

徐善驾, 著








Chapter I Nonuniform Dielectric Waveguides and Applications

Effect of Transition Waveguides on Dielectric Waveguide Directional Couplers

Transitions in Open Millimetre-Wave Waveguides

Substrate-Mounted Non-Radiative Dielectric Guide for Low-Loss Millimetre-Wave Integrated Circuits

Analysis of Coupling Between Two Parallel Dielectric Waveguides

Network Analysis of Eigenvalue Problem for Multilayer Dielectric Waveguide Consisting of ArbitraryNumber of Layers

E-plane Waveguide Filters with Partially Filled Dielectrics for Wide Bandwidth

Mode Matching Analysis of Propagation Characteristics for Dielectric Ridge Guide with Triangular and Trapezoidal Profiles

Chapter II Engineerlized Method and Applications

Hybrid-Mode Analysis of Planar Transmission Lines with Arbitrary Metallization Cross Sections

Transverse Scattering Matrix Formulation for a Class of Waveguide Eigenvalue Problems

Network Representation and Transverse Resonance for Layered Chirowaveguides

Scattering Characteristics of Rectangular Coaxial Line Discontinuities

Simple Method for Analysing Finlines with Extremely Narrow Slotwidth and Thick Fins

Microwave Transmission and Reflection of Stratified Lossy Dielectric Segments Partially Filling Waveguide

Improved Perturbation Analysis for a New Omnidirectional Periodic Dielectric ROd Leaky-Wave Antennafor Millimeter-Wave


Capacitance Extraction for Multiconductor Transmission Lines in Multilayered Dielectric Media Using theNumerical Greens Function

Analysis of Loss and Dispersion Characteristics for Groove Guides with Arbitrary Groove Profiles by anEquivalent Active

Transmission Line Method

Chapter III Edge-element Method and Applications

Coupling of Edge-Element and Mode-Matching for Multistep Dielectric Discontinuity in GuidingStructures

An Efficient High-Order Mixed-Edge Rectangular-Element Method for Lossy Anisotropic DielectricWaveguides

3-D High-Order Edge-Element Analysis of 3-D Discontinuity Problems in Guiding Wave Structures

Finitc-Elcmcnt Analysis of Dispersion and Loss Characteristics of Groove Guide with Arbitrary Shapes

Chapter IV Antennas and Leaky Wave Structures

Characteristics and Design Consideration of Leaky-Wave NRD-Guides for Use as Millimeter-Wave Antenna

A Novel Leaky NRD Guide with a Double-Layer Dielectric Slab

Leaky Wave Antenna Based on Image NRD Guide with Staircase-Shaped Dielectric Slab

Properties of Guided Modes on Open Structures Near the Cutoff Region Using a New Version of ComplexEffective Dielectric Constant

Radiation and Leakage Characteristics of Transverse Slot in NRD-Guidc Operating in LSE00 Mode

A Millimeter-Wave Omnidirectional Circular Dielectric Rod Grating Antenna

A Millimeter-Wave Omnidirectional Dielectric Rod Metallic Grating Antenna

Mutual Coupling Calibration of DBF Array with Combined Optimization Method

Efficient and Simple Analytical Exprcssion for Slot Antenna Problems 177A New Method for Reflection and Radiation Analysis of Dielectric Rod Antenna Excited with the HE11Mode

Mode-Matching Analysis of a New Omnidirectional Circular Rod Antenna with Double Dielectric Gratingsfor Millimeter-Wave Application

Chapter V Dielectric Periodic Structures and Application

A Simple and Accurate Method for Analysis of Dielectric Periodic Structures

The Effect of Radiation on Transmission of Quasi-Periodic Multi-Layer Planar Dielectric Gratings

Numerical Analysis for the Transmission Characteristics of Different Kinds of Optical Fiber Gratings

Dispersion Analysis of Birefringent Dielectric Grating Structure for Application in Pressure and Temperature Measurements

A Systematic Investigation on Diffraction Characteristics of Dielectric Periodic Structure with Arbitrary Grating Profiles

Investigation into Effects of Dielectric Loss on Frequency Selective Characteristics of Dielectric Periodic Structures

A New Dielectric Grating Antenna with Large Leakage Constant for Millimeter-Wave Applications

Chapter VI NRD Guides and Groove Guides

Spectral-Domain Greens Function of Magnetic Type for NRD Guides and H-Guides

Modal Analysis of Open Groove Guide with Arbitrary Groove Profile

Scattering Properties of Discontinuities in NRD Guide

A Double-Slab Leaky-Wave NRD Antenna

A Novel Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on NRD Guide with Wedged Cross-Section

Chapter Ⅶ Left-handed Materials and Applications

Paper list


The main research interests of the laboratory lie on the studies of electromagnetic wave phenomena and applications in microwave, millimeter and optical wave engineering. Such as: wave propagation,scattering and radiation in various media and structures; new numerical and analytical methods for analyzing the wave phenomena; new antennas and guiding structures for applications in electronic engineering.




介质导波结构及应用是中国科学技术大学出版社于2008.07出版的中图分类号为 O441.4 的主题关于 电磁波-研究-英文 的书籍。