1.A Good Techer a Good Luck2. High Jumps3. Dealing with Peer pressure4. The Man & the Opportunity5. Teachers and Actors6. Unpopular Subjects?7. Women Outperform Men at University,Say Academics8. Lessons in Class9. An Odd Student10.Learning to keep Your Cool juring Tests11.Working for the Future12.Run,Patti,Run!13.The Teacher Who Has a Deep Impact on My life14.Big Kid Sleep-away Camp15.My Way of Learning English
1.A Good Techer a Good Luck2. High Jumps3. Dealing with Peer pressure4. The Man & the Opportunity5. Teachers and Actors6. Unpopular Subjects?7. Women Outperform Men at University,Say Academics8. Lessons in Class9. An Odd Student10.Learning to keep Your Cool juring Tests11.Working for the Future12.Run,Patti,Run!13.The Teacher Who Has a Deep Impact on My life14.Big Kid Sleep-away Camp15.My Way of Learning English16.Fall from University Grace17.College Rivalry18.Successful English Learning19.The Personal Qualities of a Teacher20.The Myth of College21.University Education Does Not Come Cheap22.Good Advice for Love's Losers23.US Student Choices of Winter Break24.Parents at School25.A Proverbial English Teacher-Bill26.Adivece That Can Help You Succeed on Campus27.An Important Aspect of College Life28.In This the End for the SAT?29.My Advice to Students:get a Sound,Broad Education30.Seven Skills for Qualified Employees in 21st Century31.Shocking Halloween Taught Lastion Lesson32.A Speech at Yale unioversity Delivered by lary ellison33.The Rose34.The Wind Beneath Her Wings35.Never Told Him He Couldn't Do It 36.What True Educaion Should Do37.Chassroom Full of FLowers38.Growing up with Cherubism39."Nobody Wants to Cheat"40.Best Graduate Schools41.Qualities Employers Seek42.Applyin to the US Graduate School43.Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on Educaion44.The Breakfast Club45.A Humble Gift46.A Story about Friendship47.What Hisroy Means to Me48.Living Proof49.Reachin the Op of the Mountain50.Once a Week,Write a heartfelt Letter
《校园英语》囊括了关于校园生活方方面面的文章,涉及恋爱、选课指南、出国留学,师生关系等一些实用的话题,读后您也许会有身临其境的感觉,也许会有茅塞顿开的感悟。 本丛书的特色有以下几点: 1、选材新 我们所选文章均出自2000年以后正式出版的杂志、报刊、书籍,或从网上选取。而且内容新颖,选材广泛,涉及现代生活的方方面面。 2、构思巧 在构思上我们精心设计了“正文”、“译文”、“评论”、“开放性问题”和“注解”。 “正文”精挑功选,择优拔萃,“译文”简洁准确,干净利落:“评论”画龙点睛,寓味深长;“开放性问题”短小精悍,发人深思;“注解”准确到位,一目了解。 总之,本丛书构思精巧,选材新颖,语言纯正,融知识性、趣味性、教育性为一体,定能让你一见钟情,爱不翻释手。
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书名 | 校园英语站内查询相似图书 | ||
丛书名 | 英语美文精粹 | ||
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出版地 | 天津 | 出版单位 | 天津大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 13.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 装帧 | 平装 | |
页数 | 240 | 印数 | 5000 |