

陈蓉, 潘倩, 杨文健, 闫欣, 编著







目 录

Chapter One Researching Information in the Scientific Literature 1

I. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Literature 2

II. Which Types of Sources Are Appropriate forYour Research Paper? 5

III. Researching Topics in the Scientific Literature 6

IV. Some Basic Steps to Searching the Scientific Literature 6

Chapter Two Reading Scientific Literature 12

I. Scientific Literature and Research Work 13

II. Getting Familiar With Scientific Literature 14

III. Reading Critically and Actively 18

Chapter Three Reading a Scientific Paper 20

I. Structure of Scientific Papers 21

II. Five Steps for Reading a Scientific Paper 22

Chapter Four Specific Skills for Reading Scientific Literature 29

I. Literature Review 30

II. Writing a Summary 32

Chapter Five Translation Theories 38

I. Basic Knowledge about Translation 39

II. EST Translation 44

III. Basic Theories of Translation 49

IV. A Paradox in EST Translation 54

Chapter Six Translation of Words 58

I. A Comparison of Words in English and Chinese 59

II. Understanding Words 63

III. Techniques of Words Translation 71

Chapter Seven Translation of Phrases 76

I . Semantic Relations of Different Phrases and Their Translation 77

II. Translation of Some Special Phrases 81

Chapter Eight Translation of Sentences 87

I. A comparison of sentence structure in English and Chinese 88

II. Sentence Analysis 92

III. Techniques of Sentence Translation 97

Appendix I Reading Exercises 103

I. Sentence Summary 104

II. Reading and Writing 105

III. Summary 114

Appendix II Translation Exercises 138

Exercise 1 Translation of “As” 139

Exercise 2 Translation of Long Sentences 140

Exercise 3 I. 根据词类选择词义 142

II. 根据上下文选择词义 142

III. 词义的引申 143

Exercise 4 I. 时间 145

II. 空间 148

III. 原因、结果 148

IV. 条件 150

Exercise 5 I. 非限定动词 152

II. 后置修饰语频繁 152

Exercise 6 Translation of Long Sentences 152

Exercise 7 Translation of Paragraphs and Passages 153

Answers to Reading Exercises 156

I. Suggested Answers 157

II. Reading and Writing 157

III. Summary 158

Answers to Translation Exercises 162

Exercise 1 Translation of “As” 163

Exercise 2 Translation of Long Sentences 164

Exercise 3 I. 根据词类选择词义 165

II. 根据上下文选择词义 166

III. 词义的引申 166

Exercise 4 I. 时间 168

II. 空间 170

III. 原因、结果 171

IV. 条件 172

Exercise 5 I. 非限定动词 173

II. 后置修饰语频繁 174

Exercise 6 Translation of Long Sentences 174

Exercise 7 Translation of Paragraphs and Passages 174

References 177




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 112 印数 3000


科技文献阅读与翻译是人民邮电出版社于2014.9出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 科技文献-英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 ,科技文献-英语-翻译-高等学校-教材 的书籍。