C++ Primer

C++ Primer

(美) 李普曼 (Lippman,S.B.) , (美) 拉乔伊 (Lajoie,J.) , (美) 莫 (Moo,B.E.) , 著







Stanley B.Lippman,曾任微软Visual C++团队架构师,他从1984年起在贝尔实验室与C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup一同工作,开发C++编译器。他曾在迪斯尼和梦工厂从事电影动画制作,曾担任美国喷气推进实验室的顾问。他还撰写了《深度探索C++对象模型》等书。 Josee Lajoie,曾就职于IBM加拿大C/C++编译器开发组。为ISO C++标准委员会服务了7年,担任核心语言工作组主席,并是《C++ Report》的专栏作者。 Barbara E.Moo,现在是一名独立顾问,具有25年软件研发经验。她在AT&T与Stroustrup和Lippman紧密合作,管理复杂的C++开发项目。Moo和Andrew Koenig一同撰写了《Accelerated C++》和《Ruminations on C++》。



Chapter 1 Getting Started (新增评注29 条)

1.1 Writing a Simple C++Program

1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our Program

1.2 AFirstLookat Input/Output

1.2.1 StandardInput andOutputObjects

1.2.2 AProgramthatUses the IOLibrary

1.3 AWordAboutComments

1.4 Control Structures

1.4.1 The whileStatement

1.4.2 The forStatement

1.4.3 The ifStatement

1.4.4 ReadinganUnknownNumberof Inputs

1.5 IntroducingClasses

1.5.1 The Sales_itemClass

1.5.2 AFirstLookatMemberFunctions

1.6 The C++Program

Part I The Basics

Chapter 2 Variables and Basic Types(新增评注42 条)

2.1 PrimitiveBuilt-inTypes

2.1.1 IntegralTypes

2.1.2 Floating-PointTypes

2.2 LiteralConstants

2.3 Variables

2.3.1 What Is aVariable?

2.3.2 TheNameof aVariable

2.3.3 DefiningObjects

2.3.4 VariableInitializationRules

2.3.5 Declarations andDefinitions

2.3.6 Scopeof aName

2.3.7 DefineVariablesWhereTheyAreUsed

2.4 constQualifier

2.5 References

2.6 TypedefNames

2.7 Enumerations

2.8 ClassTypes

2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files

2.9.1 DesigningOurOwnHeaders

2.9.2 ABrief IntroductiontothePreprocessor

Chapter 3 Library Types (新增评注30 条)

3.1 Namespace usingDeclarations

3.2 Library stringType

3.2.1 Defining and Initializing strings

3.2.2 Reading andWriting strings

3.2.3 Operations on strings

3.2.4 Dealing with the Characters of a string

3.3 Library vectorType

3.3.1 Defining and Initializing vectors

3.3.2 Operations on vectors

3.4 IntroducingIterators

3.4.1 IteratorArithmetic

3.5 Library bitsetType

3.5.1 Defining and Initializing bitsets

3.5.2 Operations on bitsets

Chapter 4 Arrays and Pointers (新增评注33 条)

4.1 Arrays

4.1.1 DefiningandInitializingArrays

4.1.2 OperationsonArrays

4.2 IntroducingPointers

4.2.1 What Is aPointer?

4.2.2 DefiningandInitializingPointers

4.2.3 OperationsonPointers

4.2.4 UsingPointers toAccessArrayElements

4.2.5 Pointers and the constQualifier

4.3 C-StyleCharacterStrings

4.3.1 DynamicallyAllocatingArrays

4.3.2 InterfacingtoOlderCode

4.4 MultidimensionedArrays

4.4.1 Pointers andMultidimensionedArrays

Chapter 5 Expressions (新增评注49 条)

5.1 ArithmeticOperators

5.2 Relational andLogicalOperators

5.3 TheBitwiseOperators

5.3.1 Using bitsetObjectsor IntegralValues

5.3.2 Usingthe ShiftOperators for IO

5.4 AssignmentOperators

5.4.1 Assignment IsRightAssociative

5.4.2 AssignmentHasLowPrecedence

5.4.3 CompoundAssignmentOperators

5.5 Increment andDecrementOperators

5.6 TheArrowOperator

5.7 TheConditionalOperator

5.8 The sizeofOperator

5.9 CommaOperator

5.10 EvaluatingCompoundExpressions

5.10.1 Precedence

5.10.2 Associativity

5.10.3 OrderofEvaluation

5.11 The new and deleteExpressions

5.12 TypeConversions

5.12.1 WhenImplicitTypeConversionsOccur

5.12.2 TheArithmeticConversions

5.12.3 Other ImplicitConversions

5.12.4 ExplicitConversions

5.12.5 WhenCastsMightBeUseful

5.12.6 NamedCasts

5.12.7 Old-StyleCasts

Chapter 6 Statements (新增评注29 条)

6.1 Simple Statements

6.2 DeclarationStatements

6.3 CompoundStatements (Blocks)

6.4 StatementScope

6.5 The ifStatement

6.5.1 The if Statement elseBranch

6.6 The switchStatement

6.6.1 Using a switch

6.6.2 Control Flow within a switch

6.6.3 The defaultLabel

6.6.4 switchExpressionandCaseLabels

6.6.5 Variable Definitions inside a switch

6.7 The whileStatement

6.8 The forLoopStatement

6.8.1 Omitting Parts of the forHeader

6.8.2 Multiple Definitions in the forHeader

6.9 The do whileStatement

6.10 The breakStatement

6.11 The continueStatement

6.12 The gotoStatement

6.13 tryBlocks andExceptionHandling

6.13.1 A throwExpression

6.13.2 The tryBlock

6.13.3 StandardExceptions

6.14 Usi


《C++ Primer》是一本系统而权威的C++ 教材,它全面而深入地讲解了C++ 语言及其标准库。本书作者Stanley B. Lippman 在20 世纪80 年代早期即在C++ 之父Bjarne Stroustrup 领导下开发C++ 编译器,另一作者Josée Lajoie 曾多年担任C++ 标准委员会核心语言组主席,他们对这门编程语言的理解与把握非常人可比。本书对C++ 语法和语义的阐释兼具准确性与可读性,在坊间无出其右者。第4 版更吸收了先进的C++ 教学经验,在内容组织上对初学者更加友好,详略得当且重点突出,使读者能更快上手编写有用的程序,也更适合自学。全球已有45 万人通过该书的各个版本学习了C++ 编程。


经过评注的版本,更值得反复阅读与体会。希望这本书能够帮助您跨越C++ 的重重险阻,领略高处才有的壮美风光,做一个成功而快乐的C++ 程序员。


《C++ Primer(第4版)(评注版)》编辑推荐:经过评注的版本,更值得反复阅读与体会。希望这本书能够帮助您跨越C++ 的重重险阻,领略高处才有的壮美风光,做一个成功而快乐的C++ 程序员。


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尺寸28 × 20装帧平装
页数 688 印数


C++ Primer是电子工业出版社于2012.7出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 C语言-程序设计-教材 的书籍。