贝塔束 : 中微子束

贝塔束 : 中微子束

(瑞士) 林德罗斯 (Lindroos,M.) , (意) 梅泽托 (Mezzetto,M.) , 著









Acknowledgments vii

Foreword xiii

1.1 Neutrino Oscillations

1.1.1 Experiments

1.1.2 Phenomenology

1.2 Three-family Oscillations and CP or T Violation

1.2.1 How to measure leptonic CP violation

1.2.2 The problem of degenerate solutions

1.3 Experimental Setups

1.3.1 Conventional neutrino beams

1.3.2 First generation long-baseline experiments

1.3.3 Second generation long-baseline experiments

1.3.4 Next generation conventional neutrino beams

1.4 Why Look For New Concepts in Neutrino Beams?

1.5 New Concepts on Neutrino Beams

Acknowledgments vii

Foreword xiii

1. Introduction

1.1 Neutrino Oscillations

1.1.1 Experiments

1.1.2 Phenomenology

1.2 Three-family Oscillations and CP or T Violation

1.2.1 How to measure leptonic CP violation

1.2.2 The problem of degenerate solutions

1.3 Experimental Setups

1.3.1 Conventional neutrino beams

1.3.2 First generation long-baseline experiments

1.3.3 Second generation long-baseline experiments

1.3.4 Next generation conventional neutrino beams

1.4 Why Look For New Concepts in Neutrino Beams?

1.5 New Concepts on Neutrino Beams

1.5.1 Neutrino factories

2. Machine Aspects

2.1 Introduction

2.2 A Possible Beta-Beam Facility

2.3 The Beta BeamIsotopes

2.3.1 Which isotope to use

2.3.2 Isotope production

2.3.3 The ISOLmethod

2.3.4 Direct production

2.3.5 Production ring

2.3.6 Production rates

2.4 Ion Transfer, Ionization and Bunching

2.5 Acceleration

2.5.1 Linear accelerators

2.5.2 Some basics about synchrotrons

2.6 Stacking and Storage

2.6.1 Why do we need stacking?

2.6.2 Beam-cooling

2.6.3 Stacking

2.6.4 Annual rate of neutrinos

2.6.5 Other limitations

2.7 Possible Future Development

2.7.1 Accumulation at low energy

2.7.2 Two isotopes in the ring at the same time

2.7.3 Higher gamma

2.7.4 Barrier buckets in the decay ring

2.7.5 Acceleration of partly stripped ions

3. CERN-Fr′ejus Beta Beam Physics Potential

3.1 Introduction

3.2 The CERN-Fr′ejus Configuration

3.3 Data Analysis

3.3.1 Backgrounds

3.3.2 Signals

3.3.3 Systematic errors

3.4 Oscillation Analysis

3.4.1 θ13 searches

3.4.2 Leptonic CP violation searches

3.4.3 Searches that cannot be done in this configuration

3.5 Combined Analyses with the Atmospheric Neutrinos

3.5.1 Mass hierarchy

3.5.2 Degeneracy breaking

3.6 Combined Analyses with the SPL Super Beam

3.7 Comparison with Other Super Beam Experiments

4. Physics Potential of Other Beta Beam Settings

4.1 Introduction

4.2 High Energy Beta Beams

4.3 Monochromatic Neutrino Beams

4.4 Beta Beams Based on 8B and 8Li Ions

4.5 High Energy 8B/8LiBeta Beams

4.6 Comparison with Other Neutrino Facilities and

Green-field Scenarios

4.7 Conclusions

5. Low Energy Beta Beams

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Low Energy Setups

5.2.1 Off-axis configurations

5.3 Nuclear Structure, Neutrino-nucleus,

Nuclear Astrophysics Applications

5.4 Fundamental Interaction Studies

5.4.1 Weinberg angle measurement

5.4.2 Conserved vector current hypothesis

5.4.3 Neutrino magnetic moment









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尺寸19 × 13装帧平装
页数 172 印数 2000


贝塔束 : 中微子束是北京大学出版社于2014.12出版的中图分类号为 TL501 的主题关于 中微子-粒子束-英文 的书籍。