

中华人民共和国国家统计局, 编







一、综 合

General Survey


Brief Introduction

1-1 全国行政区划 (2013年底) 3

Divisions of Administrative Areas in China (End of 2013)

1-2 国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标 4

Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rates

1-3 国民经济和社会发展结构指标 12

Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development

1-4 国民经济和社会发展比例和效益指标 16

Indicators on National Economic and Social Development

主要统计指标解释 18

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

二、人 口



Brief Introduction

2-1 人口数及构成 25

Population and Its Composition

2-2 人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率 26

Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population

2-3 流动人口数 26

Floating Population

2-4 人口年龄结构和抚养比 27

Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population

2-5 分地区年末人口数 28

Population at Year-end by Region

2-6 分地区年末城镇人口比重 29

Proportion of Urban Population at Year-end by Region

2-7 分地区人口的城乡构成和出生率、死亡率、自然增长率 (2013年) 30

Total Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Birth Rate, Death Rate, Natural Growth Rate by Region (2013)

2-8 按年龄和性别分人口数 (2013年) 31

Population by Age and Sex (2013)

2-9 分地区户数、人口数、性别比和户规模 (2013年) 32

Household, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size by Region (2013)

2-10 分地区分性别、户口登记状况的人口(2013年) 34

Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region (2013)

2-11 分地区人口年龄构成和抚养比 (2013年) 36

Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region (2013)

2-12 分地区按性别和婚姻状况分的人口(2013年) 37

Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region (2013)

2-13 分地区按性别和受教育程度分的人口 (2013年) 39

Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region (2013)

2-14 分地区按性别分的15岁及以上文盲人口 (2013年) 41

Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region (2013)

2-15 分地区按家庭户规模分的户数 (2013年) 42

Family Households by Size and Region (2013)

2-16 育龄妇女分年龄、孩次的生育状况(2012年11月1日至2013年10月31日) 43

Age-specific Fertility Rate of Childbearing Women by Age of Mother and Birth Order (2012.11.1-2013.10.31)

主要统计指标解释 44

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


National Accounts


Brief Introduction

3-1 国内生产总值 50

Gross Domestic Product

3-2 国内生产总值构成 51

Composition of Gross Domestic Product

3-3 不变价国内生产总值 52

Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices

3-4 国内生产总值指数(上年=100) 53

Indices of Gross Domestic Product(preceding year=100)

3-5 国内生产总值指数(1978年=100) 54

Indices of Gross Domestic Product(year of 1978=100)

3-6 第三产业增加值 55

Value-added of the Tertiary Industry

3-7 第三产业增加值构成 56

Composition of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry

3-8 第三产业不变价增加值 57

Value-added of the Tertiary Industry at Constant Prices

3-9 第三产业增加值指数(上年=100) 58

Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(preceding year=100)

3-10 第三产业增加值指数(1978年=100) 59

Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(year of 1978=100)

3-11 分行业增加值 60

Value-added by Sector

3-12 三次产业贡献率 61

Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of the GDP

3-13 三次产业对国内生产总值增长的拉动 61

Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to GDP Growth

3-14 地区生产总值和指数 62

Gross Regional Product and Indices

3-15 人均地区生产总值和指数 63

Per Capita Gross Regional Product and Indices

3-16 按三次产业分地区生产总值 (2013年) 64

Gross Regional Product by Three Strata of Industry (2013)

3-17 地区生产总值收入法构成项目 (2012年) 67

Income Approach Components of Gross Regional Product (2012)

3-18 支出法国内生产总值 68

Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach

3-19 支出法国内生产总值及构成 69

Components of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach

3-20 支出法地区生产总值 (2013年) 70

Gross Regional Product by Expenditure Approach (2013)

3-21 分地区资本形成总额及构成 (2013年) 71

Gross Capital Formation and Its Composition by Region (2013)

3-22 分地区最终消费支出及构成 (2013年) 72

Final Consumption Expenditure and Its Composition by Region (2013)

3-23 居民消费水平 73

Household Consumption Expenditure

3-24 三大需求对国内生产总值增长的贡献率和拉动 73

Contribution Share and Contribution of the Three Components of GDP to the Growth of GDP

3-25 分地区居民消费水平 (2013年) 74

Household Consumption Expenditure by Region (2013)

3-26 资金流量表 (实物交易,2012年) 75

Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2012)

3-27 资金流量表 (金融交易,2012年) 77

Flow of Funds Accounts (Financial Transaction, 2012)

3-28 国际收支平衡表 (2013年) 79

Balance of Payments (2013)

主要统计指标解释 80

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Employment and Wages


Brief Introduction

4-1 就业基本情况 89


4-2 按城乡分就业人员数 (年底数) 90

Number of Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas

4-3 按三次产业分就业人员数 (年底数) 91

Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata of Industry

4-4 按登记注册类型和行业分城镇单位就业人员数 (2013年底) 92

Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2013)

4-5 按行业分城镇单位就业人员数(年底数) 93

Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Sector

4-6 分地区按行业分私营企业和个体就业人数(2013年底) 96

Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector

and Region (2013)

4-7 分地区按行业分城镇私营企业和个体就业人数(2013年底) 97

Number of Engaged Persons in Urban Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector

and Region (2013)

4-8 分地区私营企业就业人数(2013年底) 98

Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises at Year-end by Region (2013)

4-9 分地区个体就业人数(2013年底) 99

Number of Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Region (2013)

4-10 城镇单位就业人员工资总额和指数 100

Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices

4-11 城镇单位就业人员平均工资和指数 101

Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices

4-12 按登记注册类型分城镇单位就业人员平均工资 103

Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration

4-13 按行业分城镇单位就业人员工资总额 104

Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector

4-14 按登记注册类型和行业分城镇单位就业人员平均工资 (2013年) 107

Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2013)

4-15 按行业分城镇单位就业人员平均工资 108

Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector

4-16 分地区按行业分城镇私营单位就业人员平均工资(2013年) 111

Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units by Sector and Region (2013)

4-17 分地区城镇登记失业人员及失业率 114

Registered Unemployed Persons and Unemployment Rate in Urban Area by Region

主要统计指标解释 115

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

五、价 格



Brief Introduction

5-1 各种价格指数 123

Price Indices

5-2 各种价格定基指数 123

Fixed-base Price Indices

5-3 居民消费价格分类指数 (2013年) 124

Consumer Price Indices by Category (2013)

5-4 商品零售价格分类指数 (2013年) 126

Retail Price Indices by Category (2013)

5-5 分地区居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 127

Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices by Region

5-6 分地区居民消费价格分类指数 128

Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region

5-7 分地区商品零售价格分类指数 136

Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities by Region

5-8 分地区农业生产资料价格分类指数 139

Price Indices for Means of Agricultural Production by Category and Region

5-9 农产品生产者价格指数 141

Producer Price Indices for Farm Products

5-10 分地区农产品生产者价格指数 142

Producer Price Indices for Farm Products by Region

5-11 按工业行业分工业生产者出厂价格指数 143

Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Sector

5-12 分地区工业生产者出厂价格指数 144

Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Region

5-13 工业生产者出厂价格分类指数 145

Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Category

5-14 工业生产者购进价格指数 145

Purchasing Price Indices for Industrial Producers

5-15 固定资产投资价格指数 146

Price Index for Investment in Fixed Assets

5-16 分地区固定资产投资价格指数 147

Price Indices for Investment in Fixed Assets by Region

5-17 建筑安装工程价格指数 148

Price Indices of Construction and Installment

5-18 进出口商品价格指数 148

Price Indices of Imports and Exports of Commodity

5-19 分行业进出口商品价格指数 149

Price Index Number of Commodity Imports and Exports by Industry

主要统计指标解释 150

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


People's Living Conditions


Brief Introduction

6-1 全国居民人均收支情况 156

Per Capita Income and Consumption Expenditure Nationwide

6-2 全国居民人均主要食品消费量 157

Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods Nationwide

6-3 全国居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 157

Main Durable Goods Owned Per 100 Households Nationwide

6-4 城乡居民人均收入及恩格尔系数 158

Per Capita Income and Engel's Coefficient of Urban and Rural Households

6-5 城镇居民人均收入与支出 159

Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Urban Households

6-6 东、中、西部及东北地区城镇居民人均可支配收入 160

Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions

6-7 按收入五等份分组的城镇居民人均可支配收入 161

Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households by Income Quintile

6-8 城镇居民人均购买主要食品数量 162

Per Capita Purchases of Major Foods of Urban Households

6-9 城镇居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 162

Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end

6-10 农村居民家庭基本情况 163

Basic Conditions of Rural Households

6-11 农村居民按人均纯收入分组的户数占调查户比重 164

Percentage of Rural Households Grouped by Per Capita Net Income

6-12 农村居民人均收入与支出 165

Per Capita Income and Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households

6-13 东、中、西部及东北地区农村居民人均纯收入 166

Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions

6-14 按收入五等份分组的农村居民人均纯收入 167

Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Income Quintile

6-15 农村居民人均主要食品消费量 168

Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Rural Households

6-16 农村居民平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 168

Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households at Year-end

6-17 城乡新建住宅面积和居民住房情况 169

Floor Space of Newly Built Residential Buildings and Housing Conditions of Urban and Rural Residents

