammar Appendix 3 The Constituent Structure of English  Phonology Appendix 4 Syllabus for the Course   Model Key to Exercises  Bibliography


本书采用功能派语言学的观点编写。本书着重从语言的社会功能出发,书中的第一部分在揭示了语言性质和功能之后,首先讨论语义学的基本内容;然后讨论词法学、词汇学及句法学;最后讨论语音学和音位学。本书的第二部分揭示了语言与思维、现实,语言与文化、社会、个人的密切关系,意在引导学员宏观地认识语言,深入地理解语言学的理论价值和实用价值。本书的最后几章探讨语言与商业、语言与政治的密切关系,并讨论语言学对外语“教”与“学”的启迪,重点介绍功能派语言教学的一些观点。 本书既可作为英语专业本科高年级学生的教材,英语专业一年级硕士研究生语言学课程的参考教材,也可作为各类人员的自学用书。




语言学导论是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 H0 的主题关于 语言学-英文 的书籍。