

佳图文化, 编







当代中国建筑1Office Building 办公建筑Anhui Province Administrative Center安徽省政务服务中心大厦及综合办公楼Dalian International Shipping Building大连国际航运大厦Fujian Public Security Intelligence Control Room福建公安指挥情报中心Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.福建宁德核电有限公司综合办公楼Office Building of Housing & Urban-Rural Construction Department in Hunan Province湖南省住房和城乡建设厅办公楼The People's Procuratorate of Jilin吉林省人民检察院Service Center of Jinan Long’ao Assets Operation Co.,Ltd.济南龙奥资产运营有限公司综合服务楼Jianghai Business Tower江海商务大厦Standard Factory Building 1, 2 & 8 of Suzhou Science and Technology Town (SSTT)科技城独立式标准厂房1#、2#、8# 楼Nano Materials Research Building纳米材料综合研究平台CHERVON Headquarters泉峰集团总部办公楼Shandong Industry Association Building山东省行业协会大楼Office Complex of SKSHU Paint Co.,Ltd.三棵树涂料股份有限公司办公研发楼Tanggu Service Center for the Disabled, Tianjin天津市塘沽区残疾人综合服务中心Broadcast and Dubbing Building of Xinjiang People's Broadcasting Station新疆人民广播电台播控译制楼The Office Building of Yanbian Administrative Center延边州行政中心办公楼Changxing Radio and Television Bureau长兴广播电视局Zhejiang Daily Press Group Editing Building浙江日报报业集团采编大楼China Potevio Shanghai Industrial Park HQ Scientific Research Building中国普天信息产业上海工业园总部科研楼Beichuan Administrative Center北川行政中心Electric Power Distribution and Trade Center of Northeast Grid东北电网电力调度交易中心大楼Guangdong Xinghai Performance Art Group (New Address)广东星海演艺集团(新址)The French Embassy in Beijing法国驻华大使馆新馆Harbin International Communication Platform哈尔滨市国际交流平台Commercial Building 商业建筑Chengdu Suning Plaza成都苏宁广场B06 Plot Project in Donggang District (Wanda Center)东港区B06 地块项目(万达中心)ASEAN International Business Zone Korean Garden东盟国际商务区韩国园区Renovation of Plot B on Aomen West Road in Three Lanes & Seven Alleys, Fuzhou福州三坊七巷澳门西路B 地块保护更新设计JSWB International Green Land Furniture Village Phase II吉盛伟邦绿地国际家具村二期Shenzhen NEO Tower深圳绿景纪元大厦China Merchants Bank Building in Suzhou Industrial Park苏州工业园区招商银行大厦Tuanbo Scenery Holiday Hotel and Tianfang Tuanbo Club House团泊风景假日及天房团泊会馆China Minmetals Tower中国五矿商务大厦Chongqing Xianwai SOHO and Club重庆线外SOHO 及会所Guiyang International Conference and Exhibition Center 201 Tower贵阳国际会议展览中心201 大厦Hotel Building 酒店建筑Huanglong Seercuo International Hotel黄龙瑟尔嵯国际大酒店Renaissance Tianjin Lakeview Hotel万丽天津宾馆Beijing Guquan Convention Center (CITIC Jingling Hotel)北京谷泉会议中心(中信金陵酒店)State Guesthouse of Hainan Branch of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital解放军总医院海南分院国宾馆当代中国建筑2Educational Building 教育建筑Ambow (Dalian) Service Outsourcing Talent Training Base安博(大连)服务外包人才实训基地Dalian Harbour Affairs College's Jin Shi Tan Campus大连枫叶职业技术学院金石滩校区Dalian University of Technology Chemical Complex Building大连理工大学化工综合楼Erdos No.1 Middle School Information Center鄂尔多斯市第一中学图文信息中心Hengdan School in Wenxian, Gansu甘肃文县横丹学校Jiang Nan Shui Du Middle School江南水都中学New Campus of Jiangyin High School江苏省江阴高级中学新校区The North No.2 Liberal Arts Building, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)Jiangjun Road East Campus 南航将军路校区东区北2 号文科楼Century Hall of Tsinghua University清华百年会堂Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO), MOFCOM商务部国际商务官员研修学院New Campus of Shenzhen Institute of Information and Technology深圳信息职业技术学院迁址新建工程Weifang Municipal Party Committee Party School Teaching & Administration Department潍坊市市委党校教学行政组团Wuxi City College Vocational Technology New Campus无锡城市职业技术学院新校区Central South University Comprehensive Teaching Building中南大学综合教学楼International Students Apartment of Peking University北京大学留学生公寓New Library of Nanjing Arts Institute南京艺术学院新图书馆Chengde Petroleum Higher Academy Library承德高等石油专科学院图书馆Dushuhu