

周瑞杰, 主编





《新商务英语泛读教程》采用话题、语言技能和任务紧密结合的编写原则,全书以话题为核心,语言技能为 主线, 精心设计的任务型活动贯穿每个教学单元,根据不同的教学目的划分出不同的教学模块,对阅读基本技能进行训练。各分册的教学模块组成如下:Part one: Lead-in Part Two: Readings Part Three: Fast reading Part Four: Reading Skills


Unit 1 Management

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A What Is Management?

Text B True Leadership and Teamwork

Section C Extending Your English

I.Approaching the reading skill:Interpreting texts by going outside it(整体理解篇章结构)1

II.Applying the reading skill:Being Hard or Soft?

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding intemal communication texts(读懂公司内部交流文本)

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 2 Budgeting

Learning Objectives

SectionA Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A Prepare a Working Budget for Business Success

Text B Budgeting

Section C Extending Your English

I.Approaching the reading skill:Interpreting texts by going outside it(整体理解篇章结构)2

II.Applying the reading skill:The Benefits of Budgeting

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding short texts from business settings(读懂商务活动相关文本)

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 3 Employee Benefits

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A What Is Employee Welfare?

Text B Objectives ofEmployeeWelfare

Section C ExtendingYour English

I.Approachingthereading sldU:Tellingopinionsfromfacts(分辨观点与事实)1

II.Applying the reading skill:Google Benefits and Day Care

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding business letters(读懂商务信函)1

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 4 E-business

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A Optimizing the E-business

Text B Pros and Cons of E-business

Section C Extending Your English

I.Approachingthe reading skill:Tellingopinionsfromfacts(分辨观点与事实)2

II.Applyingthe reading skill:E-businessDreamMergers

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding business letters(读懂商务信函)2

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 5 Foreign Trade

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead.in

Section B Embracing English

Text A What Is International Trade?

Text B Advantages&Disadvantages ofIntemational Trade

Section C ExtendingYonrEnglish

I.Approaching the reading skill:Summarize the main idea of the text(概括文章大意)1

II.Applying the reading skill:Prepare Your Product for Import/Export

III.Job skill:Readingandunderstandingvisualinformation——tables(读懂表格)

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 6 Trade Fairs

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A GettingtheMostFromTrade Shows

Text B Trade Shows

Section C Extending Your English7

I.Approaching the reading skill:Summarize the main idea ofthe text(概括文章大意)2

II.Applyingthereading skill:Exhibitions&TradeShows——The History and Purpose

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding visual information——graphs(读懂曲线图和柱状图)

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 7 Logistics

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A Logistics:What It Is and Why It's Important to Your Company

Text B Logistics:VitaltoEveryBusiness

Section C Extending Your English

I.Approaching the reading skill:Understanding cohesion between parts of a text(grammatical)(理解语篇中的语法衔接)

II.Applyingthe reading skill:ImportanceofLogisticsinToday's Global Economy

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding visual information——charts(读懂组织结构图、流程图和饼图)

Section D Self-evaluation

Unit 8 Insurance

Learning Objectives

Section A Lead-in

Section B Embracing English

Text A HOW Does Insurance Work?

Text B Buying Business Insurance

Section C ExtendingYour English

I.Approaching the reading skill:Understanding cohesion between parts of a text(lexical)(理解语篇中的词汇衔接)

II.Applyingthe reading skill:U.S.Insttrance Giants Declare Neta Free-Trade Zone

III.Job skill:Reading and understanding visual in formation——illustrations(读懂示意图)

Section D Self-evaluation

New Words and Expressions


“新商务英语教程”系列教材采用话题、语言技能和任务紧密结合的编写原则,全书以话题为核心,语言技能为主线,精心设计的任务型活动贯穿每个教学单元。《新商务英语阅读教程3》为《新商务英语阅读教程3》,由周瑞杰主编,全书共8个单元,每单元由Learning Objectives,Lead-in,Embracing English,Extending Your English和Self-evaluation 5个模块构成,在扩大阅读量的同时对英语阅读基本技能及相关职业技能进行训练。   《新商务英语阅读教程3》可供高职高专院校商务英语专业和应用英语专业外贸和涉外文秘方向的学生在二年级上学期使用。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 3000


新商务英语阅读教程是清华大学出版社于2015.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 商务-英语-阅读教学-教材 的书籍。