

常俊跃, 赵永青, 高璐璐, 主编







part 1 australia unit 1 geographical features of australia  text a the land of australia  text b the climate in australia  text c tourist attractions in australia unit 2 the history of australia  text a the early history of australia  text b modern history of australia  text c the history of anzac day unit 3 the australian people  text a understanding australian character  text b the national psyche  text c australian indigenous people: an overview  text d issues concerning australian indigenous people today unit 4 social welfare and economy in australia

part 1 australia unit 1 geographical features of australia  text a the land of australia  text b the climate in australia  text c tourist attractions in australia unit 2 the history of australia  text a the early history of australia  text b modern history of australia  text c the history of anzac day unit 3 the australian people  text a understanding australian character  text b the national psyche  text c australian indigenous people: an overview  text d issues concerning australian indigenous people today unit 4 social welfare and economy in australia  text a australia's welfare system  text b economic diversity in australia  text c medicare in australia unit 5 cultural life in australia  text a life in australia  text b sports in australia  text c the australian bushpart 2 new zealand unit 6 history and land of new zealand  text a new zealand, the youngest country  text b the geographical features of new zealand  text c captain james cook unit 7 new zealand society  text a the new zealanders  text b life in new zealand  text c multiculturalism in new zealand unit 8 maori people in new zealand  text atraditional maori customs and arts  text b history of the maori people  text c maori dances: haka unit 9 tourism in new zealand  text a major cities in new zealand  text b new zealand outdoors  text c new zealand's tourist industrypart 3 canada unit 10 general features of canada  text a general features of canada  text b multiculturalism in canada  text c history of canada unit 11 national economy of canada  text a canada's national economy  text bthe canadian urban landscapes  text c economic issues challenging canadians unit 12 social customs and lifestyles in canada  text a social customs in canada  text b lifestyle in canada  text c foods and drinks in canada unit 13 recreations and attractions in canada  text a holidays and festivals in canada  text b traveling in canada  text c sports in canada  text d hockey-the national sport of canadapart 4 literature and political systems unit 14 literature in canada, australia, and new zealand  text a literature in canada  text b literature in australia  text c literature in new zealand unit 15 governments and political systems of the threecountries  text a government and political system in australia  text b government and political system in new zealand  text c government and political system in canadaappendix 1: reference answers to the exercisesappendix 2: map of australiaappendix 3: map of new zealandappendix 4: map of canada主要参考文献和网站


本书是在内容依托教学理念指导下,依托国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”推出的系列英语内容依托教材之一。  本教材针对的学生群体是具有中学英语基础的大学生,既适用于英语专业一、二年级学生,也适用于具有中学英语基础的非英语专业学生和英语爱好者学习。本教材具备以下主要特色:   * 打破了传统的教学理念  依托学生密切关注的澳大利亚、新西兰与加拿大三国的社会与文化内容,组织学生进行语言交际活动,改变了片面关注语言知识和语言技能忽视内容学习的作法。   * 涉及了系统的社会文化内容  课文内容依照澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大三国的社会文化发展脉络编排,并对其中一些主要的社会人文内容有所侧重。   * 引进了真实的教学材料  真实、地道的语言材料,为学生提供了高质量的语言输入。穿插了大量的插图、表格、照片等真实的视觉材料,表现手段活泼、形式多种多样,效果生动直观。   * 设计了新颖的教材板块  每一单元均包括课前热身、课文正文、课后练习、辅助阅读、专有名词列表和娱乐园地等。结构安排系统合理,突出学生主体地位。   * 提供了多样的训练活动  打破了传统教材单调的训练程式,帮助教师设置真实的语言运用情境,培养学生语言综合运用能力。   * 推荐了经典的学习材料  在每个章节的最后部分向学生推荐经典的书目、影视作品、名诗欣赏以及英文歌曲等学习资料,使教材具有了弹性和开放性,方便不同院校不同水平学生的使用。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 4000


澳新加社会文化是北京大学出版社于2011.5出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:G 的主题关于 英语-高等学校-教材 ,文化-概况-加拿大 ,文化-概况-澳大利亚 ,文化-概况-新加坡 的书籍。