香格里拉 百年回望

香格里拉 百年回望

(美) 木保山, 著





本书是五洲传播出版社与美国大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)合作项目,作者是协会首席科学家,他搜集了20世纪20年代探险家洛克为美国《国家地理杂志》所拍摄的云南香格里拉地区的历史照片,并用实地重拍(re-photography)的摄影方法,选取同样的地点和角度进行重新拍摄,与历史照片进行对比,让读者领略香格里拉地区百年来的历史变迁。


Foreword by Professor Ma Keping

Prologue: Whence Shangri-La

Part 1 Introduction

Repeat Photography: Finding the Perfect Match

The Place: Subtropical Forests and Alpine Splendor

The People: Communities of Diverse Cultures

Conservation: A Wealth of Natural Resources

Western Explorers: Missionaries and Plant Collectors.

Part 2: The Photographic Record

Yunnan Tea and Horse Road

Mountain Villages

Towns and Cities

Sacred and Religious Sites

Three Great Rivers

High Mountains


Impacts of Climate Change

Epilogue: The Future of Shangri-La


Select Bibliography

Photo and Map Credits



China is changing fast. Seemingly overnight it has become an economic and political powerhouse on a global scale. Although it is the recent rise of China that makes the daily news, the last century saw other large and rapid changes: the fall of the last imperial dynasty, the failure of the Nationalist government, and the ascent of Mao Zedong and the new China. How have these changes affected the land and people of China? Can lessons from the past give us insights about the future? For six years, Robert Moseley lived and worked as a conservation scientist in the mountains of northwest Yunnan Province.As part of that work, he set out to answer these questions and apply the results to the conservation of nature and culture. Northwest Yunnan provides a compelling backdrop to explore these issues, with its spectacular mountain environment and diverse ethnic cultures that were once remote, but are now confronted with unprecedented rates of change. Following in the footsteps of early twentieth century explorer-photographers, Moseley and colleagues traveled extensively through this region rephotographing original scenes and comparing them with modern conditions. In Revisiting Shangri-La, he uses this collection of repeated photographs as a powerful visual tool to portray the dynamic and resilient character of people and the land and to communicate future opportunities for conservation.


The causes of landscape and environmental change in China during the past century are endureing questions. There is much speculation, but little direct evidence. But repeat photography does more than just document changes on the land. It also documents change in people during the past century and how cultural changes can influence the patterns of environmental change. This is especially important in the mountains of Yunnan and elsewhere in westernChina, which today experience unprecedented development pressures. Many people are aware of the great changes that have taken place in eastern China during the past several decades. Western China is poised to see a similar transformation. Understanding the human-nature interrelationships of the past can help ensure that we manage these resources to maintain the biological integrity of the land and provide benefits to all people of China.


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尺寸26 × 18装帧平装
页数 256 印数 3000


香格里拉 百年回望是五洲传播出版社于2011.8出版的中图分类号为 K927.42 的主题关于 迪庆藏族自治州-摄影集 的书籍。