6-18 农村居民家庭住房情况 169

Housing Conditions of Rural Households

6-19 农村贫困状况 170

Poverty Conditions in Rural Areas

6-20 分地区全体居民人均收支情况(2013年) 171

Per Capita Income and Consumption Expenditure of Nationwide by Region(2013)

6-21 分地区城镇居民人均可支配收入 172

Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households by Region

6-22 分地区城镇居民人均收入来源 (2013年) 173

Per Capita Income of Urban Households by Sources and Region (2013)

6-23 分地区城镇居民人均现金消费支出 174

Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Region

6-24 分地区城镇居民人均现金消费支出 (2013年) 175

Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Region (2013)

6-25 分地区农村居民人均纯收入 176

Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Region

6-26 分地区按来源分农村居民人均纯收入 (2013年) 177

Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Sources and Region (2013)

6-27 分地区农村居民人均消费支出 178

Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region

6-28 分地区农村居民人均消费支出 (2013年) 179

Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (2013)

6-29 分地区农村居民人均现金消费支出 180

Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region

6-30 分地区农村居民人均现金消费支出 (2013年) 181

Per Capita Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (2013)

主要统计指标解释 182

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

七、财 政

Government Finance


Brief Introduction

7-1 公共财政收支总额及增长速度 190

Public Government Revenue and Expenditure and Their Increase Rates

7-2 中央和地方公共财政主要收入项目 (2013年) 191

Main Items of Public Government Revenue of the Central and Local Governments (2013)

7-3 中央和地方公共财政主要支出项目 (2013年) 192

Main Items of Public Government Expenditure of Central and Local Governments (2013)

7-4 各项税收 193


7-5 分地区公共财政收入 (2013年) 194

Public Government Revenue by Region (2013)

7-6 分地区公共财政支出 (2013年) 197

Public Government Expenditure by Region (2013)

7-7 中央财政债务余额情况 200

Outstanding of Debts of Central Government

7-8 外债余额 200

Outstanding of External Debts

7-9 外债风险指标 201

Risk Indicators on External Debts

7-10 全国政府性基金收入决算表(2013年) 202

Final Accounts for Revenue of Government Funds (2013)

7-11 全国政府性基金支出决算表(2013年) 203

Final Accounts for Expenditure of Government Funds (2013)

7-12 全国国有资本经营收入决算表(2013年) 204

Final Accounts of Operation Revenue of State-owned Capital (2013)

7-13 全国国有资本经营支出决算表(2013年) 205

Final Accounts for Operation Expenditure of State-owned Capital (2013)

主要统计指标解释 206

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Resources and Environment


Brief Introduction

8-1 土地状况 211

Land Characteristics

8-2 主要河流基本情况 211

Major Rivers

8-3 河流流域面积 212

Drainage Area of Rivers

8-4 主要矿产基础储量 213

Ensured Reserves of Major Minerals

8-5 分地区主要能源、黑色金属矿产基础储量 (2013年) 214

Ensured Reserves of Major Energy and Ferrous Metals by Region (2013)

8-6 分地区主要有色金属、非金属矿产基础储量 (2013年) 215

Ensured Reserves of Major Non-ferrous Metals and Non-metal Minerals by Region (2013)

8-7 主要城市平均气温(2013年) 216

Monthly Average Temperature of Major Cities (2013)

8-8 主要城市平均相对湿度 (2013年) 217

Average Relative Humidity of Major Cities (2013)

8-9 主要城市降水量 (2013年) 218

Monthly Precipitation of Major Cities (2013)

8-10 主要城市日照时数 (2013年) 219

Monthly Sunshine Hours of Major Cities (2013)

8-11 水资源情况 220

Water Resources

8-12 供水用水情况 221

Water Supply and Water Use

8-13 分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 222

Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Water by Region (2013)

8-14 主要城市废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 224

Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Water in Main Cities (2013)

8-15 分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 225

Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Gas by Region (2013)

8-16 主要城市废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2013年) 226

Main Pullutant Emission in Waste Gas in Main Cities (2013)

8-17 分地区固体废物处理利用情况 (2013年) 227

Disposal and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes by Region (2013)

8-18 主要城市固体废物处理利用情况(2013年) 228

Disposal and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes in Main Cities (2013)

8-19 环保重点城市空气质量情况 (2013年) 229

Ambient Air Quality in Key Cities of Environmental Protection (2013)

8-20 分地区城市生活垃圾清运和处理情况 (2013年) 230

Collection, Transport and Disposal of Consumption Wastes in Cities by Region (2013)

8-21 环保重点城市道路交通噪声监测情况 (2013年) 232

Monitoring of Urban Road Traffic Noise in Key Cities of Environmental Protection (2013)

8-22 环保重点城市区域环境噪声监测情况 (2013年) 233

Monitoring of Urban Environment Noise in Key Cities of Environmental Protection (2013)

8-23 分地区土地利用情况 (2008年) 234

Land Use by Region (2008)

8-24 分地区森林资源情况 235

Forest Resources by Region

8-25 造林面积 236

Area of Afforestation

8-26 分地区草原建设利用情况(2013年) 237

Grassland Construction and Utilization by Region (2013)

8-27 分地区湿地面积 238

Area of Wetlands by Region

8-28 分地区自然保护基本情况 (2013年) 239

Basic Situation of Natural Protection by Region (2013)

8-29 分地区自然灾害损失情况(2013年) 240

Loss Caused by Natural Disasters by Region (2013)

8-30 地质灾害及防治情况 242

Geological Disasters and Prevention and Cure

8-31 森林火灾情况(2013年) 243

Forest Fires (2013)

8-32 林业有害生物防治情况 244

Prevention of Forest Biological Disasters

8-33 突发环境事件情况(2013年) 246

Environmental Emergencies (2013)

8-34 地震灾害情况 247

Earthquake Disasters

8-35 主要海洋灾害情况 (2013年) 247

Major Marine Disasters (2013)

8-36 全海域未达到第一类海水水质标准的海域面积(2013年) 248

Sea Area with Water Quality Not Reaching Standard of Grade 1 (2013)

8-37 环境污染治理投资 248

Investment in the Treatment of Environmental Pollution

8-38 工业污染治理投资完成情况 249

Investment Completed in the Treatment of Industrial Pollution

8-39 林业投资资金来源情况(2013年) 250

Sources of Funds of Forestry Investment (2013)

8-40 林业投资完成情况(2013年) 251

Forestry Investment Completed (2013)

主要统计指标解释 252

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

九、能 源



Brief Introduction

9-1 能源生产总量及构成 261

Total Production of Energy and Its Composition

9-2 能源消费总量及构成 261

Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition

9-3 综合能源平衡表 262

Overall Energy Balance Sheet

9-4 石油平衡表 263

Petroleum Balance Sheet

9-5 煤炭平衡表 264

Coal Balance Sheet

9-6 电力平衡表 264

Electricity Balance Sheet

9-7 能源生产弹性系数 265

Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production

9-8 能源消费弹性系数 265

Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption

9-9 按行业分能源消费量 (2012年) 266

Consumption of Energy by Sector (2012)

9-10 能源加工转换效率 268

Efficiency of Energy Conversion

9-11 平均每天能源消费量 268

Average Daily Energy Consumption by Type of Energy

9-12 生活能源消费量 269

Average Annual Energy Consumption for Households

9-13 人均生活能源消费量 269

Annual per Capita Energy Consumption of Households

9-14 分地区电力消费量 270

Electricity Consumption by Region

9-15 发电装机容量 271

Installed Capacity of Power Generation

9-16 平均每万元国内生产总值能源消费量 272

Energy Intensity by GDP

主要统计指标解释 273

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Investment in Fixed Assets


Brief Introduction

10-1 全社会固定资产投资主要指标 278

Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country

10-2 全社会固定资产投资和全社会住宅投资 279

Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country and Total Investment in Residential Buildings in the

Whole Country

10-3 分地区按登记注册类型分全社会固定资产投资(2013年) 280

Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Status of Registration and Region (2013)

10-4 全社会固定资产投资实际到位资金和按构成分固定资产投资 282

Actual Funds for Investment and Structure of Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country

10-5 全社会固定资产投资实际到位资金 283

Actual Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country

10-6 按主要行业分的全社会固定资产投资 284

Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Sector

10-7 全社会房屋施工、竣工面积和价值 287

Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed in the Whole Country

10-8 固定资产投资(不含农户)实际到位资金和按隶属关系分固定资产投资(不含农户) 288

Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sources of Actual Funds and by Jurisdiction of


10-9 按构成和建设性质分固定资产投资(不含农户) 289

Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Composition of Funds and Type of Construction

10-10 各行业按建设性质和构成分固定资产投资(不含农户)(2013年) 290

Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector, Type of Construction and Composition

of Funds (2013)

