

付晓丽, 付天军, 著







Part Ⅰ Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introducing the Field

1.1.1 What Is Interactional Metadiscourse?

1.1.2 Why Advertising Discourse?

1.2 The Motivation of the Study

1.3 The Methodology of the Book

1.3.1 The Readership of the Book

1.3.2 The Perspectives of the Study

1.3.3 Methods and Corpus of the Book

1.4 Terminology and Notation

1.5 The Organization of the Book


Part Ⅱ Theoretical Foundations

Chapter 2 Advertising and Advertising Discourse

2.1 Notions of Advertising

2.2 Advertising——Publicity Model of Communication

2.3 Advertising Appeals

2.3.1 A Popular Account

2.3.2 Social Scientific Findings

2.4 Types of Ads

2.4.1 Bernstein's Distinction: Reason and Tickle

2.4.2 Cook's Accounts

2.4.3 Puto and Well's Classification

2.4.4 Yoo and MacInnis' Account

2.4.5 Popular Classifications

2.5 Advertising Texts in This Book

2.5.1 Broad Sense of Advertising Discourse

2.5.2 Virtual Information Texts and Presentative Information Texts

2.5.3 Sample Texts in This Book

2.6 Summary


Chapter 3 Metadiscourse and Interactional Metadiscourse

3.1 Notions of Metadiscourse

3.1.1 Understanding Metadiscourse

3.1.2 A New Definition of Metadiscourse

3.1.3 Studies on Metadiscourse in Applied Linguistics

3.2 Studies on Interactional Metadiscourse

3.2.1 Notion of Interactional Metadiscourse

3.2.2 Categorizations of Interactional Metadiscourse

3.2.3 Uses of Interactional Metadiscourse

3.3 Lexical-grammatical Realizations of Interactional Metadiscourse

3.3.1 Realizations of Hedges

3.3.2 Realizations of Boosters

3.3.3 Realizations of Attitude Markers

3.3.4 Realizations of Self-mentions

3.3.5 Realizations of Reader-inclusive Pronouns

3.3.6 Forms of Questions

3.3.7 Form of Directives

3.4 Summary


Chapter 4 Persuasive Appeals of Interaction Metadiscourse in Advertising Discourse

4.1 Notions of Persuasion

4.1.1 Definitions of Persuasion

4.1.2 The Four Components of Persuasion

4.1.3 Persuasion as A Dialogic Process

4.2 Routes to Persuasion

4.2.1 Humanistic Approach to Persuasion

4.2.2 Social Scientific Approach to Persuasion

4.3 Uses of Interactional Metadiscourse and Persuasion

4.3.1 The Dialogic Nature of Texts

4.3.2 Interactional Metadiscourse and Rhetoric Effect ...

4.3.3 Interactional Metadiscourse in Advertising Discourse

4.4 An Analytical Framework of Persuasive Appeals of Interaction Metadiscourse

4.4.1 Self-mentions and Reader-mentions

4.4.2 Evaluatives and Evidentials

4.4.3 Questions and Directives

4.5 Summary


Part Ⅲ Interactional Metadiscourse Resources in Advertising Texts

Chapter 5 Product Ads

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Emotion-based Ads

5.3 Ads of Durable Goods

5.3.1 Self-mentions Use

5.3.2 Reader-mentions Use

5.3.3 Attitude Markers Use

5.3.4 Directives

5.4 Ads of Non-durable Goods

5.4.1 Single-features Uses

5.4.2 Multiple-features Uses

5.4.3 Radio Ads of Daily Necessities

5.5 Summary


Chapter 6 Service Ads

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Daily Life Service Ads

6.2.1 Fixing and Repairing

6.2.2 House Chores Ads

6.2.3 Finance Ads

6.2.4 Other Services

6.3 Travel/Tourism Ads

6.3.1 Transportation Ads

6.3.2 Hospitality Ads

6.3.3 Entertainment Ads

6.4 Education/Training Ads

6.5 Summary


Chapter 7 Institution Ads

7.1 Introduction

7.2 University/College Ads

7.2.1 Famous University Ads

7.2.2 Community College Ads

7.3 Company Ads

7.3.1 Large-scale Enterprises Ads

7.3.2 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Ads

7.4 Summary


Chapter 8 Public Service Ads

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 PSAs: A Form of Social Marketing

8.1.2 Help-self PSAs and Help-others PSAs

8.1.3 Persuasive Appeals of PSAs

8.1.4 PSAs in This Chapter

8.2 Health/Medicine Ads

8.3 Children/Disabled/Patients/The Elderly Care Ads

8.4 Environmental Protection Ads

8.5 Other Issue Ads

8.6 Summary


Chapter 9 Conclusions

9.1 Major Conclusions and Contributions of This Book

9.2 Implications for Reading and Writing

9.3 Limitations and Future Research







尺寸21 × 15装帧平装
页数 176 印数


广告语篇互动元话语说服功能研究是上海交通大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 F713.8 的主题关于 广告-语言艺术-研究 的书籍。