Chapter One A Study of English Language Teachers' Constructions of Their Classroom Practices 1. Introduction 2. Research on Teacher Cognition: A Brief Overview 3. Research on Teacher Beliefs 3.1 Confusing terminology 3.2 Differentiating beliefs from knowledge-is it possible? 3.3 Some consensus reached in the research on teacher beliefs 3.4 Research on teacher beliefs at tertiary level-a problem with researching only the espoused theories of action 4. Research on the Beliefs and Practices of Language Teachers 4.1 Existing research on language teacher beliefs in direct relation to observed classroom practices 4.2 The value of researching teachers' constructions of their actual classroom practices 4.3 The concept of teaching principles 5. Justification for the Present Study 5.1 The framework of teaching principles 5.2 The China context
Chapter One A Study of English Language Teachers' Constructions of Their Classroom Practices 1. Introduction 2. Research on Teacher Cognition: A Brief Overview 3. Research on Teacher Beliefs 3.1 Confusing terminology 3.2 Differentiating beliefs from knowledge-is it possible? 3.3 Some consensus reached in the research on teacher beliefs 3.4 Research on teacher beliefs at tertiary level-a problem with researching only the espoused theories of action 4. Research on the Beliefs and Practices of Language Teachers 4.1 Existing research on language teacher beliefs in direct relation to observed classroom practices 4.2 The value of researching teachers' constructions of their actual classroom practices 4.3 The concept of teaching principles 5. Justification for the Present Study 5.1 The framework of teaching principles 5.2 The China context 6. Significance of the Present Study 6.1 Teachers' professional development 6.2 Improvement/change in teaching practice 6.3 Teacher leadership 7. Purpose Statement and Research Questions 8. ConclusionChapter Two Studying English Language Teachers' Constructions of Their Classroom Practices: Research Approach and Methods 1. Introduction 2. Philosophical Assumptions 3. Locating the Research in a Particular Tradition 4. Research Design 4.1 Ethics 4.2 Sampling 4.3 The role of the researcher 4.4 Methods of data eolleetion 1) The observation 2) The interview 4.5 Data collection procedure 1) The pilot study 2) Data collection procedure 4.6 Data analysis process 4.7 Generalisability, reliability and validity 1) Generalisability 2) Reliability 3) Validity ……Chapter Three Teachers' Teaching Principles and Strategic IntentionsChapter Four Teachers' Beliefs,Perceptions of the Teaching Context,and Their Teaching Principles and Strategic IntentionsChapter Five ConlusionReferencesAppendix A Interview GuideAppendix B Observation Notes (an example)Appendix C Interview Transcript (an example)Appendix D Kai Yu's Classroom Practices and Her Sense-making of the PracticesAppendix E Yu Sen's Classroom Practices and His Sense-making of the PracticesAppendix F Iam Min's Classroom Practices and Her Sense-making of the PracticesAppendix G Mei Qin's Classroom Practices and Her Sense-making of the PracticesAppendix H Pan Yuan's Classroom Practices and Her Sensemaking of the PracticesAppendix I Su Bin's Classroom Practices and Her Sense-making of the PracticesAppendix J Jia Hua's Classroom Practices and His Sense-making of the Practices
本书首先回顾并分析语言教师认知领域的相关文献,在此基础上发现研究问题,论证研究方法,分析并呈现研究资料,解释研究发现并讨论其意义。在文献回顾、研究资料的分析以及研究结果的解释和讨论过程中同时涉及教育学和外语教学研究领域的现有成果和理论,并阐述此项研究对相关领域现有研究的贡献意义。 本书对所采用的研究方法作了包括从哲学基础到资料采集、分析手段在内的较为详尽的论述,为研究英语教学的英语专业研究生、研究工作者和从事定性研究的社科领域研究生、研究工作者提供了有益参考。书中呈现了不同的英语教学观念和教学方法,可供英语教师和英语专业学生思考、比较、借鉴,对于英语教师教育和英语教师专业发展具有重要意义。
ZHANG Pei studied at the universities of Nankai,Leeds,and Nottingham respectively for her bachelor's,master's,and doctoral degrees.She is Associate Professor of English at Tianjin University of Finance & Economics.Her research interests focus on English language teaching and language teacher cognition.
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 英语教师课堂教学建构站内查询相似图书 | ||
9787561830468 《英语教师课堂教学建构》pdf扫描版电子书已有网友提供下载资源链接 | |||
出版地 | 天津 | 出版单位 | 天津大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 18.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 352 | 印数 | 2000 |
英语教师课堂教学建构是天津大学出版社于2009.06出版的中图分类号为 H319.3 的主题关于 英语-课堂教学-教学研究 的书籍。