10-11 各行业按隶属关系、登记注册类型和控股情况分固定资产投资(不含农户)(2013年) 294

Investment in Fixed Assets(Excluding Rural Households) by Sector, Jurisdiction of Management, Registration Status

and Holding Type (2013)

10-12 固定资产投资(不含农户)各行业实际到位资金和新增固定资产 (2013年) 298

Actual Funds for Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector (2013)

10-13 按行业分固定资产投资(不含农户) 302

Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector

10-14 按项目规模分固定资产投资(不含农户) 305

Investment in Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Size of Construction

10-15 能源工业固定资产投资(不含农户) 306

Investment in Energy Industry (Excluding Rural Households)

10-16 固定资产投资(不含农户)房屋施工、竣工面积和房屋竣工价值 307

Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Buildings Completed (Excluding Rural Households)

10-17 固定资产(不含农户)按行业分新增固定资产 308

Newly Increased Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) by Sector

10-18 固定资产投资(不含农户)施工、投产项目个数 311

Number of Construction Projects (Excluding Rural Households) under Construction and Put into Use

10-19 固定资产投资(不含农户)新增固定资产及交付使用率 312

Newly Increased Fixed Assets and Rate of Projects of Fixed Assets (Excluding Rural Households) Completed and

Put into Use

10-20 固定资产投资(不含农户)按行业分施工、投产项目个数 (2013年) 313

Number of Construction Projects under Construction and Projects Completed and Projects Put into Use (Excluding

Rural Households) by Sector (2013)

10-21 新增主要产品生产能力 315

Newly Increased Production Capacity of Major Products

10-22 全社会主要产品建设规模 (2013年) 317

Construction Size of Main Production Capacity in the Whole Country (2013)

10-23 农村农户固定资产投资和建房 319

Farm Households Investment in Fixed Assets and Buildings Construction in Rural Area

主要统计指标解释 320

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation


Brief Introduction

11-1 对外经济贸易基本情况 328

Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

11-2 货物进出口总额 329

Total Value of Imports and Exports of Goods

11-3 出口货物分类金额 330

Exports Value by Category of Goods

11-4 进口货物分类金额 331

Imports Value by Category of Goods

11-5 进出口货物分类金额 332

Value of Imports and Exports of Goods by HS Section and Division

11-6 我国同各国(地区)海关货物进出口总额 337

Value of Imports and Exports by Country (Region) of Origin/Destination

11-7 出口主要货物数量和金额 341

Main Exported Goods in Volume and Value

11-8 进口主要货物数量和金额 344

Main Imported Goods in Volume and Value

11-9 分地区货物进出口总额(2013年) 346

Total Value of Imports and Exports of Goods by Region (2013)

11-10 分地区外商投资企业货物进出口总额 347

Value of Imports and Exports of Goods of Foreign-funded Enterprises by Region

11-11 服务进出口总额 348

Total Value of Imports and Exports of Services

11-12 服务进出口分类金额 348

Total Value of Imports and Exports of Services by Sector

11-13 利用外资概况 349

Utilization of Foreign Capital

11-14 按国别(地区)分实际外商投资额 350

Foreign Investment Actually Utilized by Countries or Regions

11-15 按方式分外商投资额 353

Amount of Foreign Investment by Form

11-16 按行业分外商直接投资 (2013年) 353

Foreign Direct Investment by Sector (2013)

11-17 按行业分外商投资企业年底注册登记情况 (2013年) 354

Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Sector at Year-end (2013)

11-18 分地区外商投资企业年底注册登记情况 355

Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Region at Year-end

11-19 按主要国别(地区)分对外直接投资 356

Overseas Direct Investment by Countries or Regions

11-20 按行业分对外直接投资 357

Overseas Direct Investment by Sector

11-21 对外经济合作 358

Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions

11-22 按国别(地区)分对外经济合作(2013年) 359

Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions (2013)

主要统计指标解释 363

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

十二、农 业



Brief Introduction

12-1 农业生产条件与农作物播种面积 368

Agricultural Production Basic Conditions and Sown Area of Farm Crops

12-2 主要农牧渔业生产情况 369

Output of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery

12-3 农、林、牧、渔业总产值及指数 370

Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery and Related Indices

12-4 主要农业机械拥有量 (年底数) 371

Major Agricultural Machinery at Year-end

12-5 有效灌溉面积和农用化肥施用量 372

Irrigated Area and Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers

12-6 灌溉、水库和除涝治水情况 373

Irrigation, Reservoirs, Flood Prevention, Water and Soil Conservation

12-7 分地区水利设施和除涝面积 (2013年) 374

Water Conservancy Facilities and Area with Flood Prevention Measures by Region (2013)

12-8 农作物播种面积 375

Sown Areas of Farm Crops

12-9 主要农作物种植结构 378

Planting Structure of Major Farm Crops

12-10 主要农产品产量 379

Output of Major Farm Products

12-11 主要农产品单位面积产量 382

Output of Major Farm Products Per Hectare

12-12 主要林产品产量 383

Output of Major Forest Products

12-13 牲畜饲养情况 384

Number of Livestock

12-14 畜产品产量 386

Output of Livestock Products

12-15 水产品产量 388

Output of Aquatic Products

12-16 人均主要农产品产量 390

Per Capita Output of Major Farm Products

12-17 国有农场基本情况 391

Basic Statistics on State Farms

主要统计指标解释 392

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

十三、工 业



Brief Introduction

13-1 规模以上工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 397

Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2013)

13-2 按行业分规模以上工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 398

Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2013)

13-3 分地区规模以上工业企业主要指标 402

Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region

13-4 分地区国有及国有控股工业企业主要指标 405

Main Indicators of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Region

13-5 按行业分国有及国有控股工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 408

Main Indicators of State-owned and State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2013)

13-6 按行业分私营工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 412

Main Indicators of Private Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2013)

13-7 分地区私营工业企业主要指标 416

Main Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises by Region

13-8 分地区外商投资和港澳台商投资工业企业主要指标 419

Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Region

13-9 按行业分外商投资和港澳台商投资工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 422

Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Industrial

Sector (2013)

13-10 按行业分大中型工业企业主要指标 (2013年) 426

Main Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2013)

13-11 分地区大中型工业企业主要指标 430

Main Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises by Region

13-12 工业产品产量 433

Output of Industrial Products

13-13 分地区工业产品产量 435

Output of Industrial Products by Region

13-14 人均主要工业产品产量 440

Per Capita Output of Main Industrial Products

13-15 全国规模以上工业主要产品生产能力 440

Main Industrial Products above Designated Size

主要统计指标解释 441

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators




Brief Introduction

14-1 建筑业企业概况 447

Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises

14-2 按登记注册类型分建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 448

Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registration Status (2013)

14-3 分地区总承包建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 449

Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of General Contractors by Region (2013)

14-4 分地区专业承包建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 450

Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Professional Contractors by Region (2013)

14-5 分地区建筑业增加值 451

Value-added of Construction by Region

14-6 分地区建筑业劳动生产率(2013年) 452

Labor Productivity of Construction by Region(2013)

14-7 分地区按登记注册类型分建筑业企业单位数 (2013年) 453

Number of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2013)

14-8 分地区按登记注册类型分建筑业企业从业人员 (2013年) 454

Number of Staff and Workers in Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (2013)

14-9 分地区建筑业总产值 (2013年) 455

Total Output Value of Construction by Region (2013)

14-10 分地区按登记注册类型分建筑业总产值 (2013年) 456

Total Output Value of Construction by Registration Status and Region (2013)

14-11 分地区按行业分建筑业总产值 (2013年) 457

Total Output Value of Construction by Branch and Region (2013)

14-12 分地区按资质等级分总承包建筑业企业总产值 (2013年) 458

Total Output Value of Construction Enterprises of General Contractors by Qualification Criteria and by Region (2013)

14-13 分地区按资质等级分专业承包建筑业企业总产值 (2013年) 459

Total Output Value of Construction Enterprises of Professional Contractors by Qualification Criteria and by

Region (2013)

14-14 分地区建筑业企业签订合同和承包工程完成情况 (2013年) 460

Contracts Signed and Completion of Contracted Projects by Construction Enterprises by Region (2013)

14-15 建筑业企业房屋建筑面积 461

Floor Space of Buildings Constructed by Construction Enterprises

14-16 勘察设计机构基本情况 (2013年) 462

Conditions of Prospecting and Designing Institutions (2013)

14-17 工程招标代理机构基本情况 (2013年) 463

Conditions of Project Bidding Agencies (2013)

14-18 建设工程监理企业基本情况(2013年) 464

Conditions of Construction Project Supervision Enterprises (2013)

主要统计指标解释 465

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Real Estate


Brief Introduction

15-1 房地产开发企业主要指标 469

Main Indicators of Enterprises for Real Estate Development

15-2 房地产开发企业个数 470

Number of Enterprises for Real Estate Development

15-3 房地产开发企业土地开发及购置 471

Land Development and Purchase of Enterprises for Real Estate Development

15-4 房地产开发企业投资总规模及完成情况(2013年) 472

General Scale of Construction and Actually Completed Investment of Enterprises for Real Estate Development (2013)

