

徐绽, 主编







徐绽,考研英语实力派青年教师,考研英语应试的“王牌专家”,十余年英语教学生涯,具有精深的英语语言文化理论底蕴和丰富的教学实践经验,桃李遍布大江南北。授课风格幽默,富有激情,大气磅礴,挥洒自如,课堂信息量大,有的放矢,直击要害,让学员在开心、轻松的气氛中掌握知识,满载而归,满怀信心面对考试。  主讲课程:考研词汇、阅读、写作、翻译。


Section One 经典时文120篇


Five Secrets to Revising That Can Boost Your Grades

How to Find Your Funding?

Dozens of New Efforts to Help Needy Students

Get into College

Most Students Are Indifferent about Student Politics

Is Preschool Access a National Security Issue?

Thousands of Parents Attend D.C. Schools Festival

to Shop for Educational Opportunities

Md. County Executives Push for School Construction Funding

School Achievement Isnt Just in Your Genes

Virtual Roleplaying Teaches Kids the Harm of Bullying

The Foreign Language Copycat Catcher

Monterey County School District to Ask Voters

to OK Technology Bonds

Grey Wolves Left Out in the Cold

Italian Scientists Protest Proposed Animal Law

Researcher Posts Protected Science Curiosity Papers on Blog

Remnants of Oldest Known Cheese Found in Neolithic Pottery

Only a Few Countries Are Teaching Children How to Think

Brazilian Citation Scheme Outed

The Cancer Chronicles: Today Is Publication Day


Unemployment: Long Time Gone

Be Careful in Sochi, U.S. Warns Olympics Tourists

Federal Judge Rules Oklahomas Samesex

Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

These Are the 5 Most InDemand Jobs Right Now

Reasons You Definitely Dont Want to be the Boss

Are Smartphones Turning Us Into Bad Samaritans?

Butter Is Bad-It Is a Myth

How Citizens Can Make Cities Better?

Are Insomnias Effects on the Brain as Bad as They Feel?

The Friendship Bank: How and Why Even the

Most Giving Friend Expects Payback

Why Hospitals Want Patients to Ask Doctors,

Have You Washed Your Hands?

Apples Really Can Help Keep the Doctor Away

Should You Eat Before Exercise?

Two Pedals VS Three

Bosses Say "Pick Up the Phone"


Peter Buck on Music and Travel

Video Project Challenges Stereotypes of Black Men

Back to Film as It Once Was

For Movie Producers, a Golden Age Fades

How Could Calvin Klein Inc. Survive?

The Excellence Recordings

Why Nobody Will Win the Mobile Payments War

Milky Way Emerges from a Lighthouse

in Prize winning Photo

IRS Spent $10000 to Make Parody

of Trump s "Apprentice"

Miyazaki s "The Wind Rises" to Get Oscarqualifying

Run in November

"Orange Is the New Black" Audience Is a Mystery Even

to Distributor

Skin Care Expert Claire Vero Shares Her Beauty Secrets

Warhol s Marilyn: Charles Lisanby Could Have

Hit Jackpot but Declined

The Angelina Effect: TIMEs New Cover Image Revealed

Palma Violets, the Latest in a Lively British

Punk Rock Tradition

Tree loving Orangutans Hang Out on the Forest Floor


The Case for An Antibiotics Tax

Should We Worry about Deflation?

Income Inequality Hurts Economic Growth, Researchers Say

Emerging Market Chaos Hits Stock Markets and Currencies

U.S. Markets Tumble as Fear Spreads

Want to Save Money? Stop Thinking about the Big Picture

Here s Why Tax Rates Should Vary with the Economy

UK Mortgage Lending at Five year High

Unemployment Drops but Income Growth Remains Slow

Charging the Mobile

European Economy Guide


World s Biggest Solar Plant

Three Myths on the Worlds Poor

Whale Meat Snacks Seized at German Trade Fair

Tenants Leave Europe s First Vertical City Up in the Air

Getting Rid of Guilt

Life Returns to Slopes of Americas Deadliest Volcano

Vast Supplies of Groundwater Found Under Kenya

Insider s Travel Guide to Dublin, Ireland

California Governor Vetoes Eggpayment Law

Chinese Travelers

Fish Need No Refrigeration in Earths Coldest City


Body worn Cameras Put Police Evidence Beyond Doubt

Biologists Call for Part Privatisation of Oceans

Can Science Stop Invasion of the Giant Killer Slugs?

Chinese City Paralysed by Smog

Hunter gatherers Got on Fine with Europe s First Farmers

Is Happiness Found in Our Minds or in Our Wallets?

Is the World Getting Better or Worse?

The Threat in the Pocket

Traffic Fumes Make Honeybees Unable

to Recognise Flower Scent

What Your Desk Says about You?

E cigarettes Help You Quit as Well as Nicotine Patches

Magic Microphone Lets You Whisper with Your Fingertips

Play Your Way to Evolutionary Fitness

Tropical Storms Stir up Trouble for Coral Reefs

Wanna Watch Your Volcano Danger Zone?

Arctic Sea ice Minimum Is Sixth Smallest on Record

Human Caused Climate Change Contributed

to Half of Extreme Weather Events Analyzed in New Study

Japan Will Build Wall of Ice to Stem Fukushima Leak

New Measure Shifts Biodiversity Focus

Glowing Sperm Go Head to Head in Fight to Be the Daddy

The Rare Red Kites That Keep Blogs about Their Flights

This Disappearing Ghost Octopus Is Crazy Awesome

Virus Explains Why Some Chicken Eggs Are Blue

The Genes That Make You a True Individual

First Jawed Fish Had One Ugly Face

Genes Linked to Left handedness Identified

How Does The Body Clock Work?

How the Bacteria in Your Gut May Be

Shaping Your Waistline

Should We Cut out Sugar?

The Genes That Make You a True Individual

Toxic Sludge from Polluted Rivers Turned into Art

Avian Flu: Extra Oversight for H7N9 Experiments

Blood Ties

How the Sun s Corona Gets So Hot

Robotic Plant Learns to Grow Like the Real Thing

Suicide Risk Could Show Up in a Blood Test

Use a Bus Stop Touchscreen to Kill Time And Help Out

Visual Neurons Mapped in Action

Watch Virtual People Flee to Plan Escape Routes

Beautiful British Bat Is One in Just 1000

Chain Reaction Shattered Huge Antarctica Ice Shelf

New Cloud forest Mammal Looks Like Living Teddy Bear

Why Rabbits Have White Tails

Ancient Climate Change Picked The Crops We Eat Today

Browser to Give You a More Politically Balanced Life

Boxing Is Dangerous

Cultured Meat Remains a Distant Dream

Coral Mappers Reach Caribbean Waters

Poor Sleep Makes Food More Appealing

Section Two精华时文60篇

(注: 该部分目录及内容请见徐绽网校: www.xuzhan.com)







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页数印数 5000


2016考研英语时文阅读宝典120+60是清华大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-研究生-入学考试-自学参考资料 的书籍。