

(美) 霍斯特曼 (Horstmann,C.S.) , (美) 康奈尔 (Cornell,G.) , 著





本书是经典的Java图书的最新版。这一版针对Java SE7平台进行了全面更新。书中囊括了Java的全部基础知识,提供了大量完整且具有实际意义的应用示例,详细介绍了Java语言基础、面向对象编程、反射与代理、接口与内部类、事件监听器模型、使用SwingUI工具进行图形用户界面程序设计、打包应用程序、异常处理、登录与调试、泛型编程、集合框架、多线程等内容。


Cay S. Horstmann 是Scala for the Impatient的作者,还与人合著了Core JavaServer Faces。他是圣何塞州立大学计算机科学专业的教授,还是一名Java Champion,并经常在很多开发者大会上演讲。Gary Cornell 在编程方面拥有20多年的写作和教育经验。他是Apress的创始人之一,编写了很多与开发相关的畅销书,是Jolt大奖的获奖者之一,还荣获过Visual Basic Magazine的读者选择奖。




Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java

1.1 Java As a Programming Platform

1.2 The Java "White Paper" Buzzwords

1.2.1 Simple

1.2.2 Object-Oriented

1.2.3 Network-Savvy

1.2.4 Robust

1.2.5 Secure

1.2.6 Architecture-Neutral

1.2.7 Portable

1.2.8 Interpreted

1.2.9 High-Performance

1.2.10 Multithreaded

1.2.11 Dynamic

1.3 Java Applets and the Internet

1.4 A Short History of Java

1.5 Common Misconceptions about Java

Chapter 2: The Java Programming Environment

2.1 Installing the Java Development Kit

2.1.1 Downloading the JDK

2.1.2 Setting the Executable Path

2.1.3 Installing the Library Source and Documentation

2.1.4 Installing the Core Java Program Examples

2.1.5 Navigating the Java Directories

2.2 Choosing a Development Environment

2.3 Using the Command-Line Tools

2.3.1 Troubleshooting Hints

2.4 Using an Integrated Development Environment

2.4.1 Locating Compilation Errors

2.5 Running a Graphical Application

2.6 Building and Running Applets

Chapter 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java

3.1 A Simple Java Program


3.3 Data Types

3.3.1 Integer Types

3.3.2 Floating-Point Types

3.3.3 The char Type

3.3.4 The boolean Type

3.4 Variables

3.4.1 Initializing Variables

3.4.2 Constants

3.5 Operators

3.5.1 Increment and Decrement Operators

3.5.2 Relational and boolean Operators

3.5.3 Bitwise Operators

3.5.4 Mathematical Functions and Constants

3.5.5 Conversions between Numeric Types

3.5.6 Casts

3.5.7 Parentheses and Operator Hierarchy

3.5.8 Enumerated Types

3.6 Strings

3.6.1 Substrings

3.6.2 Concatenation

3.6.3 Strings Are Immutable

3.6.4 Testing Strings for Equality

3.6.5 Empty and Null Strings

3.6.5 Code Points and Code Units

3.6.6 The String API

3.6.7 Reading the Online API Documentation

3.6.8 Building Strings

3.7 Input and Output

3.7.1 Reading Input

3.7.2 Formatting Output

3.7.3 File Input and Output

3.8 Control Flow

3.8.1 Block Scope

3.8.2 Conditional Statements

3.8.3 Loops

3.8.4 Determinate Loops

3.8.5 Multiple Selections-The switch Statement

3.8.6 Statements That Break Control Flow

3.9 Big Numbers

3.10 Arrays

3.10.1 The "for each" Loop

3.10.2 Array Initializers and Anonymous Arrays

3.10.3 Array Copying

3.10.4 Command-Line Parameters

3.10.5 Array Sorting

3.10.6 Multidimensional Arrays

3.10.7 Ragged Arrays

Chapter 4: Objects and Classes

4.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

4.1.1 Classes

4.1.2 Objects

4.1.3 Identifying Classes

4.1.4 Relationships between Classes

4.2 Using Predefined Classes

4.2.1 Objects and Object Variables

4.2.2 The GregorianCalendar Class of the Java Library

4.2.3 Mutator and Accessor Methods

4.3 Defining Your Own Classes

4.3.1 An Employee Class

4.3.2 Use of Multiple Source Files

4.3.3 Dissecting the Employee Class

4.3.4 First Steps with Constructors

4.3.5 Implicit and Explicit Parameters

4.3.6 Benefits of Encapsulation

4.3.7 Class-Based Access Privileges

4.3.8 Private Methods

4.3.9 Final Instance Fields

4.4 Static Fields and Methods

4.4.1 Static Fields

4.4.2 Static Constants

4.4.3 Static Methods

4.4.4 Factory Methods

4.4.5 The main Method

4.5 Method Parameters

4.6 Object Construction

4.6.1 Overloading

4.6.2 Default Field Initialization

4.6.3 The Constructor with No Arguments

4.6.4 Explicit Field Initialization

4.6.5 Parameter Names

