

陈发云, 编







Chapter 1 ALGERIA 1. Types of business organizationsChapter 2 ARGENTINA 1. Types of business organizations 2. Incorporating a business in Argentina 3. Argentine Tax System 4. Labor legislationChapter 3 AUSTRALIA 1. Types of business organisations 2. Formation of a corporationChapter 4 BRAZIL 1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Registration requirements for entitiesChapter 5 CANADA 1. Types of business organizations 2. Incorporation Procedures 3. Useful WebsitesChapter 6 CHILE 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business 3. Business license and permitsChapter 7 COLOMBIA 1. Types of business organizations 2. The main characteristicsChapter 8 COSTA RI A 1. Types of business organizations 2. General aspects 3. Procedures for Setting up a Business 4. Business Licenses & PermitsChapter 9 CZE H REPUBLI  1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Procedures for Setting up a Business (Companies and Cooperatives) 3. Business Licenses and Permits 4. Registration with the Commercial Register 5. Tax, Social Security Health Insurance and Employer Registration RequirementsChapter 10 E UADOR 1. Types of business organizations 2. Other types of organizationChapter 11 FINLAND 1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a Business 3. Business Licenses and Permits 4. SummaryChapter 12 FRAN E 1. Types of business organizations 2. Tax ConsolidationChapter 13 GERMANY 1. Types of business organizations 2. Steps to Establishing Companies/Associations 3. PermitsChapter 14 GREE E 1. Types of business organizations 2. Taxation of Personal Companies (OE EE) 3. Taxation of Companies limited by shares A. E. , Companies with limited liability E. P. E. and CooperativeChapter 15 GUATEMALA 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business 3. Business Licenses & Permits 4. SummaryChapter 16 HONDURAS 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures to set up a Business 3. Business permits and licensesChapter 17 HONG KONG 1. Types of Business VehiclesChapter 18 INDIA 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for in orporating a private limited Company 3. Steps to be taken for formation of a Public Limited CompanyChapter 19 IRELAND 1. Types of business organisations 2. Procedures for Setting up a Business 3. Registration of Foreign Company 4. Non-resident Irish Companies 5. Recent Developments 6. Business Licences & Permits 7. Business PermissionChapter 20 ISRAEL 1. Types of business organizations 2. Tax and Employer Registration Requirements 3. Business Licenses & PermitsChapter 21 ITALY 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business 3. Business licenses and permits 4. Final remarksChapter 22 KOREA 1. Types of Business Organization 2. Procedures for Establishing a Business 3. Business Licenses and PermitsChapter 23 LUXEMBOURG 1. Types of business organizations 2. Incorporation procedure for Commercial Companies 3. Business regulation 4. A Counting obligations 5. Domestic Taxation regimeChapter 24 MALAYSIA 1. Types of Business Organisations 2. Procedures for Setting up a BusinessChapter 25 MEXI O 1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Procedures for Setting up a Business Organizati 3. Costs of IncorporationChapter 26 NEW ZEALAND 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business organizatioChapter 27 NIGERIA 1. Types of business organizations 2. Operational and Procedural Matters 3. Tax mattersChapter 28 PERU 1. Types of business organizations 2. Incorporating a business in Peru 3. COSTSChapter 29 PHILIPPINES 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for incorporating a business 3. Summary of registration feesChapter 30 POLAND 1. Types of basiness organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business 3. Business licenses and permitsChapter 31 RUSSIA 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business 3. Business licenses and permitsChapter 32 SAUDI ARABIA 1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Regulatory Framework 3. Procedures for Setting up a Business Entity/Filing and Fees 4. Tax and Employer Registration RequirementsChapter 33 SPAIN 1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Procedures for Setting up a Business 3. Business Licenses and PermitsChapter 34 SWEDEN 1. Types of Business Organizations 2. Procedures for Setting up a Business 3. Business Licenses and PermitsChapter 35 SWITZERLAND 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for setting up a business 3. Business license and permitsChapter 36 TURKEY 1. Types of business organizations 2. Incoiporating the legal entities 3. The licenses and the restrictions 4. Approximate time period and Costs 5. Evaluation of the draft legislatmnChapter 37 UKRAINE 1. Type of Business Organizations 2. Procedures for Setting Up a Business 3. Business Licenses and PermitsChapter 38 UNITED KINGDOM 1. Types of business organizations 2. Establishing a Business in the UK- omparison between Subsidiary and Bran h 3. Tax 4. Registration 5. Estimate of time frame and legal feesChapter 39 UNITED STATES OF AMERI A 1. Types of business organizations 2. Procedures for Setting up a Corporation 3. Business Licenses & PermitsChapter 40 VENEZUELA 1. Types of business organizations


