

张海鹏, 主编







陶文钊,中国社会科学院美国研究所研究员、中美关系史研究会会长、武汉大学珞珈讲座教授、西安交通大学等多所大学兼职教授。长期从事近代中国对外关系史研究。1982年至1984年作为国家公派访问学者在美国乔治敦大学、斯坦福大学以及国家档案馆等处做学术进修和研究。1993年在英国伦敦大学亚非学院、公共档案馆等处做学术访问和研究。曾任美国研究所副所长、中华美国学会秘书长。享受国务院特殊津贴专家,1999年国家人事部授予有突出贡献的中青年专家称号。主要著作有《中美关系史(1911-200O)》(三卷本),《冷战结束后美国对华政策》(主编),《抗日战争时期中国对外关系》(合著),《日本侵华七十年史》(合著),《美国对华政策文件集,1949-1972》(三卷六册,主编)等。      张海鹏,1939年5月出生,湖北汉川人,1964年7月武汉大学历史学系毕业。学术专长为中国近代史研究。代表作:《中国近代史稿地图集》、《追求集——近代中国历史进程的探索》、《中国近代史研究》(合著)、《中国近代通史》(十卷本,合著)、《张海鹏集》、《台湾简史》(主编)、《书生议政一中国近代史学者看台湾的历史与现实》等,发表学术论文百余篇,其他文章两百佘篇。现任国务院学位委员会委员、中国史学会会长、中国孙中山研究会会长、中国社会科学院台湾史研究中心主任等,曾任中国社会科学院近代史研究所所长。


Chapter 1 Early Taiwan and the Development of Taiwan

Section 1 Prehistoric Culture in Taiwan and Fujian

Section 2 Taiwan in Historical Records before the Ming Dynasty

Section 3 Residents of Taiwan

Section 4 Zheng Chenggong's Expulsionof Dutch Colonists and Rule of Taiwan

Chapter 2 The Prefecture of Taiwan in the Early and Mid-Qing Dynasty

Section 1 Emperor Kangxi Unifies Taiwan

Section 2 The Policy of Rule in the Early Qing Dynasty

Section 3 Characteristics of the Immigrant Community

Chapter 3 Establishment of Taiwan Province and Its Development

Section 1 Invasion of Foreign Powers and Policy Shift of the Qing Court

Section 2 Establishment of Taiwan Province, an Important Step for Defending the Southeast

Chapter 4 Cession of Taiwan and the Colonial Rule during the Japanese Occupation

Section 1 The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and Taiwan's Forced Cession

Section 2 Establishment of Office of Taiwan Governor-general and Early Japanese Colonial Rule

Section 3 Colonial Rule after Civil Officials Were Placed at the Helm

Section 4 July 7 Incident of 1937, Full-scale War against Japanese Aggression and Their Impactm on Taiwan

Chapter 5 Retrocession of Taiwan and Restoration and Exercise of Chinese Sovereignty

Section 1 End of Japanese Occupation and Retum of Taiwan to China

Section 2 Chinese Government's Takeover and Reconstruction of Taiwan

Section 3 The February 28 Incident of 1947

Section 4 National Government's Measures to Address Public Grievances and Social Conflicts in Taiwan

Chapter 6 Chiang Kai-shek's Rule and Economic and Social Conditions of Taiwan

Section 1 Party Reform and Previous Plenary Sessions

Section 2 Strengthening of Dictatorship under the Guise of"Constitutionalism"

Section 3 US Taiwan Policy and Two Taiwan Straits Crises

Section 4 Economic Development and Land Reform

Section 5 Social Conditions

Chapter 7 Economic Take-off and Social Evolution of Taiwan under Chiang Ching-kuo's Administration

Section 1 Taiwan in a Critical Situation during 1970-80s

Section 2 Chiang Ching-kuo's Two "Political Reforms"

Section 3 Taiwan's Economic Development

Section 4 Evolution of the Taiwan Society

Chapter 8 Emerging of"Taiwan Independence" Movement and Situation of Taiwan Society

Section 1 Origins of"Taiwan Independence" Movement after the World War II

Section 2 Development and Changes in Taiwan's Politics during Lee Teng-hui's Administration

Section 3 Cross-Straits Relations and Lee Teng-hui's Propositions

Section 4 "Taiwan Independence" Propositions and Political Tactics of the DPP

Chapter 9 Development of Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Relations

Section 1 The Fundamental Principle of"Peaceful Reunification, and One Country,Two Systems"

Section 2 Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Relations

Section 3 Expansion of Cross-Straits Exchanges

Section 4 Cross-Straits Relations: From Confrontation to Detente

Chapter 10 Taiwan's Culture and Education

Section 1 Early Culture and Education

Section 2 Culture and Education in the Qing Dynasty

Section 3 Culture and Education under the Japanese Colonial Rule

Section 4 Culture and Education after the Retrocession


Postscript of the English Edition




尺寸23 × 15装帧精装


台湾简史是外文出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 K295.8 的主题关于 台湾省-地方史-英文 的书籍。