15-5 按用途分房地产开发企业完成投资 473

Investment Actually Completed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use

15-6 房地产开发企业实际到位资金 474

Actual Funds in Place of Enterprises for Real Estate Development

15-7 房地产开发企业房屋建筑面积和造价 475

Floor Space and Cost of Buildings Developed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development

15-8 按用途分房地产开发企业房屋新开工面积 476

Floor Space of Buildings Started This Year by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use

15-9 按用途分商品房销售面积 477

Floor Space of Commercialized Buildings Sold by Use

15-10 按用途分商品房销售额 478

Total Sale of Commercialized Buildings Sold by Use

15-11 按用途分商品房平均销售价格 479

Average Selling Price of Commercialized Buildings by Use

15-12 分地区按项目规模分房地产开发完成投资 (2013年) 480

Investment Actually Completed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Size of Projects and Region (2013)

15-13 房地产开发企业成套住宅竣工与销售情况 481

Number of Flats of Residential Buildings Completed and Sold by Enterprises for Real Estate Development

15-14 35个大中城市主要指标完成情况 (2013年) 482

Main Indicators of Real Estate Projects in 35 Large and Medium-sized Cities (2013)

主要统计指标解释 484

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Wholesale and Retail Trades


Brief Introduction

16-1 批发和零售业情况 489

Basic Conditions of Wholesale and Retail Trades

16-2 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上批发业企业主要指标(2013年) 490

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)

16-3 分地区限额以上批发业企业主要指标(2013年) 494

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region (2013)

16-4 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上零售业企业主要指标(2013年) 496

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)

16-5 分地区限额以上零售业企业主要指标(2013年) 500

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region (2013)

16-6 按登记注册类型分连锁零售企业基本情况(2013年) 502

Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Status of Registration (2013)

16-7 按行业和业态分连锁零售企业基本情况(2013年) 503

Basic Statistics of Chain Retail Enterprises by Sector and Business Categories (2013)

16-8 分地区连锁零售企业基本情况 504

Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Region

16-9 亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况(2013年) 505

Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2013)

16-10 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位分类情况 (2013年) 507

Classification of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2013)

16-11 分地区亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 508

Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region

16-12 社会消费品零售总额 509

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods

主要统计指标解释 510

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Hotels, Catering Services and Tourism


Brief Introduction

17-1 住宿和餐饮业情况 515

Basic Conditions of Hotels and Catering Services

17-2 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上住宿业企业主要指标(2013年) 516

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)

17-3 分地区限额以上住宿业企业主要指标(2013年) 518

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region (2013)

17-4 按登记注册类型和行业分限额以上餐饮业企业主要指标(2013年) 520

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Status of Registration and Sector (2013)

17-5 分地区限额以上餐饮业企业主要指标(2013年) 522

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region (2013)

17-6 按登记注册类型分连锁餐饮企业基本情况(2013年) 524

Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Status of Registration (2013)

17-7 按行业分连锁餐饮企业基本情况(2013年) 525

Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Sector (2013)

17-8 分地区连锁餐饮企业基本情况 526

Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Region

17-9 旅游发展情况 527

Development of Tourism

17-10 国内旅游情况 527

Domestic Tourism

17-11 国际旅游(外汇)收入及构成 528

Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism and Composition

17-12 入境外国游客分组构成 528

Number of Overseas Visitor Arrivals by Sex, Age and Purpose

17-13 按国别分外国入境游客 529

Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Country/Region

17-14 分地区国际旅游(外汇)收入 530

Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism by Region

17-15 分地区接待入境过夜游客 531

Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Region

主要统计指标解释 532

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services


Brief Introduction

18-1 分地区交通运输、仓储和邮政业就业人员数(2013年底) 539

Number of Employed Persons in Transport, Storage and Post at Year-end by Region (2013)

18-2 交通运输业基本情况 540

Basic Conditions of Transport

18-3 运输线路长度 541

Length of Transportation Routes

18-4 分地区运输线路长度 (2013年底) 542

Length of Transport Routes at Year-end by Region (2013)

18-5 运输线路质量 543

Quality of Transport Routes

18-6 客运量 543

Passenger Traffic

18-7 旅客周转量 544


18-8 货运量 545

Freight Traffic

18-9 货物周转量 545

Freight Ton-Kilometers

18-10 旅客运输平均运距 546

Average Transport Distance of Passengers

18-11 货物运输平均运距 546

Average Transport Distance of Freight

18-12 分地区客运量 (2013年) 547

Passenger Traffic by Region (2013)

18-13 分地区旅客周转量 (2013年) 548

Passenger-kilometers by Region (2013)

18-14 分地区货运量 (2013年) 549

Freight Traffic by Region (2013)

18-15 分地区货物周转量 (2013年) 550

Freight Ton-kilometers by Region (2013)

18-16 国家营业铁路基本情况 551

Basic Statistics on National Railways in Operation

18-17 铁路机车拥有量 551

Number of Railway Locomotives

18-18 国家铁路客、货车拥有量 552

Number of National Railway Passenger Coaches and Freight Cars Owned

18-19 按货类分国家铁路货物运输量 553

National Railway Freight Traffic by Category of Cargo

18-20 高速铁路基本情况 553

Basic Statistics of High Speed Railway

18-21 铁路主要干线客货运输量 (2013年) 554

Passenger and Freight Traffic of Principal Trunk Railways (2013)

18-22 国家铁路主要车站旅客发送量 555

Number of Passengers Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations

18-23 国家铁路主要车站货物发送量 556

Volume of Freight Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations

18-24 国家铁路运输主要技术经济指标 557

Principal Economic and Technical Indicators of National Railway Transport

18-25 民用汽车拥有量 558

Possession of Civil Vehicles

18-26 私人汽车拥有量 560

Possession of Private Vehicles

18-27 新注册民用汽车数量 562

Statistics on New Registrations of Civil Vehicles

18-28 公路营运汽车拥有量 564

Possession of Vehicles for Highway Business Transportation

18-29 民用运输船舶拥有量 565

Possession of Civil Transport Vessels

18-30 沿海规模以上港口分货类吞吐量 566

Volume of Freight Handled in Coastal Ports above Designated Size by Type of Freight

18-31 沿海主要规模以上港口货物吞吐量 566

Volume of Freight Handled in Main Coastal Ports above Designated Size

18-32 沿海主要规模以上港口码头泊位数 (2013年底) 567

Number of Berths in Main Coastal Ports above Designated Size at Year-end (2013)

18-33 内河主要规模以上港口码头泊位数 (2013年底) 567

Number of Berths in Main Ports of Inland Rivers above Designated Size at Year-end (2013)

18-34 民用航空航线及飞机架数 568

Number of Civil Aviation Routes and Civil Aircrafts

18-35 民用航空运输量及通用航空飞行时间 569

Civil Aviation Traffic and Flying Time of General Aviation

18-36 邮电业务基本情况 570

Basic Conditions of Postal and Telecommunication Services

18-37 邮电业务量 571

Business Volume of Postal and Telecommunication Services

18-38 快递业务量 575

Business Volume of Express Services

18-39 邮政业网点及邮递线路 (年底数) 576

Postal Offices and Postal Delivery Routes at Year-end

18-40 电信主要通信能力 (年底数) 578

Main Communication Capacity of Telecommunications at Year-end

18-41 电信通信服务水平 (年底数) 579

Telecommunication Services Available at Year-end

18-42 邮政通信服务水平 (年底数) 580

Postal Services Available at Year-end

18-43 互联网主要指标发展情况(年底数) 581

Main Indicators on Internet Development at Year-end

18-44 软件和信息技术服务业主要经济指标 583

Main Indicators on Software and Information Technology Services

18-45 按行业分企业信息化及电子商务情况(2013年) 584

Informatization and E-Commerce of Enterprises by Industrial Sector(2013)

18-46 分地区企业信息化及电子商务情况(2013年) 585

Informatization and E-Commerce of Enterprises by Region (2013)

主要统计指标解释 686

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Financial Intermediation


Brief Introduction

19-1 货币供应量 (年底余额) 593

Money Supply at Year-end

19-2 货币供应量同比增长率 593

Rate of Increase of Money Supply over the Previous Corresponding Period

19-3 社会融资规模及构成 594

Statistics on Social Financing and Its Composition

19-4 金融机构法定存款利率 594

Official Interest Rates of Deposits of Financial Institutions

19-5 金融机构法定贷款利率 594

Official Interest Rates of Loans of Financial Institutions

19-6 黄金和外汇储备 595

Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves

19-7 人民币汇率 (年平均价) 595

Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi (Period Average)

19-8 货币当局资产负债表 (年底余额) 596

Balance Sheet of Monetary Authority (Balance at Year-end)

19-9 其他存款性公司资产负债表 (年底余额) 596

Balance Sheet of Other Depository Corporations (Balance at Year-end)

19-10 外资银行资产负债表 (年底余额) 597

Balance Sheet of Foreign-funded Banks at Year-end

19-11 金融机构人民币信贷收支表(年底余额)(资金来源) 598

Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions at Year-end (Funds Sources)

