

胡润, 主编





《胡润国际名校?美英瑞2014》(英文版),是第一本胡润国际名校的英文版。它是一本融合了热门留学大国:英国、美国,以及独具魅力的留学国家:瑞士的留学指南。全书以全英语的形式为目标读者群提供权威和详实的留学、移民等相关信息。是一本扩大了受众范围至亚洲学生,而不仅仅局限于中国学生的留学指南,书中有针对日本、韩国等亚洲国家学生申请以上3个国家的具体信息等。此外本指南以一种既有统一组成结构又有各自不同教育特色的方式编辑成册,使读者一目了然3国的教育体系从而做出选择。Hurun Schools Guide ? America, Britain, Switzerland 2014 is Hurun Schools Guide?English issue .It is a studying abroad guide which delivers relevant information of UK, US and Switzerland. This guide provide readers authority and detailed information in school application, emigrate, tourism and much more areas. This guide is not only limits in Chinese readers but also applies to the whole Asian students. We emphasize the similarities and differences between these three countries’ education systems. Thus, our readers could make a smart choice for their children.


Up FrontPUBLISHER’S VIEW6Study in The Main Destination CountriesEDITORIAL7The Key to Success is in the Details8Why Choose a Western Education?10UK vs. US vs. SwitzerlandFeaturesEXPERT OPINION12Why Boarding School?14The Best Time to Start Studying Overseas?CELEBRITY EDUCATION18Celebrity EducationBRITAININTRODUCTION26The British Education System: An Introduction28Prep Schools in the UK32A Time You Will Never Forget34What are the Bene?ts of a Girls’School?APPLYING AND ADJUSTING36Applying for a UK Visa38The Application Process to UK Schools40A Guide to Living in the UKBOARDING SCHOOLS42UK Boarding School Life44 What’s in a Ranking?46Boarding School Ranking by A-Level49Top Boarding Schools by Subject50Schools Index54Top 200 A-Level SchoolsUNIVERSITIES89Universities in Britain90The University of Oxford Tutorial System92The Hidden Bene?ts of an Oxbridge Education95Life at Cambridge96The Secret to Getting into Oxbridge98Top UK University Ranking 201499UK Universities Top 10POST-GRAD102Introduction to MBAs in the UK104Applying to an MBA Programme106MBA Rankings Top 10PROPERTY INVESTMENT108The UK: Learning and InvestingTOURISM110Britain On and O? the Silver ScreenAMERICAINTRODUCTION114The American Education System116Common Misconceptions about Studying in the United States120Gaining an Educational Edge122Standardized Tests in AmericaAPPLYING AND ADJUSTING125Applying for a US Student Visa128Applying to Boarding Schools in the US132Settling In134Postgraduate and Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students Studying in the USBOARDING SCHOOLS136America’s Unique Private Boarding SchoolsT138op 100 US Boarding Schools: An Introduction140Schools Index146Boarding Schools A-Z172Classi?ed RankingsUNIVERSITIES176Universities in the US: An Introduction178US University Rankings Top 50180What is a Liberal Arts College?182Liberal Arts College Rankings184My Study Abroad Experience185Campus LifePOST-GRAD186MBAs in the US189MBA Programs & Business Schools Rankings190op 50 MBA Programs & Business Schools202The Bene?ts of Business SchoolsPROPERTY INVESTMENT204Property in New York: Taking A Bite out of the Big AppleTOURISM206East Coast New York, West Coast Los AngelesSWITZERLANDINTRODUCTION211Nowhere Else in the World…212Switzerland’s Unique and Varied CultureAPPLYING AND ADJUSTING214Applying for a Swiss Visa215Introduction to Swiss High SchoolsBOARDING SCHOOLS216Private Secondary Schools in SwitzerlandHOTEL SCHOOLS222Leading Hotel Schools in SwitzerlandPROPERTY INVESTMENT226Investing in Swiss Luxury PropertyIMMIGRATION227Immigration to SwitzerlandTOURISM228Switzerland, Winter WonderlandEVENTS230Social Events


你想知道哪个国家最适合什么样的孩子留学吗?你想知道什么的寄宿中学适合什么样的孩子就读吗?你想知道不同的名牌大学各具什么样的优势和特色吗?名校排名不等同专业排名,你想知道哪些大学的哪些专业排名最前列吗?你想知道哪些专业的名师在哪所大学吗?你想知道留学中最应注意哪些问题吗?……《胡润国际名校》指南系列丛书,带给你开启世界名校的钥匙,为确保孩子们的留学之路不输在起跑线上,为确保孩子们的留学人生少走弯路,为确保孩子们的出国深造学业前途宽广、为确保孩子的留学能为未来事业打下扎实的根基……请翻阅一下《胡润国际名校》系列丛书吧!本书是胡润国际名校系列推出的第一本全英文刊物,以在中国工作和生活的外籍人士子女的留学需求为主要目标,有针对性地融合了三个热门留学国家:英国、美国和瑞士的教育制度、体系和特色,并一如既往地将关注重点放在中学教育上。【作者简介】胡润(Rupert Hoogewerf),1970年出生于卢森堡,1993年毕业于英国杜伦大学(Durham University),曾留学中国人民大学学习汉语,留学日本学习日语,通晓德语、法语、卢森堡语、葡萄牙语等七种语言。英国注册会计师,七年安达信伦敦和上海的工作经验。1999年首创“百富榜”,被称为是研究中国民营经济的“教父级”人物。 胡润百富被广泛认为是追踪记录中国企业家群体变化的权威机构,胡润(RupertHoogewerf),是“胡润百富榜”的创制者,1999年,胡润“百富榜”推出,此后编制了一系列具有突破性意义的排行榜。


尺寸21 × 29装帧平装
页数 224 印数 5000