

牛瑞英, 编著








Chapter 1 Introduction: An overview of the book

1.1 Justification for doing the research

1.2 Theoretical underpinning of the study

1.3 Problems with EFL learners' vocabulary learning

1.4 Collaborative output and SLA

1.5 The conceptual framework of the study

1.6 A mixed model research approach

1.7 Organization of the book

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1 The theoretical underpinning of the study

2.2 Language output and second language vocabulary acquisition

Chapter 3 Research design and data collection methods-.

3.1 Research design

3.2 Research methodology and data collection methods

3.3 Study 1 : A quasi-experimental study

3.4 Study 2 : An exploratory study

3.5 Use of the data collected

Chapter 4 Data processing and data analysis methods

4.1 Analyzing vocabulary posttests in Study 1

4.2 Analyzing task-elicited oral data in Study 2

4.3 Analyzing task-elicited oral data in Study 1

4.4 Validity and reliability of data analyses

Chapter 5 Effects of collaborative output on L2 lexical learning:

Confirmative findings from Study 1

5.1 Answering research question 1

5.2 Answering research question 2

5.3 Summary of findings and reflection on using multiple scoring methods

Chapter 6 Task performances, cognitive word processing, and

lexical learning within collaborative output. Exploratory

findings from Study 2

6.1 Answering research question 3-1: Overall task performances

6.2 Answering research question 3-2: Cognitive word processing

6.3 Relationship between word processing and lexical learning

Qualitative exploration

Chapter 7 Correlations between cognitive word processing and

lexical learning within collaborative output: Exploratory

findings from Study 1

7.1 Correlations between word processing and lexical learning: Quantitative exploration

7.2 Relations between word processing and lexical learning: Further quantitative exploration

7.3 Comparing correlations for collaborative written output and collaborative oral output

Chapter 8 Relationship between interactional processes and

cognitive word processing: Further exploratory

findings from Study 2

8.1 Answering research question 5-1: Interactional processes

8.2 Answering research question 5-2: Connecting interactional processes and cognitive word processing

Chapter 9 Discussion of the findings

9.1 Findings about effects of collaborative output on lexical learning

9.2 Findings about effects of task roles on lexical learning

9.3 Findings about word processing and its relationship with lexical learning

9.4 Findings about correlations between word processing and lexical learning

9.5 Findings about interactional processes and their relationship with word processing

9.6 The conceptual framework and the theoretical rationale revisited

Chapter 10 Conclusions

10.1 A summary, conclusions, and contributions of the study

10.2 Implications of the study

10.3 Limitations of the study

10.4 Recommendations for future research

10.5 A final synthesis of the study



1. A survey on background information

2. The input passage of the study

3. Reading comprehension task used in the study

4. The collaborative oral output task used in Study 1

5. The collaborative written output task used in Study 1

6. Cued words for output tasks

7. The vocabulary pre-test used in the study

8. Productive vocabulary posttest 1

9. Receptive vocabulary posttest 1

10. Stimulated recall questions for Study 2

11. Symbols used for data transcribing and data coding

12. The coding scheme for AS-units involved in collaborative output

13. The coding scheme for cognitive word processing involved in collaborative output

14. The coding scheme for interactional processes involved in collaborative output






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中国英语学习者合作输出中的词汇习得是上海外语教育出版社于2011.出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-研究 的书籍。