19-12 金融机构人民币信贷收支表(年底余额)(资金运用) 598

Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions at Year-end (Funds Uses)

19-13 分地区居民人民币储蓄存款 (年底余额) 599

Savings Deposit of Households by Region at Year-end

19-14 证券市场基本情况 600

General Statistics on Securities Markets

19-15 上市公司数量 601

Number of Listed Companies

19-16 股票发行量和筹资额 601

Issued Share and Raised Capital

19-17 股票交易情况 602

Trading Summary for Stocks

19-18 保险系统机构、人员数 (年底数) 603

Number of Institutions and Employed Persons in Insurance System at Year-end

19-19 保险公司业务经济技术指标 603

Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies Funded with Chinese and Foreign Capital

19-20 保险公司资产情况 604

Situations of Assets of Insurance Companies

19-21 保险公司资金运用情况 604

Fund Uses of Insurance Companies

19-22 分地区原保险保费收入和赔付支出情况 (2013年) 605

Premium of Primary Insurance and Payment by Region (2013)

主要统计指标解释 606

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Science and Technology


Brief Introduction

20-1 科技活动基本情况 611

Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities

20-2 科学研究与开发机构基本情况 612

Basic Statistics on Scientific Research and Development Institutions

20-3 高等学校科技活动情况 613

Basic Statistics on Higher Education for Science and Technology Activities

20-4 规模以上工业企业的科技活动基本情况 614

Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size

20-5 按登记注册类型分规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动及专利情况(2013年) 615

Statistics on R&D Activities and Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Registration Status (2013)

20-6 按行业分规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动及专利情况(2013年) 616

Statistics on R&D Activities and Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2013)

20-7 分地区规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动及专利情况(2013年) 617

Statistics on R&D Activities and Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2013)

20-8 按登记注册类型分规模以上工业企业新产品开发及生产情况(2013年) 618

New Products Development and Production of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Registration Status (2013)

20-9 按行业分规模以上工业企业新产品开发及生产情况(2013年) 619

New Products Development and Production of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industrial Sector (2013)

20-10 分地区规模以上工业企业新产品开发及生产情况(2013年) 620

New Products Development and Production of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2013)

20-11 高技术产业基本情况 621

Basic Statistics on High-tech Industry

20-12 高技术产业生产经营情况 (2013年) 622

Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry(2013)

20-13 国内外三种专利申请受理数和授权数 626

Three Kinds of Patent Applications Accepted and Granted

20-14 分地区国内三种专利申请受理数和授权数 (2013年) 627

Three Kinds of Domestic Patent Applications Accepted and Granted by Region (2013)

20-15 按国别(地区)分国外专利申请受理数及授权数 (2013年) 628

Three Kinds of Foreign Patent Applications Accepted and Granted by Country (Region) (2013)

20-16 按国际标准分类的发明和实用新型专利申请受理数与授权数 629

Inventions and Utility Models of Patent Applications Accepted and Granted by International Classifications

20-17 国外主要检索工具收录我国科技论文按学科分布(2012年) 632

Chinese Scientific Papers Taken by Major Foreign Referencing Systems by Discipline (2012)

20-18 高技术产品、工业制成品和初级产品的进出口贸易额 633

Imports and Exports of High-tech Products, Manufactured Goods and Primary Goods

20-19 开发区高新技术企业主要经济指标 (2013年) 634

Main Economic Indicators of High-tech Enterprises in Development Areas (2013)

20-20 分地区技术市场成交额 636

Transaction Value in Technical Markets by Region

20-21 分地区测绘资料提供情况 (2013年) 637

Statistics on Output of Surveying and Mapping Materials by Region(2013)

20-22 分地区地震监测情况 (2013年) 638

Situation of Earthquake Monitoring (2013)

20-23 分地区气象业务站点及观测项目情况 (2013年) 639

Status of Operational Meteorological Stations and Their Observation Items (2013)

20-24 产品质量国家监督抽查情况(2013年) 640

Results of Sampling Check under State Supervision on the Quality of Products (2013)

20-25 分地区产品质量情况 (2013年) 640

Quality of Products by Region (2013)

20-26 产品质量省级监督抽查情况(2013年) 641

Results of Sampling Check under Provincial Supervision on the Quality of Products (2013)

20-27 中国科协系统科技活动情况(2013年) 642

Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities of China Associations for Science and Technology (2013)

20-28 分地区出入境货物检验检疫情况(2013年) 644

General Statistics on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Freight by Region(2013)

主要统计指标解释 645

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

二十一、教 育



Brief Introduction

21-1 各级各类学校、教职工和专任教师情况 (2013年) 651

Number of Schools, Educational Personnel and Full-time Teachers by Type and Level (2013)

21-2 各级各类学历教育学生情况 (2013年) 652

Number of Students of Formal Education by Type and Level (2013)

21-3 各级各类非学历教育学生情况(2013年) 653

Number of Students of Non-formal Education by Type and Level (2013)

21-4 各级各类民办教育情况(2013年) 653

Number of Non-government Schools by Types and Levels(2013)

21-5 各级各类学校情况 654

Number of School by Type and Level

21-6 各级各类学校专任教师情况 654

Number of Full-time Teachers of Schools by Type and Level

21-7 各级各类学校招生情况 655

Number of Entrants of Formal Education by Type and Level

21-8 各级各类学校在校学生情况 655

Number of Enrolments of Formal Education by Type and Level

21-9 各级各类学校毕业生情况 656

Number of Graduates of Formal Education by Type and Level

21-10 研究生和留学人员情况 656

Statistics on Postgraduates and Students Studying Abroad

21-11 分学科研究生情况 (2013年) 657

Number of Postgraduate Students by Academic Field (2013)

21-12 高等教育学校(机构)情况(2013年) 658

Number of Higher Education Institutions (2013)

21-13 高等教育学校(机构)学生数 (2013年) 658

Number of Students in Higher Education Institutions (2013)

21-14 普通本科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 659

Number of Regular Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)

21-15 普通专科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 659

Statistics on Students in Undergraduate and Junior Colleges by Field of Study (2013)

21-16 成人本科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 660

Number of Adult Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)

21-17 成人专科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 660

Number of Adult Students for Short-cycle Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)

21-18 网络本科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 661

Number of Web-based Students for Normal Courses in HEIs by Discipline (2013)

21-19 网络专科分学科学生情况 (2013年) 661

Number of Web-based Students for Short-cycle Courses in HEIs by Discipline(2013)

21-20 普通高中情况 (2013年) 662

Number of Regular Senior Secondary Schools and Students (2013)

21-21 中等职业学校(机构)情况 (2013年) 662

Number of Secondary Vocational Schools (2013)

21-22 中等职业学校分学科学生情况 (2013年) 663

Number of Students by Field of Education in Secondary Vocational Schools (2013)

21-23 职业技术培训机构情况 (2013年) 663

Statistics on Vocational-Technical Training Institutions (2013)

21-24 技工学校情况 664

Statistics on Skilled Workers Schools

21-25 初中情况 (2013年) 664

Statistics on Junior Secondary Schools (2013)

21-26 分年级初中学生情况 (2013年) 665

Number of Students in Junior Schools by Grade (2013)

21-27 普通小学情况 (2013年) 665

Statistics on Primary Schools (2013)

21-28 普通小学学生情况 (2013年) 666

Number of Students in Primary Schools (2013)

21-29 小学学龄儿童净入学率和各级普通学校毕业生升学率 666

Net Enrolment Ratio of School-age Children in Primary Schools and Promotion Rate of Graduates of Regular

School by Levels

21-30 分地区普通本专科学生情况 (2013年) 667

Number of Regular Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses in Regular Higher Education by Region (2013)

21-31 分地区普通高等学校(机构)情况 (2013年) 669

Situations on Educational Personnel in Regular Schools (Institutions) of Higher Education by Region (2013)

21-32 分地区普通高中情况 (2013年) 670

Statistics on Regular Senior Secondary Schools by Region (2013)

21-33 分地区中等职业学校情况 (2013年) 671

Statistics on Secondary Vocational Schools by Region (2013)

21-34 分地区中等职业学校(机构)教职工情况(2013年) 672

Statistics on Educational Personnel in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions) by Region (2013)

21-35 分地区初中情况 (2013年) 673

Statistics on Regular Junior Secondary Schools by Region (2013)

21-36 分地区普通小学情况 (2013年) 674

Statistics on Regular Primary Schools by Region (2013)

21-37 分地区特殊教育情况 (2013年) 675

Statistics on Special Education by Region (2013)

21-38 分地区各级学校生师比 676

Student-Teacher Ratio by Level of Regular Schools by Region

21-39 每十万人口各级学校平均在校生数 677

Number of Students Per 100 000 Population by Level

21-40 教育经费情况 678

Basic Statistics on Educational Funds

主要统计指标解释 679

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Public Health and Social Services


