

江涛, 孟飞, 主编





本书在原《考研英语阅读题源. 纽约时报》的基础上进行了修订,删除了陈旧内容,增加了多篇2009年《纽约时报》上刊登的新文章。收录了社会类、文教类、科技类、经济类、健康类话题各10篇,每篇文章中又分为题源文选、词汇注释、重点段落译文3部分。文章选材来自The New York Times《纽约时报》杂志和官方网站;词汇注释部分并不是单纯的罗列单词,而是分为:重点单词和超纲单词两大类,并标明了文中释义和大纲全义,以便读者对比掌握;重点段落译文部分,给出文章重点段落的翻译,以帮助读者理解原汁原味的纯正英语。



Passage One Frustration Grows at Carousel As More Baggage Goes Astray

Passage Two Car Boom Puts Europe on Road to a Smoggy Future

Passage Three Women Keeping up Pressure fora Better Travel Experience

Passage Four Parsing the Truths about Visas for Tech Workers

Passage Five u.s. Database Exposed Thousands of Social Security Numbers

Passage Six off the Shelf; Opening the On-Ramp for Women

Passage Seven Link Is Seen Between British Labsand Livestock Virus

Passage Eght "Kid Nation" Parents Gave Show Free Rein

Passage Nine Peeking into Cubicles to Find a Wealth of Tech Workers

Passage Ten Abdicate and Capitulate


Passage One For France, Video Games Are as Artful as Cinema

Passage Two For Some Countries, Americas Popular Culture Is Resistible

Passage Three Brazilian Government Invests in Culture of Hip-Hop

Passage Four A Classroom of Monkey Bars and Slides

Passage Five Teacher Dismissed

Passage Six TV Dmmas Rip the Cover off Magazines

Passage Seven Whos a Nerd, Anyway?

Passage Eight A Familiar Set Helps to Create a New Cultural Market

Passage Nine Survey Reveals Student Attitudes, Parental Goals and Teacher Mistrust

Passage Ten Atrmican Cultures French Connection


Passage One U.S. Automakers Post M~dest Sales Rise in January

Passage Two Economists Are Watchful as Tokyo Ends Loose-Money Policy

Passage Three Enter the Neuro-Eeonomists: Why Do Investors Do What They Do?

Passage Four Income Soars on Wall St.,Widening Gap

Passage Five Silicon Valley Rebounds,Led by Green Technology

Passage Six Study Says Computers Give Big Boosts to Productivity

Passage Seven WorthaLot, but Are They Worth It?

Passage Eight Google Buys a Manager of E-mail

Passage Nine Building a Brand Name,Via Business Cards

Passage Ten Can a Plucky U.S. Economy Surmount $80 Oil?


Passage One Correction Appended

Passage Two Yahoo Introduces a Site on Consumer Technology

Passage Three Thin-Film Solution Is Closer for the Lithium-Ion Battery

Passage Four Study Links Extinction Cycles to Changes in Earths Orbit and Tilt

Passage Five Alloy Holds Out Promise of Speedier Memory Chip

Passage Six Wireless Technology to Bind an African Village

Passage Seven Scientists Urge a Search for Life Not as We Know It

Passage Eight Shuttle Discovery Lands Safely

Passage Nine Energetic Cosmic Rays May Start from Black Holes

Passage Ten No Drivers, But a Lot of Drive


Passage One Inactivity in Men Is Linked to Broken Bones

Passage Two In Science-Based Medicine, Where Does Luck Fit in?

Passage Three In Medicine, Acceptable Risk Is in the Eye of the Beholder

Passage Four When a Brain Forgets Where Memory Is

Passage Five Parents Warned Cough Medicines Imperil Infants

Passage Six Teaching Doctors to Teach Patients about Lifestyle

Passage Seven New Schizophrenia Medicine Show Promise in Trials

Passage Eight Microsoft Rolls Out Personal Health Records

Passage Nine Mind over Matter,with a Machines Help

Passage Ten Young Athletes Try New Coach:The Psychologist


考研题源文选 选材新颖,时效性强,划分类别,逐类突破;
  精选重点段落 颠峰阅读,模拟真题,文风相似,难度相当;
  双重词汇注释 国际音标,双重词义,文中释义,大纲全义;
  重点段落精译 推敲细节,突破盲点,对照阅读,提高能力!




尺寸26 × 0装帧平装
页数 293 印数 10000


考研英语阅读题源是石油工业出版社于2010.1出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-研究生-入学考试-自学参考资料 的书籍。