  ◆“走出去”——自2000年中国政府鼓励有条件的企业走出去投资后,“走出去”已成为今日中国的一个流行语。2007年度,中国对外直接投资超过7200亿美元。2008年伊始,中国公司累积对外投资总额大约已达到1276亿美元,且有12万公司设立了海外办事机构。据权威预测,到2010年,中国对外投资年增长率将达到20%,对外投资金额将达600亿美元。  ◆“公司设立法律指南”——中国企业想成功走出去,最重要的是需要了解学习东道国和地区有关商业组织的知识,如个体经营者、合伙、股份有限公司及有限责任公司等。此外,每个东道国及地区法律规定的诸如注册资本要求、公司设立程序及注册相关费用等知识,也是企业做出重大投资决策前必须了解的内容。本书是一本中国企业“走出去”的“路书”,是一本有助于中国企业在全球范围内选择最佳商业与投资战略的实用工具书。  ◆“40个国家与地区”——本书凭借主编者多年的涉外法律实务经验,选取全球投资最为热门的40个国家与地区,邀请当地知名律所合伙人和著名律师倾力撰写,汇聚了全球40个国家与地区的法律专家的心血和智慧,从而确保了本书的专业性、准确性、实务性及针对性。  中国企业想成功走出去,最重要的是需要了解学习东道国和地区有关商业组织的知识,如个体经营者、合伙、股份有限公司及有限责任公司等。此外,每个东道国及地区法律规定的诸如注册资本要求、公司设立程序及注册相关费用等知识,也是企业做出重大投资决策前必须了解的内容。本书是一本中国企业“走出去”的”路书”,是一本有助于中国企业在全球范围内选择最佳商业与投资战略的实用工具书。 本书凭借主编者多年的涉外法律实务经验,选取全球投资最为热门的40个国家与地区,邀请当地知名律所合伙人和著名律师倾力撰写,汇聚了全球40个国家与地区的法律专家的心血和智慧,从而确保了本书的专业性、准确性、实务性及针对性。


  ◆“走出去”——自2000年中国政府鼓励有条件的企业走出去投资后,“走出去”已成为今日中国的一个流行语。2007年度,中国对外直接投资超过7200亿美元。2008年伊始,中国公司累积对外投资总额大约已达到1276亿美元,且有12万公司设立了海外办事机构。据权威预测,到2010年,中国对外投资年增长率将达到20%,对外投资金额将达600亿美元。  ◆“公司设立法律指南”——中国企业想成功走出去,最重要的是需要了解学习东道国和地区有关商业组织的知识,如个体经营者、合伙、股份有限公司及有限责任公司等。此外,每个东道国及地区法律规定的诸如注册资本要求、公司设立程序及注册相关费用等知识,也是企业做出重大投资决策前必须了解的内容。本书是一本中国企业“走出去”的“路书”,是一本有助于中国企业在全球范围内选择最佳商业与投资战略的实用工具书。  ◆“40个国家与地区”——本书凭借主编者多年的涉外法律实务经验,选取全球投资最为热门的40个国家与地区,邀请当地知名律所合伙人和著名律师倾力撰写,汇聚了全球40个国家与地区的法律专家的心血和智慧,从而确保了本书的专业性、准确性、实务性及针对性。  中国企业想成功走出去,最重要的是需要了解学习东道国和地区有关商业组织的知识,如个体经营者、合伙、股份有限公司及有限责任公司等。此外,每个东道国及地区法律规定的诸如注册资本要求、公司设立程序及注册相关费用等知识,也是企业做出重大投资决策前必须了解的内容。本书是一本中国企业“走出去”的”路书”,是一本有助于中国企业在全球范围内选择最佳商业与投资战略的实用工具书。 本书凭借主编者多年的涉外法律实务经验,选取全球投资最为热门的40个国家与地区,邀请当地知名律所合伙人和著名律师倾力撰写,汇聚了全球40个国家与地区的法律专家的心血和智慧,从而确保了本书的专业性、准确性、实务性及针对性。


页数 780 印数


全球40个国家和地区公司设立法律指南是中信出版社于2008.09出版的中图分类号为 D912.29-62 的主题关于 公司法-世界-指南 的书籍。