

(美) 时东陆, 编著







Part I Bioactive Ceramics and Metals 1Introduction to Bioceramics  1.1 Bioactive Materials   1.1.1 Definitions   1.1.2 Common Biomaterials   1.1.3 Bioactive Ceramics   1.1.4 Biological Apatites   1.1.5 Basic Requirements for Bone Implants   1.1.6 Coating of Hydroxyapatite on Porous Ceramics   1.1.7 Biomaterials in Tissue Attachment  1.2 References 2 Bioactive Ceramics: Structure,Synthesis,and Mechanical Properties  2.1 Structure of Hydroxyapatite   2.1.1 General Structure and Chemistry of Hydroxyapatite   2.1.2 Structural Characteristics of Hydroxyapatite

Part I Bioactive Ceramics and Metals 1Introduction to Bioceramics  1.1 Bioactive Materials   1.1.1 Definitions   1.1.2 Common Biomaterials   1.1.3 Bioactive Ceramics   1.1.4 Biological Apatites   1.1.5 Basic Requirements for Bone Implants   1.1.6 Coating of Hydroxyapatite on Porous Ceramics   1.1.7 Biomaterials in Tissue Attachment  1.2 References 2 Bioactive Ceramics: Structure,Synthesis,and Mechanical Properties  2.1 Structure of Hydroxyapatite   2.1.1 General Structure and Chemistry of Hydroxyapatite   2.1.2 Structural Characteristics of Hydroxyapatite   2.1.3 Substituted Apatite  2.2 Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Powder   2.2.1 Dry Chemical Methods   2.2.2 Wet Chemical Methods  2.3 Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite  2.4 Other Bioceramics   2.4.1 Tricalcium Phosphate   2.4.2 Bioactive Glasses  2.5 References  2.6 Problems 3 Bioceramic Processing  3.1 Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Porous Bioceramics   3.1.1 High Temperature Routes   3.1.2 Low Temperature Routes   3.1.3 Rapid Prototyping Techniques   3.1.4 Mechanical Properties of Porous Bioceramics  3.2 Coating of Bioceramic Thick Films on Bio-Inert Porous Substrates   3.2.1 Slip Casting   3.2.2 Electrophoretic Deposition   3.2.3 Bioceramic-Glass Slurry Method   3.2.4 Thermal Deposition   3.2.5 Sol-Gel Synthesis   3.2.6 Biomimetic Growth  3.3 Coating on Dense Substrates   3.3.1 Enameling   3.3.2 Plasma-Sprayed Coatings   3.3.3 Sputtering  3.4 Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Non-Hard Tissue Applications  3.5 Composites   3.5.1 Bioceramic-Polymer Composite43   3.5.2 Reinforced Hydroxyapatite44   3.5.3 Hydroxyapatite and Tricalcium Phosphate Composite44  3.6 Summary  3.7 References  3.8 Problems 4 Coating of Hydroxyapatite onto Inner Pore Surfaces of the Reticulated Alumina  4.1 Hydroxyapatite Coating Methods and Characterization   4.1.1 Coating of Hydroxyapatite by the Hydroxyapatite-Glass Slurry Method   4.1.2 Coating of Hydroxyapatite by a Thermal Deposition Method   4.1.3 Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Film53   4.1.4 Coating of Hydroxyapatite Using Sol-Gel Synthesis  4.2 Adhesion of Hydroxyapatite Film on Alumina Substrate58  4.3 References  4.4 Problems 5 Properties and Characterization of Biomaterials  5.1 Characterization of Ceramics   ……6 Bioactivity of Hydroxyapatite7 Hydroxyapatite Deposition Mechanisms8 Biomedical Metallic MaterialsPart Ⅱ Polymeric BiomaterialsPart Ⅲ Tissue Engineering: A New Era of Regenerative Medicine


本书重点讲述生物材料和生物学的基本概念和目前的进展,并提供了生物材料和生物技术领域最新的信息。全书共分三部分。第一部分主要讲述生物陶瓷材料。阐述了生物材料的定义、概念和生物陶瓷的结构、性质、化学成分以及常规的制备方法。第二部分主要讲述高分子生物材料及其在生物环境下的分解、腐蚀和化学变化。第三部分主要讲述生物组织工程,包括生物结构、硬组织弥补、电脑模拟、新材料性能确定技术等内容。 本书各章节分别由几位生物材料、生物组织工程和医药学领域的专家撰写。第一、第二部分为生物材料的基础部分,可作为材料科学系、生物工程系以及医学相关领域的本科生生物材料课的教材。第三部分可以作为研究生和科研人员研究组织工程相关课题的参考书。




生物材料导论是清华大学出版社于2005.出版的中图分类号为 Q81 的主题关于 生物材料-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。