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Introduction1. Literary Analysis: What Makes The Great Gatsby Great2. The Great Gatsby and F. Scott Fitzgerald: Intertwining of Life and Work FROM: "Our New Novelists of the 'Early Twenties' " (1920) Heywood Broun, "Books" (1920) Notice of This Side of Paradise (1921) "Our New Novelists of the 'Early Twenties' " (1920) Heywood Broun, "Books" (1920) Notice of This Side of Paradise (1921)3. Why Be Honest? The Scandals of the 1920s FROM: "Rosenthal Shot and Killed in Gambler's War" (1912)

Introduction1. Literary Analysis: What Makes The Great Gatsby Great2. The Great Gatsby and F. Scott Fitzgerald: Intertwining of Life and Work FROM: "Our New Novelists of the 'Early Twenties' " (1920) Heywood Broun, "Books" (1920) Notice of This Side of Paradise (1921) "Our New Novelists of the 'Early Twenties' " (1920) Heywood Broun, "Books" (1920) Notice of This Side of Paradise (1921)3. Why Be Honest? The Scandals of the 1920s FROM: "Rosenthal Shot and Killed in Gambler's War" (1912) "Gambler Who Defied Police Is Shot Dead" (1912) "Court to Hear Plea to Void Indictment of M'Manus Today" (1929) "M'Manus Acquitted by Order of Court of Killing Rothstein" (1929) James Crusinberry, "Five White Sox Men Involved, Hoyne Aid Says" (1920) "Plan Probe of Cohan-Tennes Losses on Sox" (1920) James Crusinberry, " 'Benton Confessed Winning $1,500 on Wire Tip'--Herzog" (1920) "Inside Story of Plot to Buy World's Series" (1920) "First Evidence of Money Paid to Sox Bared" (1920) James Crusinberry, "Sox Suspected by Comiskey during Series" (1920) "Grand Jury to Hear 'Mystery' Woman's Story" (1920) The Testimony of Edward L. Doheny Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys (1924) "Texas Guinan Jailed in Dry Raid on Club" (1927) "Texas Guinan Held in Cell Nine Hours" (1927) "Padlock Ordered for the 300 Club" (1927) "Texas Guinan Disappoints" (1927) "Texas Guinan Freed in Bail" (1927) "Texas Guinan's Club Closed for Six Months" (1927) "Guinan Hearing Delayed" (1927) "Texas Guinan Held on Nuisance Charge" (1927) "Texas Free of One Charge" (1927) "Texas Guinan Freed on Liquor Charge" (1927)4. The Woman Question: Changes During the 1920s FROM: "How a Girl Beat Leander at the Hero Game" (1926) Helen Christine Bennett, "Does Business Give Women a Square Deal?" (1929) G. Stanley Hall, "Flapper Americana Novissima"5. Why Not Be Rich? Money in the 1920s6. The Great Gatsby Then and NowIndex




Today, more than 80 years after its publication, The Great Gatsby seems as fresh and pertinent to American life as it did in the 1920s. The social, cultural, and historical milieu of the 1920s reflected in its pages is not so very' different from our own. This interdisciplinary collection of commentary and rich collateral materials will enrich the reader's understanding of those times and their influence on Fitzgerald's novel. The authors have included a wide variety of primary documents that capture the flavor of the era and its notorious and flamboyant players. Included are newspaper stories, first person accounts, and congressional testimony from the scandals of the 1920s. Most of the documents included in this text are available in no other printed form.




《了不起的盖茨比》解读是中国人民大学出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 I712.074 的主题关于 长篇小说-文学研究-美国-现代-英文 的书籍。