Higher Education District Southeast University Suzhou Graduate School Phase II独墅湖高教区东南大学苏州研究生院二期工程Arts Centre of Shandong University of Technology山东理工大学大学生艺术中心‘Library of Shandong University of Technology山东理工大学图书馆Fujian South China Women's Vocational College New Campus福建华南女子职业学院大学城新校区Yifu Library , West Lake Campus of Fuyang Normal College阜阳师范学院西湖校区逸夫图书馆综合楼Sichuan Branch of the National Prosecutors College国家检察官学院四川分院Liaoning College of Communications Library辽宁交通高等专科学校图书馆Library of Shandong Union Management Cadres College山东省工会管理干部学院图书馆Library of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine长春中医药大学图书馆North Campus of Zhoukou Normal University Library Management Center周口师范学院北校区图书馆管理中心Transportation Building 交通建筑Daqing Highway Passenger Terminal大庆市公路客运枢纽站Terminal of Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport揭阳潮汕机场航站楼及配套工程Suzhou Automobile North Station Reconstruction Project苏州汽车北站改建工程Suzhou Rail Transit Line 1 Control Center苏州市轨道交通一号线工程控制中心大楼Turpan Jiaohe Airport Terminal吐鲁番机场航站楼工程Healthcare Building 医疗建筑Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Reconstruction & Extension北京朝阳医院改扩建工程门急诊及病房楼Shenyang Air Force 1221 Project沈空1221 工程(文体医疗综合楼)Chongzhou People’s Hospital and Chongzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital崇州市人民医院及崇州市妇幼保健院Outpatient Building of Jinan Military General Hospital济南军区总医院门诊综合楼Lingnan Hospital of the Third Hospital Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University (Luogang Central Hospital)中山大学附属第三医院岭南医院(萝岗中心医院)Pengzhou People’s Hospital彭州市人民医院Transportation当代中国建筑3Cultural Building 文化建筑Rebuilt and Extension Project of Heibei Library河北省图书馆改扩建工程Beichuan Earthquake Memorial Park Happiness Garden Exhibition北川抗震纪念园幸福园展览馆New Anhui Museum安徽省博物馆新馆Baoji Bronze Museum宝鸡市青铜器博物院Li Yizhi Memorial Building and Park Planning李仪祉纪念馆建筑及园区规划设计Pingdingshan Museum平顶山博物馆Taicang Culture and Art Center太仓市文化艺术中心Hangzhou Wushan Museum杭州吴山博物馆China National Theatre and the Office中国国家话剧院剧场及办公楼Chongqing Science & Technology Museum重庆科技馆Xuzhou Music Hall徐州音乐厅Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, Liu’an, Anhui安徽省六安市城市规划展览馆Beijing International Flower Logistic Port北京国际花卉物流港Hebei Qian’an Cultural Convention and Exhibition Center河北迁安市文化会展中心Longyan Convention and Exhibition Center龙岩市会展中心Shenxianshu Community Service Center神仙树社区服务中心Water Park Reconstruction Project水上公园改造工程Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center天津梅江会展中心Chongqing Science & Technology Museum重庆科技馆Xinjiang Science and Technology Museum Reconstruction and Extension Project新疆科技馆改扩建工程Reconstruction and Extension Project of Guangdong Provincial Sun Yat-Sen Library广东省立中山图书馆改扩建工程Ninghai Library宁海县图书馆Hangzhou Cuisines Museum杭帮菜博物馆Liuzhou Wonder Stone Museum柳州奇石馆Sports Building 体育建筑2010 Guangzhou Asian Games Swimming and Diving Hall of provincial venues2010 年广州亚运会省属场馆游泳跳水馆South China Technology University Stadium, Guangzhou University City广州大学城华南理工大学体育馆National tennis hall国家网球馆Luoyang New District Sports Center Stadium洛阳新区体育中心体育场Nansha Gymnasium南沙体育馆Putian Sports Center莆田市体育中心Shanxi Sports Center山西省体育中心Shenzhen University Games Center Stadium深圳大运中心体育场Shenzhen Bao’an Stadium深圳市宝安体育场Fujian Provincial Physical Rehabilitation and Employment Training Center for the Disabled福建省残疾人体育康复就业培训中心Dalian Stadium大连市体育场Fujian Physical Polytechnic College Track and Field Training Center福建省体育职业技术学院田径训练馆Liaoning Sports Training Center (Baiye Base)辽宁省体育训练中心( 柏叶基地)




尺寸26 × 19装帧精装


当代中国建筑是江苏科学技术出版社于2014.4出版的中图分类号为 TU206 的主题关于 建筑设计-作品集-中国-现代 的书籍。