

张雪莹, 华欣, 主编







张雪莹,经济学硕士,天津科技大学经济与管理学院教师,研究方向为国际贸易理论与实务,曾从事外贸进出口业务数年。主编《世界十大投资经典败局》、《启蒙中国》,参编《商务英语写作》,在核心刊物上发表论文数篇。 华欣,天津科技大学经济与管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,南开大学国际经济研究所博士生。研究方向为国际贸易理论与实务。主编国际贸易与实务教材两部,译著一部,在核心刊物上发表论文数篇,参与国家级科研课题多项,主持天津市教育规划课题、天津教委项目。



Section 1 Introduction to International Trade

Section 2 Reasons for International Trade

Section 3 International Trade Restrictions

Section 4 Forms of International Trade

Chapter One Name, Quality, Quantity and Package of Commodity

Section 1 Name of Commodity

Section 2 Quality of Commodity

Section 3 Quantity of Commodity

Section 4 Packaging of Commodity

Chapter Two Trade Terms

Section 1 Trade Terms and Incoterms 2000

Section 2 Main Trade Terms in Incoterms

Section 3 Other Trade Terms in Incoterms

Section 4 Annotation to Incoterms 2000

Chapter Three International Cargo Transportation

Section 1 Ocean Transport

Section 2 Ocean Transport Documents

Section 3 Container Transport

Section 4 Other Modes of Transport

Section 5 Transportation Clause

Chapter Four Cargo Transportation Insurance

Section 1 Brief Introduction of Cargo Transportation Insurance

Section 2 The Content of Cargo Transportation Insurance

Section 3 Marine Insurance Coverage and Clauses

Section 4 London Insurance Institute Clause

Section 5 Insurance of Land, Air and Postal Transportation

Section 6 Insurance Clauses in Sales Contract

Section 7 Practice on Marine Cargo Insurance

Chapter Five Means of Payment in International Trade

Section 1 Currency Payment

Section 2 Bill of Exchange

Section 3 Promissory Note and Check

Chapter Six Commercial Letter of Credit

Section 1 The Concept of Letter of Credit

Section 2 The Procedures of Letter of Credit

Section 3 The Characteristic and Function of Letter of Credit

Section 4 Types of Letter of Credit

Section 5 The Clauses Concerned L/C in Sales Contract

Chapter Seven Other Payment Terms

Section 1 Remittance

Section 2 Collection

Section 3 Letter of Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit

Section 4 International Factoring

Section 5 The Option for Varied of Settlement

Chapter Eight The Methods to Price the Imports and Exports

Section 1 Price Principles Strategy and Method

Section 2 The Selection of Money of Account and Precautions

Section 3 Foreign Exchange Rate

Section 4 Commission and Discount

Section 5 The Price Calculation of Export

Section 6 Price Clause in Sales Contract

Chapter Nine Customs Formalities and Commodity Inspection

Section 1 Customs Formalities for Import and Export

Section 2 Commodity Inspection

Chapter Ten General Procedures of Import & Export Transaction

Section 1 The Necessary Works before Import and Export Transaction.

Section 2 General Procedures of Business Negotiation

Section 3 Implementation of Contract

Section 4 Import Procedures

Section 5 Export Procedures

Chapter Eleven Checks and Amendment of Letter of Credit

Section 1 Checks of Letter of Credit

Section 2 The Checks of Documents

Chapter Twelve Other Common Methods of Trade

Section 1 Distribution and Agency

Section 2 Consignment and Fair with Sales

Section 3 Invitation for Tender, Submission of Tender and Auction

Chapter Thirteen Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration

Section 1 Claim

Section 2 Force Majeure

Section 3 Arbitration

Appendix One UCP600(English-Chinese Bilingual Version)

Appendix Two United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980)


本书是与中文版《新编国际贸易实务》相对应的英文版教材,以进出口贸易的主要业务环节为主线,系统地介绍了进出口贸易各个环节的操作规程和国际惯例。内容翔实全面,语言难易适中,专业性强,反映了国际贸易的最新变化和发展趋势。全书共分13 章,论述国际货物贸易的特点,商品的品名、品质、数量和包装,国际贸易术语,国际贸易货物运输,国际货物运输保险,国际贸易支付工具,商业信用证,其他支付方式,进出口商品和价格与核算,报关实务与商品检验,进出口交易过程,商业信用证及其单据审核,国际贸易方式,索赔、不可抗力和仲裁等内容。本书配套提供练习册,并为教师提供教学课件和练习答案。本书的读者对象主要为高等院校具有较好英语基础的经贸类专业和英语专业二、三年级的学生,以及有志从事国际贸易工作的其他人士。






新编国际贸易实务是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 F740.4 的主题关于 国际贸易-贸易实务-英文 的书籍。