How to use the Encyclopedia
Adult Education
Adult Education Overview K Rubenson
Adult Education - Adult Learning, Instruction and Program Planning
Adult Learning S B Merriam
Adult Learning and Instruction: Transformative Learning Perspectives P Cranton
Adult Learning in a Biographic Perspective L West
Adult Learning, Instruction and Programme Planning: Insights from Freire P Mayo
Characteristics of Adult Learning K llleris
Informal Learning: A Contested Concept P Hodkinson
Organizational Learning P-E Ellstrom
Program Planning A L Wilson and R M Cervero
Workplace Learning Frameworks S Billett
Adult Education - as a Field of Study
Class Analysis in Adult Education T Nesbit
Gender Analysis J Stalker
Race and Ethnicity in the Field of Adult Education J Johnson-Bailey and D Drake-Clark
Trends in Workplace Learning Research T Fenwick
Adult Education - Concepts
Lifelong Learning J Field
Rewriting the History of Adult Education: The Search for Narrative Structures B J Hake
Adult Education - Domains and Provision
Adult Basic Education: A Challenge for Vocational Based Learning R Hoghielm
Adult Literacy Education L Tett and R St.Clair
Citizenship and Immigrant Education D Schugurensky
Community Based Adult Education B Connolly
Continuing Professional Education: Multiple Stakeholders and Agendas R M Cervero and B J DaleJ
Financing of Adult and Lifelong Learning A Sohlman
Labor Education K Forrester
Learning Cities and Regions C Duke
Museums as Sites of Adult Learning R S Grenier
Overview of Lifelong Learning Policies and Systems D-B Kwon and C H O Daeyeon
Popular Adult Education S Tzsse
Provision of Prior Learning Assessment P Andersson
The Age of Learning: Seniors Learning P Jarvis
University Adult Continuing Education: The Extra-Mural Tradition Revisited M Slowey
Adult Education - Economy and Society
Adult Education and Civil Society J Crowther and l Martin
Adult Education and Nation-Building S Walters
Economic Outcomes of Adult Education and Training A Ferrer and W C Riddell
Health and Adult Learning P Belanger and M Robitaille
Modernization Processes and the Changing Function of Adult Learning H S Olesen
The Political Economy of Adult Education G Rees
Wider Benefits of Adult Education T Schuller and R Desjardins
Adult Education - Participation
Barriers to Participation in Adult Education K Rubenson
Participation in Adult Learning R Desjardins
Comparative Education
Comparative and International Education: English-Language Scholarly Publications
D Post and M Fedri
Comparative Education: Philosophical lssues and Concepts M Mason and C W Evers
Comparative Education: Societies and Associations M Bray
Curriculum Development
Curriculum and Religion C Kapitzke and P Graham
Gender and Curriculum J Marsh
Local Teacher-Based Curriculum Development M D Osborne and H B Barker
《国际教育学百科全书(第3版 套装共8卷)》作为最新版,由全球教育领域的31名权威编辑和1100多位专家作者,历时四载修订磨砺而成,由爱思唯尔于2010年出版。全套百科全书共8卷本,按字母表分卷,收录了926篇精华论文,涵括了教育学领域的近40个重要主题,架构恢弘、包罗万象,堪称一部具有国际视野、全面反映当代教育现状和最新研究成果的巨制鸿篇,对广大教育工作者、研究者、教师、研究生等了解国际教育学不同领域的理论与发展趋势,明确相关概念和分支学科内涵,解决实际教育问题,探索一般教育规律,并不断拓展自身的学术视野极有帮助,是高校和相关研究机构的必备参考资料。
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 国际教育学百科全书站内查询相似图书 | ||
9787544634533 如需购买下载《国际教育学百科全书》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 上海 | 出版单位 | 上海外语教育出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 800.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 18 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
国际教育学百科全书是上海外语教育出版社于2013.出版的中图分类号为 G40-61 的主题关于 教育学-百科全书-英文 的书籍。
( ) 霍恩伯尔 (Hornberger,N.H.) , 主编
(瑞典) 胡森 (Husen,T.) , 著
(英) 克里斯特尔 (Crystal,D.) , 著
(美) 诺利亚, 著
军事科学院军事百科研究部, 编
(法) 弗朗索瓦斯 (Francoise,J.P.) , (美) 纳伯 (Naber,G.L.) , (美) 孙圣周, 著
李德洙, 张山, 主编
(法) 弗朗索瓦斯 (Francoise,J.P.) , (美) 纳伯 (Naber,G.L.) , (美) 孙圣周, 著
( ) 布朗 (Brown,K.) , 主编