Brief Introduction

22-1 医疗卫生机构 683

Health Care Institutions

22-2 卫生人员 685

Employed Persons in Health Care Institutions

22-3 每千人口卫生技术人员 686

Medical Technical Personnel in Health Care Institutions per 1000 Persons

22-4 村卫生室情况 687

Statistics on Village Clinics

22-5 各类医疗卫生机构医疗服务及床位利用情况(2013年) 688

Number of Visits and Inpatients in Medical Institutions and Utilization of Beds (2013)

22-6 医疗卫生机构床位 689

Number of Beds in Health Care Institutions

22-7 分城乡医疗卫生机构床位数 690

Number of Beds in Health Institutions by Urban and Rural Areas

22-8 分地区医院床位利用情况(2013年) 691

Utilization of Beds in Hospitals by Region (2013)

22-9 分地区按床位数分组的社区卫生服务中心(站)(2013年) 692

Community Health Service Centers (Stations) by Grouping of Beds and Region(2013)

22-10 分地区医疗卫生机构门诊服务情况(2013年) 693

Outpatient Services of Health Institutions by Region (2013)

22-11 分地区医疗卫生机构住院服务情况(2013年) 694

Hospitalization Services in Health Institutions by Region (2013)

22-12 社区卫生服务中心(站)医疗服务情况 695

Medical Services of Community Health Service Centers (Stations)

22-13 乡镇卫生院医疗服务情况 696

Situations of Medical Services in Township Health Centers

22-14 甲乙类法定报告传染病发病人数及死亡人数排序(2013年) 697

Ranking List of Infectious Diseases Reported and Number of Deaths of Class A and B (2013)

22-15 甲乙类法定报告传染病发病率、死亡率及病死率排序(2013年) 698

List of Incidence, Death and Mortality Rates of Class A and B Infectious Diseases Reported (2013)

22-16 城市居民主要疾病死亡率及死因构成(2013年) 699

Death Rate of Major Diseases in Urban Areas (2013)

22-17 农村居民主要疾病死亡率及死因构成(2013年) 700

Death Rate of Major Diseases in Rural Areas (2013)

22-18 监测地区5岁以下儿童和孕产妇死亡率 701

Mortality Rate of the Maternal and Children Aged under 5 in Surveillance Areas

22-19 新型农村合作医疗情况 701

Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System

22-20 分地区新型农村合作医疗情况(2013年) 702

Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System by Region (2013)

22-21 卫生总费用 703

Total Health Expenditure

22-22 社会服务机构基本情况 704

Statistics on Social Service Institutions

22-23 社会工作师人员情况 705

Statistics on Social Worker

22-24 提供住宿的社会服务机构床位数 706

Beds of Social Welfare Institutions with Accommodations

22-25 为残疾人提供服务机构情况 707

Statistics on Services Institutions for the Disabled

22-26 孤儿和家庭儿童收养 708

Orphans and Children Adopted by Families

22-27 社会救助情况 709

Statistics on Social Relief

22-28 医疗救助情况 710

Statistics on Medical Aid

22-29 福利彩票销售情况 711

Statistics on Welfare Lottery

22-30 社会捐赠情况 712

Statistics on Social Donations

22-31 优抚安置情况 713

Statistics on Preferential Treatment and Resettlement

22-32 社区服务机构基本情况 714

Statistics on Community Service Facilities

22-33 婚姻服务情况 715

Statistics on Marriages and Divorces

22-34 殡葬服务情况 716

Statistics on Funeral and Interment Services

22-35 社会组织情况 717

Statistics on Social Organizations

22-36 自治组织情况 718

Statistics on Autonomy Organizations

22-37 残疾人事业基本情况 719

Basic Statistics on the Work for Persons with Disabilities

主要统计指标解释 720

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Culture and Sports


Brief Introduction

23-1 图书出版情况 (2013年) 729

Statistics on Books Published in China by Categories (2013)

23-2 图书、期刊和报纸出版情况 730

Number of Books, Magazines and Newspapers Published in China

23-3 分地区少年儿童读物和课本出版情况 (2013年) 731

Number of Books Published for Children and Textbooks by Region (2013)

23-4 课本出版情况(2013年) 731

Publication of Textbooks (2013)

23-5 音像制品及电子出版物情况 (2013年) 732

Statistics on Number of Publication of Audio-Video and Electronic Products (2013)

23-6 全国图书、期刊、报纸进出口情况 (2013年) 733

Statistics on Imports and Exports of Books, Magazines and Newspapers (2013)

23-7 全国音像、电子出版物进出口情况(2013年) 733

Statistics on Audio-Video Products and Electronic Publications (2013)

23-8 版权合同登记及引进和输出情况 (2013年) 734

Basic Statistics on Registration of Copyright Contracts and Copyright Import and Export (2013)

23-9 分地区出版物发行机构数和网点数 (2013年) 735

Issuing Institutions and Spots of Publication by Region (2013)

23-10 分地区出版印刷生产情况 (2013年) 736

Conditions of Printing by Region (2013)

23-11 国家综合档案馆基本情况 737

Basic Statistics on National Comprehensive Archives

23-12 档案馆机构和人员情况 737

Statistics on Archive Institutions and Personnel

23-13 广播电视事业发展情况 738

Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Industry

23-14 广播电视节目制作时间 739

Length of Radio and Television Programs Produced

23-15 广播电视节目播出时间(2013年) 739

Length of Radio and Television Programs (2013)

23-16 分地区广播电视节目综合人口覆盖情况及制作播出情况 (2013年) 740

Population Coverage of Radio and TV Programs, and Radio and TV Programs Produced and Broadcasted

by Region (2013)

23-17 分地区有线广播电视传输干线网络及用户情况 (2013年) 741

Transmission Trunk and Users of Cable Radios and TVs by Region (2013)

23-18 分地区广播电视技术情况(2013年) 742

Technology Statistics on Radio and TV by Region (2013)

23-19 电视节目进出口情况(2013年) 743

Statistics on Imported and Exported TV Programs (2013)

23-20 电影综合情况 744

Basic Statistics on Film Production

23-21 全国主要文化机构情况 745

Number of Institutions in Cultural Industry

23-22 全国文化文物机构人员情况(2013年) 746

Number and Personnel in Culture and Cultural Relics Institutions (2013)

23-23 全国文化系统艺术表演场馆基本情况(2013年) 747

Basic Statistics on Art Performance Places in the Official Cultural System (2013)

23-24 全国艺术表演团体基本情况(2013年) 748

Basic Statistics on Art Performance Troupes (2013)

23-25 全国公共图书馆基本情况 (2013年) 750

Basic Statistics on Public Libraries (2013)

23-26 全国群众文化机构基本情况 (2013年) 750

Basic Statistics on Cultural Institutions (2013)

23-27 全国文物业基本情况 (2013年) 751

Statistics on Cultural Relics (2013)

23-28 分地区艺术表演团体、艺术表演场馆演出情况(2013年) 752

Statistics on Performance of Art Performance Troupes and Art Performance Places by Region (2013)

23-29 分地区公共图书馆基本情况(2013年) 753

Statistics on Public Libraries by Region (2013)

23-30 分地区博物馆基本情况(2013年) 755

Statistics on Museums by Region (2013)

23-31 分地区文化及相关产业法人单位数(2013年底) 756

Number of Legal Persons of Culture and Relavant Industry by Region at Year-end (2013)

23-32 分地区规模以上文化制造业企业基本情况(2013年) 757

Basic Conditions of Cultural Manufacturing Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2013)

23-33 分地区限额以上文化批发和零售业企业基本情况(2013年) 758

Basic Conditions of Enterprises of Wholesale and Retail of Culture above Designated Size by Region (2013)

23-34 分地区重点文化服务业企业基本情况(2013年) 759

Basic Conditions of Major Enterprises of Services of Culture by Region (2013)

23-35 体育系统机构人员情况 (2013年) 760

Number of Institutions and Engaged Persons of Physical Education System (2013)

23-36 运动员获世界冠军情况 761

World Championships Won by Chinese Athletes

23-37 运动员分项创世界纪录情况 (2013年) 761

World Records Chalked up by Chinese Athletes by Events (2013)

23-38 分地区分技术等级运动员发展人数 (2013年) 762

Certified Athletes by Region and Technical Grade (2013)

23-39 分项目分技术等级运动员发展人数 (2013年) 763

Certified Athletes by Type of Sports and Technical Grade (2013)

23-40 分地区分等级教练员发展人数 (2013年) 765

Certified Coaches by Region and Grade (2013)

主要统计指标解释 766

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Public Management, Social Security and Social Organizations


Brief Introduction

24-1 历届全国人民代表大会代表人数 769

Number of Deputies to All the Previous National People's Congresses

24-2 历届全国政治协商会议委员人数 769

Number of Deputies to All the Previous Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences

24-3 公安机关立案的刑事案件及构成 770

Criminal Cases Registered in Public Security Organs and Its Composition

24-4 公安机关受理和查处治安案件数(2013年) 770

Cases of Offence Against Public Order Handled by Public Security Organs (2013)

24-5 交通事故情况 (2013年) 771

Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents (2013)