4.6.6 Calling Another Constructor

4.6.7 Initialization Blocks

4.6.8 Object Destruction and the finalize Method

4.7 Packages

4.7.1 Class Importation

4.7.2 Static Imports

4.7.3 Addition of a Class into a Package

4.7.4 Package Scope

4.8 The Class Path

4.8.1 Setting the Class Path

4.9 Documentation Comments

4.9.1 Comment Insertion

4.9.2 Class Comments

4.9.3 Method Comments

4.9.4 Field Comments

4.9.5 General Comments

4.9.6 Package and Overview Comments

4.9.7 Comment Extraction

4.10 Class Design Hints

Chapter 5: Inheritance

5.1 Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses

5.1.1 Inheritance Hierarchies

5.1.2 Polymorphism

5.1.3 Dynamic Binding

5.1.4 Preventing Inheritance: Final Classes and Methods

5.1.5 Casting

5.1.6 Abstract Classes

5.1.7 Protected Access

5.2 Object: The Cosmic Superclass

5.2.1 The equals Method

5.2.2 Equality Testing and Inheritance

5.2.3 The hashCode Method

5.2.4 The toString Method

5.3 Generic Array Lists

5.3.1 Accessing Array List Elements

5.3.2 Compatibility between Typed and Raw Array Lists

5.4 Object Wrappers and Autoboxing

5.5 Methods with a Variable Number of Parameters

5.6 Enumeration Classes

5.7 Reflection

5.7.1 The Class Class

5.7.2 A Primer on Catching Exceptions

5.7.3 Using Reflection to Analyze the Capabilities of Classes

5.7.4 Using Reflection to Analyze Objects at Runtime

5.7.5 Using Reflection to Write Generic Array Code

5.7.6 Invoking Arbitrary Methods

5.8 Design Hints for Inheritance

Chapter 6: Interfaces and Inner Classes

6.1 Interfaces

6.1.1 Properties of Interfaces

6.1.2 Interfaces and Abstract Classes

6.2 Object Cloning

6.3 Interfaces and Callbacks

6.4 Inner Classes

6.4.1 Use of an Inner Class to Access Object State

6.4.2 Special Syntax Rules for Inner Classes

6.4.3 Are Inner Classes Useful? Actually Necessary? Secure?

6.4.4 Local Inner Classes

6.4.5 Accessing final Variables from Outer Methods

6.4.6 Anonymous Inner Classes

6.4.7 Static Inner Classes

6.5 Proxies

6.5.1 Properties of Proxy Classes

Chapter 7: Graphics Programming

7.1 Introducing Swing

7.2 Creating a Frame

7.3 Positioning a Frame

7.3.1 Frame Properties

7.3.2 Determining a Good Frame Size

7.4 Displaying Information in a Component

7.5 Working with 2D Shapes

7.6 Using Color

7.7 Using Special Fonts for Text

7.8 Displaying Images

Chapter 8: Event Handling

8.1 Basics of Event Handling

8.1.1 Example: Handling a Button Click

8.1.2 Becoming Comfortable with Inner Classes

8.1.3 Creating Listeners Containing a Single Method Call

8.1.4 Example: Changing the Look-and-Feel

8.1.5 Adapter Classes

8.2 Actions

8.3 Mouse Events

8.4 The AWT Event Hierarchy

8.4.1 Semantic and Low-Level Events

Chapter 9: User Interface Components with Swing

9.1 Swing and the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern

9.1.1 Design Patterns

9.1.2 The Model-View-Controller Pattern

9.1.3 A Model-View-Controller Analysis of Swing Buttons

9.2 Introduction to Layout Management

9.2.1 Border Layout

9.2.2 Grid Layout

9.3 Text Input

9.3.1 Text Fields

9.3.2 Labels and Labeling Components

9.3.3 Password Fields

9.3.4 Text Areas

9.3.5 Scroll Panes

9.4 Choice Components

9.4.1 Checkboxes

9.4.2 Radio Buttons

9.4.3 Borders

9.4.4 Combo Boxes

9.4.5 Sliders

9.5 Menus

9.5.1 Menu Building

9.5.2 Icons in Menu Items

9.5.3 Checkbox and Radio Button Menu Items

9.5.4 Pop-Up Menus

9.5.5 Keyboard Mnemonics and Accelerators

9.5.6 Enabling and Disabling Menu Items

9.5.7 Toolbars

9.5.8 Tooltips

9.6 Sophisticated Layout Management

9.6.1 The Grid Bag Layout The gridx, gridy, gridwidth, and gridheight Parameters Weight Fields The fill and anchor Parameters Padding Alternative Method to Specify the gridx, gridy, idwidth,and gridheight Parameters A Helper Class to Tame the Grid Bag Constraints

