

吕余生, 主编







Ⅰ Chief Reports

1 Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic and Development Cooperation has

Taken a Solid Step Again

--The Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation and Development

Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

2 Opening a New Starting Point, It is Tine for Development

--Analysis and Estimation of Opening Up and Development for

Guangxi Beibu Economic Zone from 2010 to 2011

Ⅱ Reports on Cooperative Sectors

3 Review and Prospect for the First Anniversary of Completion of

China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

4 The Concept of Economic Cooperation Model for Pan-Beibu Gulf

5 Construction and Countermeasures of Economic Cooperation

Mechanism of Pan-Beibu Gulf

6 Favorable Condition and Constrains of China

(Nanning)--Singapore Economic Corridor

7 Research on China-ASEAN Regional Logistics Base

Ⅲ Reports on Cooperative Platform

8 The 7th and 8th China-ASEAN Expo

9 The 5th and the 6th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum

Ⅳ Reports on National Development of ASEAN Nations

10 Economy has Maintained Steady Growth

--Vietnam: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

11 High-Speed Economic Growth

--Singapore: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

12 Economic Growth Rate Hit a New High Since the Year of

--Malaysia: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

13 Continuation of Upward Trend of Economic Growth

--Indonesia: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

14 Macroeconomic Stability Indicators Ranked in the World

--Brunei: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

15 Achieving High Economic Growth in the Election Year

--the Philippines: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

16 Strong Economic Rebound

--Thailand: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

17 Foreign Tread as a Major Factor in Promoting Economic Growth

--Cambodia: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

Ⅴ Reports on the Development of the Three Provinces

Along the Coast of the Beihai Gulf in China

18 Economic Output reached a new Level, Two-Digital Economic

Growth Rate for Consecutive Years

--Guangxi: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

19 Per Capital GDP Into the Ranks of Middle-Income Countries and Regions

--Guangdong: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

20 Per Capital GDP Reached the New Level of 3000 US Dollars

--Hainan: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

Ⅵ Reports on the Development of the Four Cities of

Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in China

21 Brilliant Ending and Starting with Long Way to Go

--Nanning: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

22 Solid Progressing “Beihai Three-year Development Project”

--Beihai: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

23 No 1 in Guangxi in Terms of GDP Growth

--Qinzhou: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

24 Per Capital GDP Ranked First in Guangxi

--Fangchenggang: Review of 2010 and Prospect of 2011

Ⅶ Appendices

25 Memorabilia of the Pan-Beibu Gilf Economic Cooperation

(Jan 2010-Apr 2011)

26 Statistical Data

27 Postscript


《泛北部湾合作发展报告(2011版)》共分七部分:一是“综合报告”,对2010~2011年泛北部湾经济合作发展以及广西北部湾经济区开放开发进行了回顾与展望。二是“ 合作专题篇”,就中国—东盟自由贸易区建设、泛北部湾经济合作机制和模式、中国南宁—新加坡经济走廊建设、中国—东盟物流基地建设等问题进行探讨。三是“合作平台篇”,介绍中国—东盟博览会和中国—东盟商务与投资峰会以及泛北部湾经济合作论坛2010~2011年举办及筹备情况。四是“东盟国家发展篇”,对越南、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、文莱、菲律宾、泰国、柬埔寨等东盟国家2010~2011年发展进行了回顾与展望。五是“中国北部湾沿岸三省区发展篇”,介绍中国广西、广东、海南三省区发展情况。六是“中国广西北部湾沿岸四市发展篇”,介绍广西北部湾经济区的南宁、北海、钦州、防城港四市发展情况。七是“附录”,包括泛北部湾合作发展大事记和统计资料。




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泛北部湾合作发展报告是社会科学文献出版社于2011.8出版的中图分类号为 F125.533 的主题关于 国际合作:经济合作-研究报告-中国、东南亚-2011 的书籍。