24-6 各地区交通事故情况 (2013年) 771

Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents by Region (2013)

24-7 人民检察院直接立案侦查案件情况 (2013年) 772

Cases under Direct Investigation by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-8 人民检察院审查批准、决定逮捕犯罪嫌疑人和提起公诉被告人情况 (2013年) 772

Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants under Public Prosecution Approved by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-9 人民检察院处理申诉案件情况 (2013年) 773

Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-10 人民检察院出庭公诉情况 (2013年) 773

Public Prosecutions Appearing in Court by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-11 人民检察院办理刑事抗诉案件情况 (2013年) 774

Criminal Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-12 人民检察院办理民事、行政抗诉案件情况 (2013) 774

Civil and Administrative Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-13 人民检察院受理举报、控告和申诉案件情况 (2013年) 775

Cases of Reporting, Accusation and Petition Handled by People's Procuratorate (2013)

24-14 人民检察院纠正违法情况 775

Law-breaking Cases Rectified by People's Procuratorate

24-15 人民法院审理一审案件情况 776

First Trial Cases by Courts

24-16 人民法院审理刑事一审案件收结案情况 (2013年) 777

First Trial Criminal Cases Accepted and Settled by Courts (2013)

24-17 人民法院审理刑事案件罪犯情况 777

Criminal Offenders Heard by Courts

24-18 人民法院审理婚姻家庭、继承一审案件收结案情况 (2013年) 778

First Trial Civil Cases of Marriage, Family Affairs and Inheritance Accepted and Settled by Courts (2013)

24-19 人民法院审理合同纠纷一审案件收结案情况 (2013年) 778

First Trial Cases of Contract Disputes Accepted and Settled by Courts (2013)

24-20 人民法院审理权属、侵权纠纷及其他民事一审案件收结案情况 (2013年) 779

First Trial Cases of Disputes of Right, Infringement of Right and Other Civil Affairs Accepted and Settled

by Courts (2013)

24-21 人民法院审理行政一审案件收结案情况 (2013年) 779

First Trial Administrative Cases Accepted and Settled by Courts (2013)

24-22 律师、公证和调解工作基本情况 780

Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation

24-23 国内公证业务分类(2013年) 781

Domestic Notarial Services by Type (2013)

24-24 国内合同(协议)类公证业务分类(2013年) 781

Domestic Notarization of Contracts (Agreements) by Type (2013)

24-25 涉外公证文书分类(2013年) 782

Foreign-Related Notarial Documents by Type (2013)

24-26 调解民间纠纷分类 782

Number of Civil Disputes Mediated by Type

24-27 劳动争议处理情况 783

The Disposal of Labor Disputes

24-28 工会组织情况 784

Basic Statistics on Trade Unions

24-29 社会保险基金收支及累计结余 785

Revenue, Expenses and Balance of Social Insurance Fund

24-30 参加基本养老保险人数 786

Number of People Participated in Basic Pension Insurance

24-31 社会保险基本情况 786

Basic Statistics of Social Insurance

24-32 分地区城镇职工基本养老保险情况(2013年) 787

Statistics on Urban Employee Basic Pension Insurance by Region (2013)

24-33 分地区城乡居民基本养老保险情况 (2013年) 788

Statistics on Basic Pension Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents by Region (2013)

24-34 分地区失业保险情况 (2013年) 789

Statistics of Unemployment Insurance by Region (2013)

24-35 分地区城镇基本医疗保险参保人数(2013年) 790

Persons Covered of Urban Basic Medical Care Insurance by Region (2013)

24-36 分地区城镇基本医疗保险基金收支情况 (2013年) 791

Revenue and Expenses of Urban Basic Medical Care Insurance by Region (2013)

24-37 分地区工伤保险情况 (2013年) 792

Statistics of Work Injury Insurance by Region (2013)

24-38 分地区生育保险情况 (2013年) 793

Statistics of Maternity Insurance by Region (2013)

主要统计指标解释 794

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Urban, Rural and Regional Development


Brief Introduction

25-1 全部地级及以上城市数(2013年) 801

Number of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above (2013)

25-2 省会城市和计划单列市主要经济指标 (2013年) 802

Main Economic Indicators of Provincial Capitals and Cities Specially Designated in the State Plan (2013)

25-3 城市公用事业基本情况 805

Basic Statistics on City Public Utilities

25-4 分地区城市建设情况 (2013年) 806

Statistics on City Construction by Region (2013)

25-5 分地区城市供水情况 (2013年) 807

Basic Statistics on Tap Water Supply in Cities by Region (2013)

25-6 分地区城市燃气情况 (2013年) 808

Basic Statistics on Supply of Gas in Cities by Region (2013)

25-7 分地区城市集中供热情况 (2013年) 809

Basic Statistics on Heating in Cities by Region (2013)

25-8 分地区城市市政设施 (2013年) 810

Basic Statistics on Municipal Infrastructure in Cities by Region (2013)

25-9 分地区城市公共交通情况 (2013年) 811

Basic Statistics on Public Transportation in Cities by Region (2013)

25-10 分地区城市绿地和园林(2013年) 812

Basic Statistics on Parks and Green Areas in Cities by Region (2013)

25-11 分地区城市市容环境卫生情况 (2013年) 813

Basic Statistics on Urban Sanitation in Cities by Region (2013)

25-12 分地区城市设施水平 (2013年) 814

Level of Public Facilities in Cities by Region (2013)

25-13 分地区县城市政公用设施水平(2013年) 815

Level of National County Seat Service Facilities by Region (2013)

25-14 分地区建制镇市政公用设施水平(2013年) 817

Level of Municipal Public Facilities of Built-up Area of Towns by Region (2013)

25-15 分地区乡市政公用设施水平(2013年) 818

Level of Municipal Public Facilities of Built-up Area of Townships by Region(2013)

25-16 农村水电建设和发电量、农村用电量 819

Rural Hydropower Construction and Amount of Electric Power Generation, Electricity Consumption

25-17 东、中、西部及东北地区国民经济和社会发展主要指标 (2013年) 820

Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development by Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern

Provinces (2013)

25-18 民族自治地方行政区划和人口 (2013年) 824

Administrative Division and Population of Ethnic Minority Autonomous Areas(2013)

25-19 少数民族分布的主要地区及人口 825

Geographic Distribution and Population of Ethnic Minorities

25-20 民族自治地方国民经济与社会发展主要指标 826

Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development in Ethnic Minority Autonomous Regions

主要统计指标解释 830

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Brief Introduction

26-1 主要统计指标概况 835

Summary of Key Statistics

26-2 土地用途分布情况 838

Land Usage

26-3 按地区类别及路边情况划分的大气质量(2013年) 839

Air Quality by Area Type and Roadside Condition (2013)

26-4 按种类划分的日均产生的固体废物量 839

Average Solid Waste Quantities by Type

26-5 人口主要指标 840

Main Indicators of Population

26-6 劳动人口及失业状况 840

Labour Force and Unemployment

26-7 按行业划分的就业人数 840

Employed Persons by Industry

26-8 按每月就业收入划分的就业人数 841

Employed Persons by Monthly Employment Earnings

26-9 按行业划分督导级(不包括经理级与专业雇员)及以下雇员的工资指数 842

Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Managerial and Professional Employees Are

Not Included) by Industry

26-10 本地生产总值 843

Gross Domestic Product

26-11 按当年价格计算的生产法本地生产总值 844

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity at Current Prices

26-12 按2012年环比物量计算的生产法本地生产总值 845

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity in Chained (2012) Dollars

26-13 支出法本地生产总值 846

Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component

26-14 本地居民总收入 846

Gross National Income

26-15 香港国际收支平衡表 847

Hong Kong's Balance of Payments Account

26-16 香港国际投资头寸 (期末头寸) 848

Hong Kong's International Investment Position (Position as at End of Period)

26-17 电力、煤气、水消费量 848

Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption

26-18 工业生产指数 849

Index of Industrial Production

26-19 按楼宇种类划分的新落成私人楼宇 849

Newly Completed Private Buildings by Type of Building

26-20 按楼宇种类划分的获批准可动工兴建私人楼宇 850

Private Buildings with Consents to Commence Work by Type of Building

26-21 按类型划分的永久性居住屋宇单位数量(3月底的数字) 851

Number of Permanent Living Quarters by Type (as at End March of the Year)

26-22 按住房租住权划分的家庭住户数目 851

Domestic Households by Tenure of Accommodation

26-23 进出香港货物 852

Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo

26-24 按主要货物装卸地点划分的集装箱吞吐量 852

Container Throughput by Main Cargo Handling Location

26-25 通讯及互联网服务 853

Communications and Internet Services

26-26 商品进出口贸易总额 854

Total Imports and Exports of Goods

26-27 商品进口及港产品出口的主要供应地和目的地 854

Imports and Domestic Exports of Goods by Major Supplier and Destination

26-28 商品转口的主要来源地和目的地 855

Re-exports of Goods by Major Origin and Destination

26-29 涉及外发中国内地加工的贸易 855

Trade Involving Outward Processing in the Mainland of China

26-30 按服务组成部分划分的服务出口及进口 856

Exports and Imports of Services by Service Component

26-31 按主要目的地和来源地划分的服务出口及进口 857

Exports and Imports of Services by Major Destination and Source

26-32 按主要投资者国家/地区划分的外商直接投资头寸及流动 858

Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory

26-33 按主要接受投资国家/地区划分的对外直接投资头寸及流动 858

Position and Flow of Outward Direct Investment by Major Recipient Country/Territory