9.6.2 Group Layout

9.6.3 Using No Layout Manager

9.6.4 Custom Layout Managers

9.6.5 Traversal Order

9.7 Dialog Boxes

9.7.1 Option Dialogs

9.7.2 Creating Dialogs

9.7.3 Data Exchange

9.7.4 File Dialogs

9.7.5 Color Choosers

Chapter 10: Deploying Applications and Applets

10.1 JAR Files

10.1.1 The Manifest

10.1.2 Executable JAR Files

10.1.3 Resources

10.1.4 Sealing

10.2 Java Web Start

10.2.1 The Sandbox

10.2.2 Signed Code

10.2.3 The JNLP API

10.3 Applets

10.3.1 A Simple Applet Converting Applications to Applets

10.3.2 The applet HTML Tag and Its Attributes

10.3.3 The object Tag

10.3.4 Use of Parameters to Pass Information to Applets

10.3.5 Accessing Image and Audio Files

10.3.6 The Applet Context Inter-Applet Communication Displaying Items in the Browser

10.4 Storage of Application Preferences

10.4.1 Property Maps

10.4.2 The Preferences API

Chapter 11: Exceptions, Assertions, Logging, and Debugging

11.1 Dealing with Errors

11.1.1 The Classification of Exceptions

11.1.2 Declaring Checked Exceptions

11.1.3 How to Throw an Exception

11.1.4 Creating Exception Classes

11.2 Catching Exceptions

11.2.1 Catching Multiple Exceptions

11.2.2 Rethrowing and Chaining Exceptions

11.2.3 The finally Clause

11.2.4 The Try-with-Resources Statement

11.2.5 Analyzing Stack Trace Elements

11.3 Tips for Using Exceptions

11.4 Using Assertions

11.4.1 Assertion Enabling and Disabling

11.4.2 Using Assertions for Parameter Checking

11.4.3 Using Assertions for Documenting Assumptions

11.5 Logging

11.5.1 Basic Logging

11.5.2 Advanced Logging

11.5.3 Changing the Log Manager Configuration

11.5.4 Localization

11.5.5 Handlers

11.5.6 Filters

11.5.7 Formatters

11.5.8 A Logging Recipe

11.6 Debugging Tips

11.7 Tips for Troubleshooting GUI Programs

11.7.1 Letting the AWT Robot Do the Work

11.8 Using a Debugger

Chapter 12: Generic Programming

12.1 Why Generic Programming?

12.1.1 Who Wants to Be a Generic Programmer?

12.2 Defining a Simple Generic Class

12.3 Generic Methods

12.4 Bounds for Type Variables

12.5 Generic Code and the Virtual Machine

12.5.1 Translating Generic Expressions

12.5.2 Translating Generic Methods

12.5.3 Calling Legacy Code

12.6 Restrictions and Limitations

12.6.1 Type Parameters Cannot Be Instantiated with Primitive Types

12.6.2 Runtime Type Inquiry Only Works with Raw Types

12.6.3 You Cannot Create Arrays of Parameterized Types

12.6.4 Varargs Warnings

12.6.5 You Cannot Instantiate Type Variables

12.6.6 Type Variables Are Not Valid in Static Contexts of Generic Classes

12.6.7 You Cannot Throw or Catch Instances of a Generic Class You Can Defeat Checked Exception Checking

12.6.8 Beware of Clashes after Erasure

12.7 Inheritance Rules for Generic Types

12.8 Wildcard Types

12.8.1 Supertype Bounds for Wildcards

12.8.2 Unbounded Wildcards

12.8.3 Wildcard Capture

12.9 Reflection and Generics

12.9.1 Using Class Parameters for Type Matching

12.9.2 Generic Type Information in the Virtual Machine

