

杨惠中, 主编







1 Our Earth

Topic The natural and man-made world

Vocabulary Natural wonders; engineering feats

Functions Offering another opinion

Lesson A Listening & Speaking The natural world

Vocabulary Link: Natural wonders

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Similar stress patterns

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course The man-made world

Global Viewpoints: Natural wonders

Man-made structures

City Living: I love skyscrapers!

2 /Technology Today

Topic Modern technology

Vocabulary Computer words; describing products

Functions Showing interest

Lesson A Listening and Speaking Computers are everywhere.

Vocabulary Link: Computer words

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Pronunciation of s in used to and use/used

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course M0dern technology

Global Viewpoints: Technology today

City Living: The first word processor

3 Newspapers and the News

Topic News, newspapers, and journalism

Vocabulary People who bring us news; newspapers

Functions Asking about identity

Lesson A Listening & Speaking The people beh nd the news

Vocabulary Link: Newsmakers

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Identifying unclear vowels

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course in the News

Global Viewpoints: Jobs in the news

News sources

City Living: What are you waiting for?

4 The World of Work

Topic Jobs and occupations

Vocabulary Job qualities; two-word jobs

Functions Asking about ability

Lesson A Listening and Speaking Work, hiStory

Vocabulary Link: Job qualities

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Reduced for in time expressions

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course Dream jobs

Global Viewpoints: What do you do?

Dream jobs

City Living: The big job interview

5 Big Business

Topic International businesses; advertising

Vocabulary Describing companies; ways of advertising

Functions Talking about approximate amounts

Lesson A Listening and Speaking Success,Stories

Vocabulary Link: International companies

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Stress on nouns and verbs with the same spelling

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course Striking it rich

Global Viewpoints: Companies and advertising

City Living: "Furniture Showroom" —— Take one

6 Wealth

Topic Wealthy lifestyles and striking it rich

Vocabulary The life of luxury

Functions Expressing sympathy; expressing wishes

Lesson A Listening and Speaking Having it all

Vocabulary Link: The life of luxury

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Linking the same consonant sound

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Global Viewpoints: I wish ...

Striking it rich

City Living: Mike's Uncle Max

7 Social Issues

Topic Local and global issues

Vocabulary Community issues; world problems

Functions Making a complaint / asking for help; agreeing and disagreeing

Lesson A ListeningandSpeaking In my community

Vocabulary Link: Community issues

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Emphatic stress

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course Community issues

Global Viewpoints: In my community Global issues

City Living: What do you think of New York?

8 Honestly Speaking

Topic Lying, truth, and trust

Vocabulary Is lying ever OK?

Functions Giving direct advice; asking for opinion

Lesson A Listening and Speaking To tell the truth

Vocabulary Link: Is lying ever OK?

Listening: Activities 1-5

Pronunciation: Rising intonation to show surprise

Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2

Lesson B Video Course Honesty is the best policy.

Global Viewpoints: Lies, lies, lies!

City Living: Honesty is the best policy.

Review: Units 1-4 Testing Your Listening Comprehension

Review: Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Comprehension


《视听说教程4(学生用书 第2版)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材》每个单元由Lesson A (Listening&Speaking)和Lesson B(Video Course)构成。
  Lesson A从第一节到第四节,详细设计了语言点的引入、交际功能表达法的介绍、题材的介绍等等。第一节VocabularyLink是介绍与本节题材与交际功能有关的词汇和短语,第二节Listening是结合情景与交际功能进行听力练习,第三节Pronunciation为语音训练提供基本知识和示范,第四节Speaking&Communication结合情景与交际功能进行听和说的综合练习,将这些材料有机结合,在课堂里进行操练和仿说练习,帮助学生有效提高听和说的能力。教材每单元内容比较充裕,如果按计划进行听和说的操练,一般学校能够在课堂时间内完成教材内容。但有些学校如果因为班级太大,在课堂内组织口语练习确有困难,可以根据实际情况对内容进行选择,把课内时间集中在听力练习上,重点发展学生的英语听解能力。对于班级里英语程度比较好的有条件的学生,可鼓励他们在课外通过网络课件进一步进行听、说操练,全面提高英语听、说能力。


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视听说教程(4)学生用书是上海外语教育出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-听说教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。