

扬怏, 编著







Chapter One Cultural Diversity

Lead-in Case

Learning Objectives

1.1 Cultural Diversity

1.1.1 Definition ofCulture

1.1.2 Characteristics of Culture

1.1.3 Recognizing Cultural Differences

1.2 The Core of Culture 8

1.2.1 CuItural Values 8

1.2.2 Hofstede's Five Dimensions

1.2.3 Hall's High-and Low-cultural Dimension

1.2.4 K1uckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations

1.3 Fundamental Dimensions of Culture in Business across Cultures

1.3.1 Trompenaars'S Dimensions

1.3.2 The GLOBE Studv



Case Study

Chapter Two Understanding Business Communication across Cultures

Lead-in Case

Learning Objectives

2.1 Brief Introduction of Business Communication

2.1.1 Definition of Communication

2.1.2 Definition of Business Communication

2.1.3 Levels of Business Communication

2.1.4 Barriers to Effective Business Communication

2.2 Impact of Cultural Diversity on Business Communication

2.2.1Influence of Culture on Behaviors in Business Communication

2.2.2 Influence of Culture on Developing Relationships in Business

2.2.3 Influence of Culture on Business Communication Styles

2.3 Cross-cultural Business Communication

2.3.1 Complexity of Cross-cultural Business Communication

2.3.2 How to Make Successful Cross-cultural Business C0mmunication



Case Study

Chapter Three Verbal Communication and Culture

Lead.in Case

Learning Objectives

3.1 Language and Communication

3.1.1 Power of Language

3.1.2 Relationship Between Language and Communication

3.1.3 Definition and Classification of Verbal C0mmunication

3.2 Relationship Between Verbal Communication and CuIture

3.2.1 Influence of Verbal Communication 0n CuIture

3.2.2 Influence of Culture on Verbal Communication

3.3 Cultural Variations in the Verbal Communication Style

3.3.1 Direct and Indirect Communication Styles

3.3.2 Elaborate and Succinct Communication Styles

3.3.3 Personal and Contextual Communication Styles

3.3.4 Instrumental and Affective Communication Styles

3.4 Translation or Interpretation in Business Communication across Cultures

3.4.1 Lack of Linguistic Equivalency

3.4.2 Lack of Conceptual,Idiomatic and Experiential Equivalence

3.4.3 The Role of the Translator or Interpreter

3.5 Selection of the Right Language

3.5.1 Choosing the Language of Business across Cultures

3.5.2 Choosing a Company Language

3.6 Effective Oral Business Communication across CuItures

3.6.1 Types of Oral Business Communication

3.6.2 Tips for Effective Oral Communication acmss CultuIles

3.7 Effective Written Communication

3.7.1 Written Communication with Cultural Diversitv

3.7.2 Tips for Effective Written Communication

3.7.3 Three-step Writing Process

3.8 Advances and Trends in Communication Technology

3.8.1 Wireless

3.8.2 E-mail

3.8.3 Smartphones 1

3.8.4 Networking

3.8.5 Videoconferencing

3.8.6 Intranets and Collaborative Projeets



Case Study

Chapter Four Nonverbal Communication,Business

Etiquette and Culture

Lead.in Case

Learning Objectives

4.1 Definition of Nonverbal Communication

4.2 Functions of Nonverbal Communication

4.2.1 Repeat a Verbal Message

4.2.2 Contradict a Verbal Message

4.2.3 Substitute for a Verbal Message

4.2.4 Supplement a Verbal Message

4.2.5 Accent a Verbal Message

4.2.6 Regulate Verbal Communication

4.3 Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication

4.4 Nonverbal Communication across Cultures

4.4.1 Influence of Culture on Nonverbal Communication

4.4.2 Types of Nonverbal Communication

4.5 Business Etiquette

4.5.1 Greeting

4.5.2 Dining

4.5.3 Giving Gihs

4.5.4 Business Attire

4.5.5 Business Meeting



Case Study

Chapter Five Cross-cultural Business Negotiation

Lead-in Case

Learning Objectives

5.1 Definition of Cross-cultural Negotiation

5.2 The Negotiation Process

5.2.1 Stage One:Preparation

5.2.2 Stage Two:Relationship Building

5.2.3 Stage Three:Exchanging Task-related Information

5.2.4 Stage Four:Persuasion

5.2.5 Stage Five:Concessions and Agreement

5.3 Variables in Cross-cultural Negotiation Process

5.3.1 Basic Conception of Negotiation Process

5.3.2 Most Significant Type of Issue

5.3.3 Selection 0f Negotiators

5.3.4 Influence of Individuals'Aspirations

5.3.5 Internal Decision-making Process

5.3.6 Orientation Toward Time

5.3.7 Risk.making Propensity

5.3.8 Basis 0fTrust

5.3.9 C0ncem with Protocol

5.3.10 Style of Communication

5.3.11 Nature of Persuasion

5.3.12 Form ofAgreement

5.4 Understanding Negotiation Styles

5.5 Using the Internet to Support Negotiations

5.5.1 Web.based Support System

5.5.2 E.negotiations

5.6 Advice for Cross-cultural Negotiations

5.6.1 Anticipate Differences in Strategy and Tactics That May Cause Misunderstandings

5.6.2 Analyze Cultural Differences to Identify Differences in Values That Expand the Pie

5.6.3 Recognize That the Other Party May Not Share Our View of What Constitutes Power

5.6.4 Avoid Attribution EITOrS

5.6.5 Find out How to Show Respect in the Other Culture

5.6.6 Find out HOW Time Is Perceived in t11e Other Culture

5.6.7 Know Our Options for Change



Case Study

Chapter Six Promoting Cross-cultural Business Communication

Lead in Case

Learning Objectives

6.1 Cross-cuhural Communication Ethics

6.1.1 Definition of Cross.cuhural Communication Ethics

6.1.2 Cross-cultural Business Ethics——-Classic Cases and Important Issues

6.1.3 Ethical Relativism

6.1.4 Principles of Ethical Cross cultural Communication

6.2 Listening

6.2.1 The Nature of Listening

6.2.2 Classification of Listening

6.2.3 The Problem of Poor Listening Skills

6.2.4 Cultural Differences in Listening

6.2.5 A Strategy for Becoming a Better Listener

6.3 Developing Cross-cultural Communication Competence

6.3.1 Components of Cross-cultural Competence

6.3.2 Strategies to Develop Cross-cultural Communication Competence



Case Study





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跨文化商务沟通是武汉大学出版社于2014.1出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 商务-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。