Chapter 13: Collections

13.1 Collection Interfaces

13.1.1 Separating Collection Interfaces and Implementation

13.1.2 Collection and Iterator Interfaces in the Java Library Iterators Removing Elements Generic Utility Methods

13.2 Concrete Collections

13.2.1 Linked Lists

13.2.2 Array Lists

13.2.3 Hash Sets

13.2.4 Tree Sets

13.2.5 Object Comparison

13.2.6 Queues and Deques

13.2.7 Priority Queues

13.2.8 Maps

13.2.9 Specialized Set and Map Classes Weak Hash Maps Linked Hash Sets and Maps Enumeration Sets and Maps Identity Hash Maps

13.3 The Collections Framework

13.3.1 Views and Wrappers Lightweight Collection Wrappers Subranges Unmodifiable Views Synchronized Views Checked Views A Note on Optional Operations

13.3.2 Bulk Operations

13.3.3 Converting between Collections and Arrays

13.4 Algorithms

13.4.1 Sorting and Shuffling

13.4.2 Binary Search

13.4.3 Simple Algorithms

13.4.4 Writing Your Own Algorithms

13.5 Legacy Collections

13.5.1 The Hashtable Class

13.5.2 Enumerations

13.5.3 Property Maps

13.5.4 Stacks

13.5.5 Bit Sets The "Sieve of Eratosthenes" Benchmark

Chapter 14: Multithreading

14.1 What Are Threads?

14.1.1 Using Threads to Give Other Tasks a Chance

14.2 Interrupting Threads

14.3 Thread States

14.3.1 New Threads

14.3.2 Runnable Threads

14.3.3 Blocked and Waiting Threads

14.3.4 Terminated Threads

14.4 Thread Properties

14.4.1 Thread Priorities

14.4.2 Daemon Threads

14.4.3 Handlers for Uncaught Exceptions

14.5 Synchronization

14.5.1 An Example of a Race Condition

14.5.2 The Race Condition Explained

14.5.3 Lock Objects

14.5.4 Condition Objects

14.5.5 The synchronized Keyword

14.5.6 Synchronized Blocks

14.5.7 The Monitor Concept

14.5.8 Volatile Fields

14.5.9 Final Variables

14.5.10 Atomics

14.5.11 Deadlocks

14.5.12 Thread-Local Variables

14.5.13 Lock Testing and Timeouts

14.5.14 Read/Write Locks

14.5.15 Why the stop and suspend Methods Are Deprecated

14.6 Blocking Queues

14.7 Thread-Safe Collections

14.7.1 Efficient Maps, Sets, and Queues

14.7.2 Copy on Write Arrays

14.7.3 Older Thread-Safe Collections

14.8 Callables and Futures

14.9 Executors

14.9.1 Thread Pools

14.9.2 Scheduled Execution

14.9.3 Controlling Groups of Tasks

14.9.4 The Fork-Join Framework

14.10 Synchronizers

14.10.1 Semaphores

14.10.2 Countdown Latches

14.10.3 Barriers

14.10.4 Exchangers

14.10.5 Synchronous Queues

14.11 Threads and Swing

14.11.1 Running Time-Consuming Tasks

14.11.2 Using the Swing Worker

14.11.3 The Single-Thread Rule

Appendix: Java Keywords



《Java核心技术卷1:基础知识(第9版·英文版)(套装上下册)》是经典的《Java核心技术卷1:基础知识》的最新版。这一版针对Java SE 7平台进行了全面更新,以反映Java SE 7的特性。
  书中囊括了Java的全部基础知识,提供了大量完整且具有实际意义的应用示例,详细介绍了Java语言基础、面向对象编程、反射与代理、接口与内部类、事件监听器模型、使用Swing GUI工具进行图形用户界面程序设计、打包应用程序、异常处理、登录与调试、泛型编程、集合框架、多线程等内容。


  Java平台的权威指南,新版做了全面更新,体现了Java SE 7的变化,将对Java SE 7新特性的完整描述融入对Java基本概念的精辟阐述中。


尺寸24 × 19装帧平装
页数 500 印数 2500


Java核心技术是人民邮电出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 JAVA语言-程序设计-英文 的书籍。