26-34 按母公司所在的国家/地区划分的驻港地区总部数目 859

Number of Regional Headquarters in Hong Kong by Country/Territory where the Parent Company was Located

26-35 按母公司所在的国家/地区划分的驻港地区办事处数目 859

Number of Regional Offices in Hong Kong by Country/Territory where the Parent Company was Located

26-36 按居住国家/地区划分的访港旅客人数 860

Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of Residence

26-37 政府储备结余 860

Government's Reserve Balances

26-38 政府收入(一般收入帐目及各基金) 861

Government Revenue (General Revenue Account and Funds)

26-39 政府支出(一般收入帐目及各基金) 862

Government Expenditure (General Revenue Account and Funds)

26-40 按政策组别划分的公共开支 862

Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group

26-41 外币兑换率及港汇指数 863

Exchange Rates and the Effective Exchange Rate Indices

26-42 货币供应量 864

Money Supply

26-43 股票价格指数、证券交易成交额及市场总值 865

Index of Share Prices, Value of Stock Exchange Turnover and Market Capitalisation

26-44 消费价格指数 (2009年10月-2010年9月=100) 866

Consumer Price Indices (Oct. 2009 - Sep. 2010=100)

26-45 按四分位开支组别及商品或服务类别划分的住户每月平均开支 867

Average Monthly Household Expenditure by Commodity/Service Section by Quartile Expenditure Group

26-46 15岁及以上人口受教育程度 868

Educational Attainment of Population Aged 15 and Above

26-47 按教育及培训机构类别划分的学生人数 869

Student Enrolment by Type of Educational and Training Institution

26-48 医疗卫生条件 871

Conditions of Public Health

26-49 社会保障 872

Social Security

《中国统计年鉴》与香港特别行政区统计刊物中使用的指标对照表 873

A Comparison of Common Statistical Terms Used in Publications Compiled by the Census and Statistics Department,

the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and China Statistical Yearbook

主要统计指标解释 874

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region


Brief Introduction

27-1 主要统计指标概况 883

Summary of Key Statistics

27-2 按堂区划分的陆地面积 885

Land Area by Parish

27-3 人口主要指标 885

Main Demographic Indicator

27-4 经济活动人口及失业状况 885

Labour Force and Unemployment

27-5 按行业划分的就业人口 886

Employed Population by Industry

27-6 按行业划分的月工作收入中位数 886

Median Monthly Employment Earnings by Industry

27-7 本地生产总值(当年价格) 887

Gross Domestic Product at Current Prices

27-8 支出法本地生产总值 887

Expenditure-based Gross Domestic Product

27-9 生产法本地生产总值 888

Production-based Gross Domestic Product

27-10 生产法本地生产总值结构 888

Structure of Production-based Gross Domestic Product

27-11 电力、燃料及水消耗量 889

Consumption of Electricity, Fuels and Water

27-12 按用途划分的建成私人建筑 889

Completion of Private Sector Construction by End-use

27-13 按用途划分的新动工私人建筑 889

New Private Sector Construction by End-use

27-14 零售业销售额 890

Value of Retail Sales

27-15 按出入境方式统计的对外商品贸易 890

External Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transport

27-16 集装箱流量 890

Container Flow

27-17 海路集装箱总吞吐量 891

Seaborne Container Throughput

27-18 通信服务 891


27-19 对外商品贸易主要指标 891

Principal Indicators of External Merchandise Trade

27-20 按主要原产地和目的地划分的商品进出口 892

Merchandise Imports and Exports by Major Country/Region

27-21 财政收入 892

Government Revenue

27-22 财政支出 893

Government Expenditure

27-23 货币供应 893

Money Supply

27-24 外币兑换率 894

Exchange Rates

27-25 消费物价指数 895

Consumer Price Index

27-26 按开支五等分位及商品与服务分类统计的每户双周平均消费开支 896

Average Biweekly Household Expenditure by Quintile Expenditure Group and Section of Goods and Services

27-27 按受教育程度统计14岁及以上人口 897

Population Aged 14 and Over by Educational Attainment

27-28 按教育机构类别统计的注册学生人数 897

Students Enrolment by Type of Educational Institutions

27-29 医疗卫生条件 898


27-30 按住所租住权划分的住户数目 898

Number of Households by Tenure of Accommodation

27-31 社会保障基金发放资料 898

Payment Granted by Social Security Fund

主要统计指标解释 899

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


APPENDIX I. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province


Brief Introduction

附录1-1 主要统计指标概况 905

Summary of Key Statistics

附录1-2 面积和人口主要指标 908

Main Indicators of Area and Population

附录1-3 劳动力和就业状况 908

Labour Force and Employment

附录1-4 本地居民生产总值 909

Gross National Product

附录1-5 本地生产总值支出构成 909

Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product

附录1-6 本地生产总值产业构成 910

Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity

附录1-7 农业生产指数 911

Indices of Agricultural Production

附录1-8 主要农产品产量 911

Output of Major Crops

附录1-9 工业生产指数 911

Indices of Industrial Production

附录1-10 主要工业产品产量 912

Output of Major Industrial Products

附录1-11 能源平衡表 913

Energy Balance Sheet

附录1-12 按用途分批准动工的建筑物面积 913

Floor Space of Authorized Construction Projects by Purpose

附录1-13 铁路和公路客货运量 914

Railway and Highway Passenger and Freight Traffic

附录1-14 邮政及电信营运量 914

Post&Telecommunication Services

附录1-15 货物进出口额 915

Total Imports and Exports

附录1-16 货物出口去向和进口来源 915

Destination of Exports and Origin of Imports

附录1-17 出口与进口货物分类 916

Composition of Exports and Imports

附录1-18 来台旅游人数 916

Inbound Tourists

附录1-19 居民消费价格分类指数 916

Consumer Price Indices

附录1-20 各级政府财政收入净额 917

Net Revenue of Treasury

附录1-21 各级政府财政支出净额 917

Net Expenditures of Treasury

附录1-22 政府公债 917

Government Bonds

附录1-23 金融概况 918

Principal Financial Indicators

附录1-24 股票交易 918

Transactions of Listed Stock

附录1-25 入学率和教育经费 919

Net Enrolment Rate and Public Expenditure for Education

附录1-26 科技人员数和科研开发经费 919

Number of Research Staff, Technicians and Supporting Personnel and Expenditures for R&D

附录1-27 医院、病床和医务人员情况 920

Medical Facilities and Health Personnel

附录1-28 家庭主要设备普及率 920

Percent of Families Owning Household Appliances


APPENDIX II. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Other Countries/Regions


Brief Introduction

附录2-1 2012年国土面积和人口 923

Surface Area and Population in 2012

附录2-2 按三次产业分就业人员构成 924

Employment by Type of Industry

附录2-3 失业率 925

Unemployment Rate

附录2-4 国内生产总值及其增长率 926

Gross Domestic Product and Its Growth Rate

附录2-5 人均国内生产总值 927

GDP per Capita

附录2-6 国内生产总值产业构成 928

Composition of Gross Domestic Product by Industry

附录2-7 居民最终消费率 929

Household Final Consumption Rate

附录2-8 农业生产指数 930

Agricultural Production Indices

附录2-9 工业生产指数 931

Industry Production Indices

附录2-10 消费价格指数 932

Consumer Price Indices

附录2-11 货物进出口额 933

Total Imports and Exports

附录2-12 外商直接投资 934

Foreign Direct Investment

附录2-13 外汇储备 935

Foreign Exchange Reserves

附录2-14 国际旅游收支 936

Expenditures and Receipts of International Tourism

附录2-15 货币汇率(年平均价) 937

Exchange Rate (Period Average)


  本年鉴正文内容分为27个篇章,即: 1.综合;2.人口;3.国民经济核算;4.就业和工资;5.价格;6.人民生活;7.财政;8.资源和环境;9.能源;10.固定资产投资;11.对外经济贸易;12.农业;13.工业;14.建筑业;15.房地产;16.批发和零售业;17.住宿、餐饮业和旅游;18.运输和邮电;19.金融业;20.科学技术;21.教育;22.卫生和社会服务;23.文化和体育;24.公共管理、社会保障和社会组织;25.城市、农村和区域发展;26.香港特别行政区主要社会经济指标;27.澳门特别行政区主要社会经济指标;同时附录两个篇章:台湾省主要社会经济指标;国际主要社会经济指标。


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页数印数 15000


中国统计年鉴是中国统计出版社于2014.9出版的中图分类号为 C832-54 的主题关于 统计资料-中国-2014-年鉴-汉、英 的书籍。